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About leeboy

  • Birthday 17/03/1970

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  • From
    South Hants
  • Interests
    shootin 'n' fishin
  1. I would shoot foxes with a 410, and have done so on many occasions. A 410 is just as powerful as a 12 bore and more than powerful enough to kill foxes cleanly. The only problem is the small payload. If the range is 15 yards or less then charly is fair game. Beyond that sort of range I consider it irresponsible as the pattern is too sparse to ensure a clean kill.
  2. I bought 250 of those 2 years ago and had the same problem. they wouldn't eject very well from my silver pigeon 3. had some that didn't go into the gun well either. i wouldn't buy them again.
  3. I have a friend that shoots driven boar somewhere in France every year. he said the majority there are taken using brenneke slugs. he says they are extremely tough animals though and more than capable of doing you some damage if you dont stop them in their tracks. He says he has seen several people hurt by boar that have been shot and not stopped, and they have just charged straight at the shooter. Apparently they can move at quite a pace, and a big, angry, wounded boar coming at you like a train is a pretty scary experience ! Lee
  4. Nothing poofy about a Benelli. unless you think that total reliability and ease of maintainence is poofy ? My montefeltro shoots flawlessly. It can be stripped and cleaned within a matter of a few minutes. I have let it go more than a thousand shots between cleanings and it hasn't malfunctioned once. Im sure it will go several thousand shots between cleanings and still be working fine. Even after 1000 shots it wasn't particularly dirty. The enertia operating system is so much quicker and easier to clean than gas operated systems. It is also light enough to carry around all day, weighing around 7lbs. I use it for all my shooting (although i rarely shoot clays) and wouldn't part with it. As for felt recoil, i have never noticed any difference in felt recoil between my Monte and any other similarly weighted 12g i have shot. I have had many days on crows and pigeons where i have fired well over 100 shots and not noticed the recoil. The idea that recoil or enertia operated guns are heavy on recoil is just nonsense. Felt recoil comes down to gun fit, and the type of ammo being fired. Although a heavy gun will soak up recoil better. I certainly dont feel poofy when i have got a big bag of dead crows and pigeons and my gun has been a pleasure to shoot. I have no complaints at all about my Monte. It is an excellent gun and worth every penny IMHO I would highly recommend a Benelli to anyone. Lee
  5. I got to go with Basset on that. ive only ever owned one semi auto and thats my Benelli Montefeltro. ive not had a single problem with it and not a single jam. its been totally reliable and just takes a minute to strip and clean. its a lovely gun to shoot too. i keep hearing people say that Benelli's have hard recoil but i really dont know where that comes from. mine is a pleasure to shoot and doesn't recoil any harder than any other semi auto or O/U i have shot in the past. i think felt recoil comes down to gun fit. i would recommend Benelli to anyone, ive not got a bad word to say about them. i will say tho i have not tried carts lighter than 30g.
  6. I would love to have a go at that ! great video. I bet there arn't many people that would turn down the chance to have a day at wildfowling like that, despite the negative comments. Will admit that shouting 'killl em' spoiled it somewhat.
  7. Ive got a Benelli Montefeltro and i wouldn't swap it for anything. it shot 28gm fine straight out of the box. I haven't tried anything lighter than 28gm, but everything else i have put through it has cycled fine. Its an absolute doddle to clean and i have put more than a thousand rounds through it between cleanings and it never jams. I have never 'run it in' as such, and if you shoot frequently then it will soon run in without the need to shoot a couple of hundred heavy rounds. I have never owned a gas op semi auto so i cant personally compare the two op systems but I can assure you that you will have no problems with a Benelli. The internals are so simple they are pretty much foolproof. dismantling and reasembling just takes a minute, dead simple. And the Monte, M2, SBEII and some of the other models have a left handed option. There is also an aftermarket 'sure cycle' spring which can be purchased which will allow you to shoot loads lighter than 28gm.
  8. Your mate would say that, he wouldnt want to look a fool if he sold his xbox 360 for a ps3 and say its **** would he. He sold the 360 after he'd bought the play station. He's a games nut and does little else when not working ! His Mrs got the right hump over the money he was spending and said one of the consoles had to go, so he sold the xbox. He said the xbox 360 is an excellent machine but the play station was the better of the 2.
  9. I wonder what the cartridges pattered like with the ash buffering ?
  10. I've been shooting a Monte for 2 years. It never fails, it never jams and it kills stuff ! I am going to sell my silver pigeon III as I never use it since I bought the Benelli. The gun handles beautifully and is light and well balanced. 6.9/7.0lb It is designed primarily for 'Upland' shooting, which is pretty much walked up game over here. It is versatile though and I use it for everything from rabbits to ducks, pigeons etc. It comes supplied with shims to adjust the stock dimensions to customise fit. The Legacy is also an 'upland gun' and is lightly sprung.Both have a 3" chamber and should reliably cycle down to 1 oz(not low recoil loads). Both guns can be stripped down to component parts in less than 2 mins and are very easily to clean. Far quicker to clean than a gas op gun. Both guns will generally go longer between cleanings than a gas op auto. My Monte has nearly 1000 rounds through it since it was last cleaned. Both guns are slimmer and less chunky than a gas op gun as there is nothing under the forearm other than the mag tube. Both guns are extremely reliable and there are few component parts to go wrong. The SBE/SBEII is primarily designed as a wild fowling piece and has a 3 1/2" chamber. It is not designed to shoot lighter than 1 1/8oz although a lot will do straight out of the box. For those that dont like light loads, the 'sure cycle' spring can be fitted. The SBE has a 2 piece reciever and is even quicker to clean. All the Benellis (and most other semi autos) function at their best after a break in period of a few boxes of heavier cartridges. Benellis are reputed to be one of the most reliable guns in the world. I wouldn't part with my Monte !!
  11. I was saving for the 360. But.... a good mate of mine just sold his 360 and bought PS3 and said that the play station was much better ! decisions decisions ! Leeboy
  12. Its got to be the outlaw Josey Wales. fantastic film. I am a big Clint Eastwood fan. The bit where he spits tobacco juice down the tonic sellers suit and says 'whats it like on stains' cracks me up every time I see it. I like pretty much all his films, there are classic lines in all of them. Leeboy
  13. Its a shame we have so many restrictions. The Americans can shoot 3 1/2" OO buck and all manner of solid slugs. They also have Dixie 'Tri Ball' 3 wacking great pellets that will throw a six inch pattern at 50 yards+ Personally though, in my experience SG shot (OO buck ?) is pretty useless for anything past 20 yards as the pattern spreads too much to be usefull. I tried them for fox several times but found that BBs or #1 were far better. You can have slugs on a FAC for shooting deer in certain circumstances. Leeboy
  14. I'd go with a lefty Silver Pigeon or a Benelli Monte or M2 if an auto is on the cards. I would also go with the 12 bore and light loads. I'm not a fan of the 20, cant see any real reason to own one and if you own 12 bores as well there is always the possibility of accidents with the ammo unless you are extremely careful. The 12 bore will always pattern better than a 20 shooting the same load weight Leeboy.
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