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Posts posted by mikky

  1. Do you really need such high spec? 750gb had, what course is she doing, ba in music and video downloading. 250 should be more than enough. 6gb ram... Graphics card, if she's doing graphic design, animation or similar, fair enough, otherwise std integrated graphics card and 2-4gb ram should be enough. Saves a few squid too!


    fair comment...just trying to get the best spec for 500- 600 quid



  2. My youngest granddaughter, Imogen 23 months old, is currently in the running to win a competition run by a local garden centre; she's currently running 2nd.


    If you follow the link below to Facebook it will take you to her photo. If you 'LIKE' it then you add to her score and it will go a long way to at least securing her current 2nd place. I will be forever grateful and it will relieve the earache my daughter is giving me as well. Personally I just love her to bits and she's my best mate as well as my granddaughter so winning means not a lot me as just being her granddad makes me a winner, but you know what proud mums and dads are like! :D:D


    Many thanks folks








    done mikky :good:

  3. ]

    As it happens, that was the best night out in ages. It took me 3 days to dry my gunstock :lol: Im not sure what it is. Ive started fishing a bit more of late, and seem to be thinking more about that than anything. I blame Melb. Since he dropped the boat off for me, thats all i can think about :good: I might just sack it off until after christmas, and see how i feel then.


    if you need any crew and fancy a day out on the boat fishing dont mind paying my way...wish i had never sold my boat



  4. i was the same ..lost my permission cos other shooters left carts behind on the deck where horses were grazing,,45 yrs my family have shot over this land,john and andrea had to sit me down in thier kitchen and say all shooting had to stop,andrea was worried about the horses injesting the empty carts..............i have been a family friend since i was 4 yrs old and am now 56......andrea was in tears and inconsolable having to tell me there would be no more shooting ........mm if you fancy a shoot on your permission i would love to come out with you...dont give it up....i had no choice.....pm me ..i will get you back on track.....i am 45 mins away down the 62




    souds like me evo and you should have a day out



  5. i was the same ..lost my permission cos other shooters left carts behind on the deck where horses were grazing,,45 yrs my family have shot over this land,john and andrea had to sit me down in thier kitchen and say all shooting had to stop,andrea was worried about the horses injesting the empty carts..............i have been a family friend since i was 4 yrs old and am now 56......andrea was in tears and inconsolable having to tell me there would be no more shooting ........mm if you fancy a shoot on your permission i would love to come out with you...dont give it up....i had no choice.....pm me ..i will get you back on track.....i am 45 mins away down the 62



  6. went to Formby point for a walk amongst the huge sand dunes.....an hour in i was busting for a pee,there was no one around but i decided to climb to the top of a huge dune to make sure i wasnt upsetting anyone by peeing.........got near the top of the dune in the middle of nowhere looked around no one there,got the old fella out,mid stream.......dear old granny came over the other side of the dune...she said dont worry love ive seen it all before



  7. havnt got that......went to bed last night feeling fine....woke up with a temp,sore throat,and cant stop sneezing...so 4 cans of tennants super and a vindaloo should sort it out..probably add a headache and a sore botty to the list...



  8. my lad had to take the wheel of his car yesterday and in the process knackered the teeth on his wheel lock key,no problems,nip down to vauxhall and buy another one,no chance,apparently they are coded and the code is on a plastic card in a black box with the other spare wheel nuts...everything was there except the card with the code,vauxhall wanted £160 to put it on the ramp just to look at wheels,......ended up taking it to the local garage and having all four of them levered off with a long iron bar,....£25 quid for a new set of wheel locking nuts........so if you have alloy wheels check for the code,cos without it you have virtually no chance if you strip the teeth while taking a wheel off,apparently if the nuts are gunned on it can damage the teeth,lesson learnt



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