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novice cushie shooter

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Posts posted by novice cushie shooter

  1. Afternoon evreyone, 

    Recently had my contura fitted and love it so far, would like to heat other rooms as it seems trapped in the living room. Does anyone use a stove fan to move the air around their house? 


  2. I think wilders power makes him very dangerous. I think he he has what it takes to beat fury ko or point's. I think even tho fury has his conditioning right its a big ask for him but he has heart and a never say die attitude. 

  3. Terrible fighter, cant believe he wasnt complaining about the head locks more but more astounding was his tactics, hide in a corner then counter pulev but he wasnt getting the chance to counter as he was that slow. Even more astonishing was ritchie woodall going on about how well fury was doing.... Must have watched a different fight from me. Fury not good enough simples

  4. Thanks all, ive plumped for the contura 510 mainly for the distance to combustables is so good. There was a curveball at the showroom when i went to order it as they had just (as in still in the box) a brand new morso that has a low distance to combustables but couldnt be swayed. 2 week delivery and fitting later in the month. 


    What will i need accessories wise? 

  5. I had similar score to chris with aj 1-2 rounds down. Povetins way to find an angle to get that second punch away was superb. Good workout for AJ and a stunning ko. **** undercard tbh. Price hasn't had a fight in him in 4 years and needs to retire and good to see luke campbell with a great workmanlike fight however i feel he doesn't have the power to worry the top 3 or 4 in his class

  6. Hi all my 20 month cocker has been dropping balls and dummies short for a while now. I have tried moving back, sideways etc. To no avail. She has started to refuse retrives now so i have stopped until i find out why. She seems to want to play or chew or jump about with objects too and not really focused on the retrives. I had her following me around the house with balls and dummies and paint rollers but as soon as i go outside to distraction it goes to pot. What am i doing wrong?? 


    Thanks ncs

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