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Posts posted by invector

  1. Wouldn't buy a coat without a hood!! Don't really use a hood when shooting, although they are really handy if a cold wind is blowing from the back. I use a mesh face veil that covers the head , with a decent gap for my eyes. No need for a cap or hat, because the veil does the job, and I certainly don't feel my sight is hampered in any way. I see the birds and I shoot 'em!! By the way I NEVER wear camouflage clothing. Just stay behind the net until you are ready to kill 'em.

  2. Got ready to shoot the rookeries this morning. Rain! Went to see Will Beasley and spent a few quid. Back home, the rain had cleared, so went out and shot 20 rooks. Checked my lupin fields and there were about 200 pigeons on one of them. Guess where I'm going tomorrow? They were feeding at 5pm so I'm taking some food and drink; could be a long day!!

  3. I always add crow decoys to pigeon decoys when I'm shooting. I also put some pigeon deeks out when I'm shooting crows. Pigeons will rarely fly over the crow deeks, so they are best put past your killing ground. Having said that I once had a pigeon land right next to a crow decoy! Crows can't resist a nose at your pigeon deeks, and possibly pigeons feel a bit more secure, when crows are part of the general pattern. Hedge your bets, and play for both, is my advice.

  4. Don't ignore OSR just because it is too high and in flower. I'm shooting a few on the six metre, uncultivated headlands, surrounding the rape. They are eating chickweed and taking some of the rape at the margins of the crop. A bit cramped for the deeks at times, but I draw them in with cradles on canes over the edge of the crop, as well as some on the headlands. Handy if the wind is blowing along the line of the hedge!!

  5. My lupins went in a few days ago and are already peeping through. I expect the rooks to find 'em first, followed very shortly by the pigeons. It really is a matter of which birds have the gumption to investigate the field after sowing; generally rooks.


    The rooks will swamp my clover/grass, as soon as it is cut for silage, and so will the pigeons. I will find my shooting time divided between lupins and clover. The pigeons visit the lupins until, either they are too tall, or when another crop beckons. After the lupins are harvested, again it is the rooks that get on first, and sometimes attract the pigeons. Either way I set up on both crops with dead pigeon AND crow decoys to take advantage of the situation.

  6. Thankfully this one was in mint condition. As the seller put it back in the case, and wiped the stock with a soft rag, I knew it was the equivalent of the vicar's wife's car. He'd had it for only a short while and was dreaming of getting a motor bike, so I dropped lucky. The next Bettinsoli will be new!

  7. I started on Tuesday, May 2nd (8 branchers and four adults) Went again this morning, and shot 19 branchers and two pigeons. I'll keep at 'em though because the hatch has been staggered and there are much younger rooks in the nests. Probably be a two week job!

  8. Since RUAG Ammotec took over the Bettinsoli line have certainly been improved. I would recommend them, and currently have my eye on the Diamondline de Luxe.


    I bought mine secondhand, as a pigeon hide gun, for £300, (the seller was asking £350) For an extra £40 I got the rest of his shooting kit and was very pleased with the deal.

  9. Tough luck Old Chap, but you are luckier than us. :good:


    Your rain will stop, but we still won't have any wild turkeys. B)


    I thought I saw some film of a few wild turkeys down Norfolk way? Bernard Matthews wasn't it? If they weren't mad they should have been, being walloped like that!!

  10. Speed doesn't kill. Energy kills!


    Northants police are forever turning the cameras round, to face the opposite direction, so catching motorists out. Their latest plan is to use cameras that take a picture from both directions to catch those who slow down then, speed up, after passing the camera. This idea is also to catch the number plates of motor cycles, which are only at the rear of the bike. You have to be on your guard around here!!

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