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Posts posted by invector

  1. The common law of treasure trove in England, Wales and Northern Ireland was replaced in 1996 by The Treasure Act. The definition of treasure has been extended to include objects found in association with precious metal items, that would have been covered by treasure trove etc.

  2. Are you shooting pigeons with an air rifle, or a shotgun? The previous answer would apply if you are using a shotgun, but not necessarily when using an air rifle, which is essentially a static discipline, without the need to get up to shoot, like shotgun shooting. In both cases your hide should be where the pigeons are. Finding a place with the wind behind you, when using a shotgun, is OK, as long as the sun isn't in your face!!

  3. I'm up to 103 plus 3 pigeons and a grey squirrel so far. I went every two days and will be there again tomorrow. The hatch was staggered, and some will take a day or two to fledge properly and get out of the nests. Some of the branchers are already flying, but can't stay up too long, and soon return to be shot.

  4. How about crapping on the dance floor? A few mates I worked with would go to the local disc, stand around and guard one of their number, who deposited a walnut whip on the floor before they dispersed to await results. Builders eh??

  5. Wherever you be let the wind go free, it gives mankind great ease. It warms the bed on a wintry night, and suffocates the fleas. My daughter STILL reminds me of the time, when she was little, that I ****** on EVERY step of the stairs! (About 16 in all!)

  6. Not all farmers swath OSR, some combine it straight off the field. :lol: As that 'crafty decoyer' you can certainly get some shooting on the uncultivated headlands, with all those weeds etc. but the ideal situation is with the wind blowing along the hedgeline, so they can get in comfortably. I use some dead birds, on cradles, pushed down the centre of ordinary garden canes, and just in the crop, with further deeks on the headland. A bit tight at times but should get you some sport, although you aren't supposed to be shooting them for sport Ha! Ha! :good:

  7. If pounds in a prostitute's purse are the wages of sin, what are pennies in a rent boy's pocket?












































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