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novice cushie shooter

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Posts posted by novice cushie shooter

  1. 13 hours ago, PPP said:

    Thanks Gordon, I hadn’t thought about the costs but after two weeks there is more cash in my wallet than normal..

    Starting to feel really great now and sleeping like a log, although seem to be shattered ... did you find this?

    Yeah its weird but i slept worse when i was drinking even though you think your actually sleeping better. I work shifts and it didnt affect me as im always tired 😂 


  2. Well done the fact you want to give up is great all be it for a month a week etc it doesnt matter its giving your body that break. 

    I gave up 6 years ago due to a combination of having alcohol related ibs and hangovers from hell. I wasnt in a great place 7 years ago. Long story short we had tons of **** going on in our group of friends which wasn't helpful. 

    I dont miss anything, the hangovers, depression or lulls that go with it, the cost, the lost days due to hangovers. If i go out now i drink alcohol free beers which are more and more popular and getting better. I still have a great laugh with my mates. 


    Good luck its well worth it. Gordon

  3. Had the pleasure of shooting at the above venue near malaga this morning, Pepe and his daughter run this very well, a few emails and a little later and were on the range I was shooting both the compact sporting layouts. The heat makes it a little interesting but with stunning views its a great venue. Currently in the middle of a huge upgrade to facilities too. I could talk to Pepe all day long about hunting, like myself he comes from a more game shooting background so it was great exchanging stories and tales. 


  4. I can imagine. We priced Norway and it was over 1200 all in. Was less than half that for Shetland all be it 3 days and not 5. There have been a few skate caught at over 100lb but If I caught one that large I wouldn't waste 4/5 hours playing it unless I was targeting skate. 


    Have a good trip. Look forward to a report. ? 

  5. 21 hours ago, dazb1967 said:

    Were due up the Shetlands for a fishing trip at the end of August for 5 days, can't wait, we've just returned from Northern Norway after a 2 week fishing trip as well which was really good.

    Your 1St time? This was ours, Need to do some arm excersices done I was burst after day 1!!  Enjoy.

    21 hours ago, Perazzishot said:

    Been up twice on 4 day trips, every drop is a 50lb lift usually a cod and a coley from 300'.

    We weer catching about 3/4 a tonne every day.

    Booked already for next year!

    We never managed any coalies which was disappointing, the weather wasn't playing ball.... Meant we have to go back next year.  ?

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