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Everything posted by winchester

  1. tHE REVOKE was just the end even though i proved i was driveing a lorry on all the days in question but the TRUTH dont matter in firearms law so please i say this to every one on here dont speek to anyone while your out shooting if you see some one unload and clear off , HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL and GOD BLESS
  2. I bet you say bar humbug to christmass as well you miserable sod, I dont givea rats **** about you opinion I like it and thats all that matters
  3. I bought it for two reasons first it still going to be worth what i payed for it 5 years from know so investment second because i want to cruse and see the country i am rideing through and not just a blur, and get off it like i have broke me back again ouch wrists hurt etc Harleys are a statust-cult bike a bit like landrover you eather love them or hate them but drive -ride one first , and dont let previously held vews get in the way If everyone was the same it would be a sad world we live in
  4. Becacuse of the developements we did on Brakes suspention etc thats why you have such machines today, The harley is sidate comfy and a different way of rideing, its a cruser not a bruser, this engine is bomb proof, but you younguns wouldnt know how to ride a old style bike. Even though one of you has what looks like a british twin in the avatar
  5. I have rode every make and kind of bike over the years for developement raced them as well ,isle of man TT, Nothwest 200. i have had my day draging my knee and rideing like a bat out of hell (can still do it ) but i am getting to old and the bones dont heal as well as they used to so i will stick with the girlie bike and leve the cemetry to the heros
  6. Sold most of my shooting stuff and treated myself to a new toy. What do you all think? Wishing you all the very best for 2009.
  7. Truck driver- (pocher roadkill a speciality lol) ex miner-ex shooter full bore & shot gun, now shoot camera and ride motorcycles again just as much fun. Not as much poooo from plod
  8. Your welcome mate i will miss it but hay ho off to otherthings i go
  9. I dont feel so alone now, watch what happens REVOKE !!!! I will bet my last quid on it, As i have tryed to warn you lot they dont need an excuse take heed
  10. 25 Years November gone the bloody dearest pet i ever had But wouldnt change her for the world
  11. If you got a mod on your cert then it dont matter if you fit it but you cannot sell a unproofed mod attached to the rifle but i have been told this is changeing about the mods being proofed
  12. I use one of those car jumpstarters brill they last all day and only cost about £20 now
  13. Theres only a sertin percentage of salt the rest is sand / agrogate the salt only works down to -5 If a person gets killed on a road that has been treated or that streach has been missed for mechanical failure the driver of the gritter can be held responsible. We used to be called out by the met office and told to grit. The guy with the car park have a word with your local gritter driver he might do it for you for a couple of bob, as the less grit you have left the less you have to wash out mine was always empty when i got back
  14. winchester


    Might help if you fill in your profile location etc
  15. Guess who never tightend the coller nut :( He aint the first and he wont be the last
  16. Dave the FACT still remains that there is a BIG HOLE there that needs filling by a good insurance irelivent of cost to protect BASC MEMBERS and the future of shooting I woudnt care if it was £100 per anum aslong as if fills that void, and no one else secums to police tactis of walk in take your guns and you on pure bULL heresay and there isnt didly you can do about it without it costing £1000s I THINK ITS IN BASC best interest to fill this void and protect there members PROPERLY dont you agree
  17. As usual Dave thats 100% on the nose GOOD ADVICE I HOPE and pray BASC can fill the hole and give all round insurance in the future for the sake of the shooters out there that at the end of the day are BASC and with out the shooters BASC would be no more
  18. I would say yes as i watched my best mate die of mnd and all his dignity had gone it was crimial to see you wouldnt let a dog suffer that much
  19. I totally agree with you Dave its just i found a hole and fell in it hard a hole i wish to fill before anyone else gets in it
  20. The deek above i found works better when they have young fledging or hoppers as we call them
  21. IF its posable i am looking into getting a package put to gether that will cover all shooting aspect including EXPERT FIREARMS LEGALS so if god forbid you get arrested you will have a breef there who knows his onions not just a duty bod who dont give a dam and will follow it through, If i manage to get such a package sorted i will post the insurance providers details and price, Its only at the beginning stage but with a little help from friends might just take off
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