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Posts posted by invector

  1. ochreI didn`t want it to appear that ALL the birds land in my decoys, although many do, but the majority of pigeons are killed as they drop in to land or hover in my pattern. If you want to take easy doubles getting one, at least ,to land makes things easier! Sometimes birds are drawn away from the pattern because they want to drop into a sitty tree or another bird, which may not have seen the decoys or is more cautious, will pull them away.


    What I don`t want to see is a bird flaring or jinking either as it approaches my pattern or is about to land. That`s the time I try to find out what has spooked it. I take them on at all angles during the course of the day but question those that panic.


    As far as the wind direction is concerned, if you watch the birds and notice that they have changed their approach and are now crossing your pattern at a different angle, because the wind has changed a bit, swing the deeks around to catch the wind again. Otherwise they will approach deeks that are positioned unnaturally and usually hover and look for a place to land which is outside your killing area, so making the shot more difficult. I pride myself on the fact that I can MAKE pigeons commit suicide in my pattern!!!

  2. Learn to shoot sitting down mate. BRUK`s got a thing about shooting standing up and started a thread about it some time ago.


    When you`re sitting in a water-filled ditch with both feet encased in gloopy mud where does the footwork come in then?? Anyone who advocates standing up every time, when shooting pigeons from a hide, hasn`t done a lot of decoying!! If you learn to shoot sitting down you have an instant advantage over people who MUST stand up. BRUK either visits too many clay shoots or reads too many books - or both!

  3. Double H I DO expect pigeons to land in my pattern and I would want to know why if they didn`t!!! They are mostly adults with a few juveniles at this time of year but at other times, with no juveniles, I want the adults to land. Rotaries are not essential on rape, and I`m getting good results without one, although I`m sorely tempted to get one just to see how good they are. You have to know when to leave the rotary in your vehicle and my advice to miroku38 is to bring in the rotary if pigeons flare away and see if it helps.


    As long as you remain well hidden, have nothing wrong with your pattern and no birds on their backs, or lying in unnatural positions, there must be something that is spooking them and the rotary is one variable you must eliminate. One other thing that is sometimes overlooked is a change in the wind direction during the day. If the birds are not coming in to your pattern from the same direction they were when you set out your deeks this could be the problem. I`ve had this happen several times and adjusting the pattern to take in the alternative wind direction does the trick. You must WATCH THE BIRDS or you`ll keep making the same mistakes every time. I`m very sensitive to the way birds approach my deeks and anything out of the ordinary and I will do everything I can to remedy it. If most of the birds are not actually landing in or around my pattern I know there is something wrong and I put it right. The other trick is to stay behind the netting and leave the hide as little as possible, whatever the temptation. Naturally I kill any birds that are wounded but as long as the birds are coming in OK I stay in the hide.

  4. The pigeons have been on the rape for over three weeks in my corner of Northants and the gas guns are already out! :lol: I`ve had a few bags of thirty plus during this time and don`t find them particularly difficult to attract down. :lol: I`ve even started to pick and choose, shooting adult birds instead of juveniles! :)


    I usually start aroung 10am and have given up on early morning starts and plazzy deeks!! Don`t forget, if you also start at 10am, in pigeon time it`s 9am now that the clocks have gone back an hour. There are some flocks of over 200 birds about and I`m glad when they get split up and come in twos and threes.

  5. henry c pigeons don`t KNOW that slugs are good protein, nor that snails contain calcium. They are omnivorous and opportunists and will eat whatever is available at the time. If slugs and snails look like a meal they will eat them. They don`t know what is in them!! If you believe they do know then you are guilty of anthropomorphism!!


    Pigeons go to where they were feeding the day before or follow other pigeons to a food source. They are governed by instinct and manage to eat a fairly balanced diet that sometimes includes slugs and snails. That`s why they come readily to decoys and are easy to fool. It only takes one pigeon to drop into a field, to look around for food, for others to follow suit. I`ve had them drop into my pattern, look at dead pigeons 20 inches up on cradles and just start ripping leaves as if it was normal. We can fool their basic instinct to gather with their mates and feed and we shoot `em. EASY!!!

  6. Years ago a mate had a hob that was a nasty piece of work and was used as a liner, to locate lie-ups. This hob had a line fixed to a collar and he would put the ferret in a sack and tie the neck of the sack with the line from the ferret. When he needed the hob he just held the sack up and let it unwind until he could get at the hob. I`m sure it came out dizzy and forgot to bite!!

  7. A couple of weeks ago one farmer said he hoped the pigeons were eating the slug pellets. I`ve never seen one in a pigeon`s crop but they certainly do the job on slugs. I often see hundreds of them at the end of an erratic slime trail and very near to a pellet. One farmworker also said pigeons would die if they ate treated grain. I`ve found lots in pigeons crops but they died of severe no.6 shot impact!!

  8. Ochre you can`t hit `em all! I think you must accept that some days are **** and you make up for this by being brilliant at other times. One thing`s for certain, once you start missing it`s difficult to get it out of your mind. Be positive and try to remember the days you were brilliant and shoot yourself out of it. Either that or stop counting your cartridges!


    I have a thing about counting cartridges to kills and often start a day`s decoying by lousing things up, but when I get home I count my cartridges and often come out around 2:1. I drop every cartridge into a bag to my right and if I think I`m shooting badly I count the cartridges there and then. I vow to take more time and definitely shoot myself into it. A quick count later on does wonders for your confidence, or vice versa. I often say to myself, `I think I`ll get my coat`but carry on shooting because I do tend to get better.

  9. I`ve never felt the need for a magnet and shoot plenty of pigeons without one but, with all the rape I`m looking after,I may be getting one ready for the winter, to try and pull them off the surrounding fields and in front of my hide. :lol:


    Seems to me the problem is recognising WHEN to use them and when to pull them in!!

  10. Crocket the first rule of pigeon shooting is that there are no rules! :lol: I`ve had bags of 30 or 40 on very still days with strong sun and high pressure. :) Although preferable, it doesn`t need to be windy, cloudy or low pressure to attract pigeons and kill `em! They must feed somewhere and it`s up to you to convince them that just in front of your hide is the place to be. ;)


    If you wait for ideal conditions you won`t be getting out and shooting them very often. :<

  11. Don`t know about just chopping your barrel down to 16", without machining the crown, but CZ have just started making a .22 with a 16" barrel. They certainly didn`t just shorten the barrel but use purpose made shorter billets to make them!!


    Edit: Extra text re crown.

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