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rushy lad

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Posts posted by rushy lad

  1. Did something really foolish today, With the lakeland still smarting from her wounds, I thought I would take my Fell bitch out for an Hour to a rough patch that I used to work when I was younger. She has shown signs that things was getting back to normal and Her wounds have healed remarkably well. She has stopped limping and Looked full of energy. Arrived at mid-morning, Picked a few blackberries and had her off the lead, All was well. Got out into the clearing where she franticly put a rabbit to ground in a very small two-holed spot. She was well in when I got there and had killed the rabbit and was doing her best to eat it. I managed to get a hold of her and got her out but soon realised that her wound had opened up and was badly bleeding. Blood everywhere, I was **** up with a rabbit in one hand and terrier in the other. Serves me right to think she was better, I thought I was better than that, What a fool. :*)



  2. Hiya Ziplex, Yes I have a nearly new rifle that I have used from time to time, It is an airarms, Carbine multishot which I paid a small fortune for! Shot a few maggies and crows with it but only used it on Rat once. I might take it on Sunday night to my Chicken farm. ???


    What are the best pellets to use, Anyone any idea?

  3. If you are not going to beach fish that often it is worth considering buying a Beach-casting outfit with everything included, Most retail out about the £50-60quid mark, Rod,reel, tackle etc, Really good value for money in my opinion.



  4. For which area? are you thinking of here in Barrow? If so they are very thin on the ground Mate, People like myself prefer to do things on a personal basis , A lot of fishermen around here own their own private fast fishers to get out into the bay for the bass, and then if it blows up(which it often does) quickly get back to shore. There is also a lot of greedy ******** that hammer the Bass for a Few quid which really ****** people off as you can imagine. I will see if I can get a few numbers together for you. It is also worth remembering that this area offers some really superb shore Fishing. Flounders, Bass, Codling in the winter etc.



  5. I agree mate, Nothing better than using really light gear for sport fishing. I purchased a new Mustad Boat rod with three interchangable tips, 6lbs,8lbs and 12lbs class, Great for all sorts of boat fishing. Also using the penn lever drag reel 975LD, A bit on the expensive side but great off the beach or boat, A real all rounder! B)



  6. Some great fishing to be had here in the North west, whether it be tope off the front of Walney, Bass in morecambe bay or Big Cod and Pollack up the coast. I really am lucky to work my dogs in Cumbria and fish off my coast.


    Rushy. B)

  7. Couldn,t give one away mate, Too attached now, So is the missus and kids, The fell bitch will have to come out of the kennels and into the house to live I think. I will just have to be vigilant. B) Both dogs are still lame, I think it will be a couple of weeks at least until I get out and about with them again.



  8. No Ratting for me for a while, Both terriers took a disliking to each other which resulted in two very lame and swollen terriers, Big vet bill and moaning missus :*)

    Just as the rats are starting to put in an appearance :rolleyes:


    They have always since pups had their differences, but of late have been great together, I suppose with working terriers you can never be too sure.



  9. Originally We were Fishing for Pollack and Cod on a rough ground mark, And had some really cracking sport with fish to 8 pounds on Rubber shads( Pollack) . When the tide slackened so did the bites, so moved south a few miles to try for the Tope, Got the fish on the first drop down! Sometimes everything goes to plan. :rolleyes:



  10. Thinking of getting a lurcher for a spot of lamping around some permission that I have, but the Rabbits have been lamped on a good few occasions. Question is do Rabbits remain lamp-shy, or do they settle down after a period?


    Had a look with the lamp last night and Rabbits were everywhere but soon legged it when the lamp was switched on.


    Anyone any advice on this?


    Rushy. :)

  11. Sad as it sounds, other than working my terriers i also try and find antiques that have been lost for centuries, I have loads of permission in the north norfolk area but I can,t retire just yet! :thumbs:

  12. Just come back from a hoard finding trip in Norfolk, Gutted to see mixy ravaging the local rabbit population, Pity they couldn,t develop one(disease) for all the rats down there, Its a terrier mans dream!



  13. Yep, Thats Tarka, Picture taken last year, Good steady all round worker but lacks the brains of my little fell bitch. Your two look little crackers, Do you rat much with them? The good thing about working terriers is they are so versatile and can be used for many different things.

  14. Good Pictures Mate, I work a lakeland/border and a little red fell terrier and both are good to ground. (SOME PICTURES UNDER DOGS AND DOGS TRAINING.)


    My mate works a couple of plummer terriers and thinks they are great, But I hear so many different things about them and it is hard to understand whats right and wrong. Any dealings with them?


    Rushy lad.

  15. One of my Terriers is badly undershot but It doesn,t cause her any discomfort or hampers her when she eats etc.


    She is a brilliant little worker and it has crossed my mind a few times to breed off her and keep her strain going. The problem is will all the pups be undershot?


    My old hunting companion used to have a bitch who was the same and when he had a litter the pups were fine. He was under the impression that they sometimes missed a generation. A bit of a gamble I know.


    Anyone any advice on this please?

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