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Posts posted by klatuveradanikto


    All American forums say get a 250 to start with then others say 600. If I'm doing my test on a 600 then what would be the point in going backwards and getting a 250?.


    You'll do your test on a 500. Get the bike that you want, can afford and suits how you want to ride and suits that you're a new rider, regardless of the CC.


    I was thinking about a old ish gsxr, as I'm quite short and told these are more comfortable to ride for a sports bike.


    I'd say a Suzuki SV650 (very very good first bike) or Yam FZR600R/YZF600R would be a better start than a Gixxer. A gixxer has its power all at the top end and doesn't suit a new rider.


    Also do they still do intensive courses?


    Most Direct access is intensive.


    Would this be worth doing as a novice?




    Btw I drive a car so no issues with road awareness etc and have done two mock theory tests and passed with flying colors.


    Chalk and cheese mate. You'll realise once you start. Car driving helps a little.


    Also do they have to be kept inside? How susceptible are they to weather?


    It's best too for security and keeping them good. You can cover them up though. Washing frequently, frequent oiling etc are a must.



    Good luck and enjoy yourself. Ignore the nay sayers.

    Best response so far and sensible advice

    over a million miles on 2 wheels and still learning!!!

  2. motorcycle courier controller in central london

    good job and fun but not enough pay anymore


    15 years on the circuit london and nationwide, worked for most of the top firms last one was City Sprint. Decided to jump out and join the real world 10 years ago. Best job in the world for 6 months then worst job in the world for the other, loved my time as a courier. Sadly i saw the influx of NEWCOMERS doing minimums for less and less this was begining of the end for me.Good luck :good:

  3. £331 a year. I wasn't at fault, my insurance aren't bothered as long as I didn't do it or I'm not claiming. I've always told them aswel because I no if I don't it will bite me in the **** one day

    Thats a good insurance company you've got there, as far as i know even the mention of having a accident to a insurance company whether at fault or not goes against you as a claim.I had a engine fire 5 years ago and that was listed as a fault accident "WHAT"!. Thats why it's often better these days to sort a claim out without involving a insurance company.So having 8 incidents within such a short period of time i'm surprised they don't rate you as a very high risk, not that they were your fault .it's all about risk management.Thats what they base your premium on .Good luck. :good:

  4. im 23 and I've been driving since a few days of turning 17. I've had 8 crashes, one was my fault. I only took a wing mirror off while parking because there was idiots walking around my car while I was reversing. 6 times I have been hit while not moving, and the other time a woman decided to change lanes on a round about with out warning.


    I know where you coming from about young drivers, guarantee 90% of young drivers crashes are speed related.


    For the record, I've always had a land rover so getting up to 70 take a week to do so. Also I still drive the same one that's been involved in the crashes with no damage to it at all

    Thats not a good driving record ,i'd hate to be paying your insurance premium :whistling:

  5. Does'nt make any sense to me. When your at home it's not required as i presume the house is already alarmed, when your away who's there to do anything about it if it does go off? You've already got a burgular in the house. :/

  6. Hello here is a HARLEY DAVIDSON wall sign been on my garage wall for about 10 years having a bit of a clearout. Handcrafted in wood and measures approx 2 ft square, tha bike stands proud of the main sign and is hand painted with a nice aged patina, looks great on the wall.

    looking for £75 O.V.N.O pick up would be best due to size and weight but would post at buyers cost,

    any info , MARK **********



    I thought it was a ladies bike saddle. I wondered if he was a saddle sniffer.

    Thats some weird ladies saddles youve got down in Kent. It looks that way because it's actually a stone representation of the original tooth that after millions of years has absorbed the minerals of the tooth and turned it to stone, it's about 4 inches long and is one of the smaller teeth these can be up to 10 inches long.

  8. Why not fit a cab for the air rifle , then apply ,buy ,lock up she will never know

    Was'nt there recent legislation saying you have to store air weapons in a cabinet if children under the age of 16 could have access to the weapon.?

    So buy the shotgun and store it with the air weapon as stated ,She'll never know! :whistling:

  9. T'PAU was the name also can't forget the cannabalistic "MORLOCKS" from the time machine, and what about "Saruman" Lord of the rings. :yes:

    oooo pimp me boy urrr goood :good: but what was the name of the priestess (no tinternet cheatin) also name of 80`s band) :ninja:

  10. Well done ,now here's where the learning starts, done over a million miles on 2 wheels and still learning new situations everyday i ride.Trust NO-ONE, everyone is out to kill you, thats my riding technique and it works for me.

  11. Got one ,they were handmade in Belgium between 51 and the early 70's Two types of receiver available they are the steel framed action or a multi coloured alloy framed action available in plain barrel or as i have a "U" vent barrel or a full vented barrel. The really early models have two rivets at the rear of the forend holding a metal bracket in place this only lasted a very short time and most have been glued in place also the earlier versions have a more rounded forend. Very unique gun designed by John Brownings son

    Val Browning that never really caught on either side of the Pond ,getting rare now but once you fire one you'll like it checkout my video link.

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