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Posts posted by mikky

  1. i was sent to a private/boarding school in the uk cos my parents lived in africa,and there was no secondary schools 600 miles in the middle of nowhere......i hated it and to make it worse i found out later that my auntie was willing to look after me and i could have gone to st gabriels with the rest of my cousins....all of which are doing ok,,doctors,solicitors to mention a few......it might come in handy on their cv later in life if they have been to a private school...ask the kids what they want



  2. My two daughters and their friends are upstairs getting ready to go out , so a quiet night of worry ahead for me & mrs H.

    I have arranged to meet an old friend for a beer tomorrow so looking forward to that.


    All the best to you all




    same here..my daughter has gone out with her boyfriend who always seems to get in trouble and my lad is going out to town with his mates,it will be the first time either have them have not been home to see the new year in.....just been round to the corner shop for some milk only to find three idiots fighting each other...not even 8 yet



  3. my dogs back legs started to go and she was struggling to get up and get around,she seemed ok within herself and didnt seem in any pain,went to the vets and got some pills which helped short term,for a couple of months she couldnt get upstairs,it was impossible...she slowly deteriorated and i made the decision to take her and have put to sleep...i came home at lunchtime having made a phone call to the vet so i could just take her straight in without waiting,have the injection.......i came home from work at lunchtime and she was sat in the front room trying to get up when i came in.......i went upstairs and sat on the bed and started crying cos i new what i had to do.....next thing i heard bounding upstairs and she came in the bedroom and sat in front of me and put her head on my lap and started wagging her tail...it was strange,it was like she was telling me it was ok...i picked her up ,took her to the vets held her while she had the injection..........i spent the next three days crying....she was my best mate.....still upsets me 10 yrs on



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