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  1. You dont tell us your location mate. Stihl
  2. I thougt that they were calling the olympics tewenty20 twelve12 Stihl
  3. Ive worked with chainsaws for 2 years, i use Stihl nad , although witnessed one, ive never had an accident, and im stihl here! Stihl
  4. I had a Toyota Yaris as my first car. That was a brilliant one and it should be good as the bigger engined models are great. As its a toyota you'll know its reliable. Stihl
  5. Stihl

    New Years Eve

    Hey Mr Zap Are you a banker or summat like that, you must have a real lavish lifestyle if so. Was it 250000this year, or was that last years bonus? Does this mean you have a whole case of scotch to yourself,or are you just an ordinary being that wanna poke fun at the bankers if so i would not publicise your fancy dress for this years new year fancy dress party! Stihl----- ill stihl be on later to see your response!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Stihl

    PW go to bed alarm

    I didnt think everyone on here was a drunken bum? Stihl
  7. Stihl


    Having never shot duck, although i know you need non lead shot, does steel do hat much damage, or was it because of range or a compitition load? Stihl
  8. Mr Zap. I agree the picture is a random one and i will remove it should you so wish. My lecturer had a beech(i think it was) stocked version and what happened was he lined up on the clay trap and pulled the trigger. What happened is that the firing pin pearced the primer, and some propellant gas came back through the firing pin hole into the acton. The wood could not contain the increased pressure so a big (4-5'') flew off right in front of his face. It did not injure him but it was a great shock. Webly said that oil must have rotted the stock but i dont see how as this was a brand new gun and my lecturer had ordered one and had never oiled it before. Further more i dont know but i would not trust one of these guns, If i had to go cheap a Baikal would be my idea, or id save up till i could go for something better. Stihl
  9. That issue was adderessed in an eirlier posts edit. Stihl
  10. Why dont you educae him in the plesures of mans drinks? G&T is OK but what you really want is Slivavtich When he starts drinking Tia Maria you have to worry. Stihl
  11. They are certainly a rough gun. It aint funny when it happen to you. Stihl May i just point out this did not happen to me and it was the first gun exploding image i could find on the internet. I do however know of someone who suffered at the hands of a webly, where the firing pin pierced the primer and consequently blew the stock apart.
  12. Stihl

    New Years Eve

    I am going round my wifes parents for a meal and then home to see in the new year. It will have to be a quiet one this year, so only 20 pints of guiness then. Stihl
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