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Stealth Stalker

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Posts posted by Stealth Stalker

  1. Had a nice stalk this morning with the keeper in the woods where we had the squirrels from on Saturday, we've seen a good possible gold medal muntjac on several occasions, & I was given strict instructions 'no does' so I had my fingers crossed we'd bump in to the big fella.


    This wee fella appeared out of nowhere 40 mins in to the stalk & I took him at about 50 yards off the sticks :good:




    After doing the gralloch under the watchful eye of the keeper we went walkabouts & not 100 yards from where I'd shot we came face to face with the biggest buck I've ever seen no more than 30 yards away :o for 30-40 seconds we were in a stare off with him, I had my buck, so the rifle was shouldered & unloaded. He was magnificent to see & I was a touch glad I already had a buck in the bag, he's definitely a gold :yes: Hopefully he's been spreading his genes with the 3 does we saw on the way back to the truck.



  2. Cheers guys I think all the questions have been answered already by those in the know.


    I'm still struggling to look up now :oops::lol:


    The keeper who is a big unit and used to box semi professionally was close to tears at one point with the pain :lol::lol:


    We'll be out again soon to tackle the big woods, Beardo you'd be more than welcome to join us, you being a virgin poker will come in for some stick you can be sure of that :lol: There are rules to poking :yp:



  3. Had a day with the keepers drey poking yesterday, awesome sport and great fun apart from my aching neck, shoulders and back :oops:


    We were 'a poking' with aluminium drey poles all 50ft of em and believe me after 2 or 3 dreys I was feeling it :blink:


    We done 1 small wood which accounted for all of these tree rats, there's another 6 big woods to go :o . If you ever get the chance give it a go :good:




    45 plus 2 babies, all were gutted ready for inclusion on the menu of the Foragers Arms where we had the PW butchery night, they have a mouthwatering squizzer starter planned :good:



  4. Indeed. I will go back Saturday and hopefully catch up with the second fox.


    Both bucks I saw have a bit of potential, not massive but OK.

    Needless to say they will be nowhere to be seen come 1st April :rolleyes:

    I think you might need the deer magnet in tow ;)


    I take it the estate is still in the same hands then?

  5. I had an invite from the keepers where I beat,to have a go at the duck on the lake they've been feeding the past month or so, we had 18 nice plump wild mallard 2 weeks ago, and the food has been going at an alarming rate so being the last day the 3 of us were positioned around the lake for dusk.


    The lake is surrounded by tall trees so the first thing you see is the ducks wheeling in at an alarming rate, I was at one end of the lake where the birds would take the escape route at the first shots, giving me some cracking sport in the dark :good:


    The keepers dog 'Ghillie' did a sterling job picking the birds from the the icy water, I think he's found his niche in life :yes: that and tearing lumps out of Garys ESS Floyd :lol: :lol:


    We ended the evening with 2 Canadas, 22 mallard, 2 Teal and a Tuffty, awesome night :good:



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