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Posts posted by Cranfield

  1. The large green fishing umbrella , with a net over it has always worked well for me (especially with corvids).

    I have used a borrowed popup hide, but found it needed seriously pegging down in even a stiff breeze and it had a very restricted shooting area, better suited to rifle shooting IMO.

  2. This has been a problem for many years and |I agree its a PITA.
    What is another PITA is really heavy regional accents, coupled with poor sound, you have to guess  whats going on.

  3. I beach fished for many, many years.
    IMO reel choice depends on your ability and the location being fished.
    Fixed spool is (usually) trouble free and nowadays there are some great large spool options available.
    If you need longer distances you may want to move to multipliers, practise on land (safely) first, to practise your technique.
    I only used level wind multipliers when boat fishing, never beach casting.
    We even used to remove the "brakes" to get better distances, but I don't recommend this until you are really experienced.

    Plenty of casting videos on YouTube and local fishing tackle shops are good for  information on whats catching locally.
    Enjoy it, great fun and you will get some good fresh fish dinners.


  4. 5 hours ago, wyn said:

    I use ...  Ghostery,  U Block origin  and Add block plus.

    These are all free and i get no adds at all on U Tube.

    Every now and then ( couple of months)  UTube will block the video from playing unless the blockers are turned off.  A day or so later and this stops happening and everythings good again.

    I have Ublock and that doesn't stop it for me.
    However, I have been recommended Ghostery (as you use).
    I have downloaded it and no ads have appeared in a test of viewing of the start of 50 random You Tube vids.
    So, fingers crossed this might continue to be effective.

  5. Its weird how this has only just started in the last couple of days.
    I subscribe to quite a few US political sites, finance sites and worlwide shooting/fishing sites.
    Sometimes I get two ad videos one after the other, before the video I want appears.
    £13 per month seems to be the cost.

  6. I have just started getting ads at the beginning of videos I watch on You Tube.
    My standard Ad/Popup blocker doesn't work on them.
    Has anyone got a foolproof method to avoid them, preferably free ?

  7. Coursers and Poachers have been intimidating "locals" for donkey's years.
    Dead hares dumped outside farmers houses, or farms, hung in trees, same with local pubs and village halls.
    Caravan dwellers are the usual suspects, but the article mentions deer,  pheasants and birds of prey and that is a bit unusual.
    Rumours of an "international gambling gang" seems a bit far fetched,  but I have heard the Dwellers do gamble on which of their dogs performs the best, but "international" is a bit far fetched.

  8. One of the biggest problems in the USA (according to the people) is the Border and illegal immigrants (sounds familiar), Biden is failing badly and only mentioned the Border about 45 mins into his speech.

    Its a shame the Democrats or the Republicans cannot find a better candidate under 70 years of age 

  9. The shortage of bungalows (two beds , or more) seems to be a very regional problem.
    They are readily available in southern counties, especially within 30 miles of the coast.

    If your "new" bungalow has the room, its surprisingly cheap to have a (portable) two car garage erected.
    Mine was the concrete slab type, erected on a concrete base, corrugated pitch roof and (choice of colour) pebble dash outside.
    As mine was detached, I didn't even need planning permission.

  10. 21 hours ago, Penelope said:

    Otters or the hunt?

    The 1953 east coast flooding was due to a storm surge in the North Sea.

    They will indeed oust any mink.

    The Kent side of the Thames was breached in a number of places, notably "Egypt Bay" and it had been noted previously that there was some erosion in the sea wall there caused by holts and/or fox/badger diggings, which had caused overflow at extra high tides.
    I lived in Cooling then (7 years old at the time) , on the marshes about a mile from the Thames, we had to move back to the village and my grandfather (shepherd) led cattle and sheep to dry land with a bale of hay on his back and six good dogs.

  11. Has anyone got Sky Stream ?
    We have a Community aerial/dish system and this Winter there have been a lot of problems due to wind and weather, plus sloppy Provider.
    All my TV comes Via Sky Q .
    I have a Smart TV, but never connected it to wifi, I also have av 75mbs speed.

    It would be nice to become independent of the current system, but I am concerned about quality and the seamless transfer over of my existing Sky package.

    Before I contact Sky, it would be nice to get some feedback from any members who have had this experience.

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