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Posts posted by JJsDad

  1. 12 minutes ago, dad said:

    can i use a rotary and decoys on a field of soya

    Have you read GL31 ?

    In particular the advice on deterents. You must call them model pigeons, not decoys; and they will scare their real counterparts away :whistling:

  2. 18 minutes ago, Blackpowder said:

    Looks like some type of sidecaster, you removed the drum from the spindle and placed on the protruding arm to cast in the same way a fixed spool reel casts.

    You got it in one !

  3. Thanks David. Appreciated.

    Working on the principle that if we dont, the farmer will get someone who will, two of us were out Monday after pigeon that had been bashing a bean field; and both of us out again tomorrow.

    Our farmer has got and tried all the normal deterents and has flipped through GL31 but he drew the line at dressing as a scarecrow. His views on Packham, Natural England & Defra (and Mr Gove) are unprintable.

  4. On 26/05/2019 at 13:53, mgsontour said:

    may I assume that dates begin on 1st January, therefore do all the model changes only happen on the 1st January?

    As the old saying goes; `its wrong to assume` !   No, upgrades or changes in model do not happen on 1st Jan.

    As others have already pointed out; these changes are often minor and are a marketing ploy to increase sales once with a particular grade or model the sales start to flat line or drop off. A tweak to the engraving or a slightly better grade of wood or some techno burble about better pattern`s or reduced recoil will have some shooters reaching for their credit card as they believe that the latest offering is better than what they currently use. There is a train of thought, not without foundation,  that some of the earlier models of Beretta & Browning are better, quality wise, than current models.

  5. 33 minutes ago, madmax666 said:

    My father served in WW2 through Africa and Italy and my grandfather WW1

    As they evidently survived the carnage, I suspect while you view is a minority one; you may feel differently if you had lost one or both, as many many families did.

  6. 4 hours ago, old'un said:

    it does surprise me that 4 gas guns plus the other things did not move them off the field

    I watched a small party of around 10 or 12 that had landed 400 yrds or so away from me, that were feeding within approx 50 to 60 yrds of a gas gun that we had left turned on. When it went off, they lifted about 20 feet and glided off to land 50 yrds away. I think they fairly quickly get used to gas guns and rope bangers, they may be startled by the report but it doesnt necessarily drive them off the field if they are intent on feeding.

    I have had the odd red-letter day on peas and OSR in the past, where even shooting failed to stop them coming in on an almost suicidal manner.

  7. I am with BASC and have been since well before it changed its name to its current title. Despite having a few ups & downs over the last 6 or 7 years, I have never felt the need to go else-where despite the BASC knockers who periodically have a rant on this forum.

    We live in troubled times in our chosen sport and I was impressed by the NGO response to Defra and their regular and pragmatic advise throughout the debacle of the revoked licence`s. To show my solidarity, I joined them as a supporter last week. They are welcome to my £45 if they are in the front line of a fight to allow me to do what I enjoy, and to safeguard that right for the younger generation who want to enjoy country sports.

  8. I got sick of cheap charcoal versions that took ages to get going, lacked the control of a gas version, that invariably meant jet black  burgers and to cap it all the bottom rusted out after 2 years use. So 4 years ago we bought a double burner gas version with a hood from B&Q, cant recall the exact price but it was around £120 to £130. Its called a `Newbury` but the only makers details say made by TPA, whoever they are. In appearance its very similar to the current B&Q version below. Other than the non-stick coating wearing off the grill plates due to over enthusiastic use of a pot scourer its worked a treat. It came with a cover which is a must unless you are going to put it away each time after use, to avoid an overnight down pour.

    I swear by it, best £120 we spent and we use it a lot through the summer. Lasts ages on a container of gas and even the wife is now prepared to eat my culinary delights rather than feeding the dogs under the table with the black bits !   


    Korab 4 Burner Black & Grey Gas Barbecue

  9. 1 hour ago, JDog said:

    Well done for getting out and reporting.

    And not a Natural England rep or a Police Officer in sight. Albeit we had the evidence plus the deterrents for all to see and our `model` Pigeon as advised by the licence !!😂 The only thing we lacked was the pigeon `alarm-call`, tried to get one at several local gun-shops but apparently everyone is waiting stocks to come in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Strange that, must be a popular device.

  10. Nothing upsets a farmer more than seeing a cash crop getting a hammering from pigeon and his profits draining away. So it was a pretty cheesed off farmer who rang my shooting buddy to see if we could turn out over the weekend. His beans are just showing and he had two distinct area`s the size of half a football field that had been eaten down to the bare stalk.

    He was trying all the normal deterents, 4 gas guns, 3 kite`s and a number of plastic sacks on sticks, on a 40 odd acre field. He had also been driving a 14 mile round trip twice a day to scare them off and from the damage we saw, it was evident the moment he left, they were back. Time that he could ill afford.

    He described the anticipated flight line and a couple of suitable spots to set up. Could we help ?   Well OK, if we must !!!!!!!

    We got set up about 2-00 pm, having scared off about a dozen or so when we arrived. All fairly slow till about 5-15 albeit we had a couple of longish range shots to scare high passing birds. One of these must have been to close as some feathers came drifting down !!  Must try harder to shoot behind !

    For about an hour and a half after 5-15 we had some steady shooting, however the wind had obviously changed the flight line as they came in high over my left shoulder and could obviously see down into the hide because the slightest movement spooked them. To late in the day  to move, so it was a case of head well down and remain still until they passed to a position in front of us.

    Impressed with the hypa-flaps that I had bought the week before the ban came in. Spent an hour or so on them while things were up in the air waiting for the new licence. Fixed the covers with copydex rather than staples and painted the necks with white matt. Who ever painted these in China has evidently never seen a British pigeon.

    We had a light breeze and after a bit of playing around with the wings they worked a treat on the bouncer poles and certainly added a bit of movement to the pattern. However, we were disappointed to find that they didnt deter the birds as GL31 said they would !!!  A note perhaps to Ms Spain of Natural England; your advice is `carp`.

    Not a red letter day, but we picked up 32 and lost one that dropped the other side of a main road. Out again during the week, so we will see if a different position for the hides will improve the score.


  11. You can usually date  the gun by its serial number. I say usually because there are exceptions to the rule.

    You havent given much info. Saying its a Browning is a bit like saying its a Ford. Is it an semi-auto, an O/U or a side by side ?

    A photo will help as it could be made in Belgium or more likely in Japan or it could be a bit of both like the B125. If you have a look at the Avalon Guns website they have a dating tool on there for Beretta & Browning.



  12. 44 minutes ago, lancer425 said:

    Thanks for supporting the NGO

    Nice of you to say so, but you dont need to thank me bud.

    I joined because we live in troubled times for our chosen sport. There a lot of `freeloaders` out there; we have people happy to part with several thousand pounds for a gun (and more), pay upward of £500 for a days Patridge or Pheasant shooting, plus tips, hotels & travel. But will keep their hands firmly in their pockets when it comes to the comparitively small expence of joining one of the field sports organisations.

  13. 1 hour ago, lancer425 said:

     NGO are only around 12000 so joining them would help their Org Grow

    Well they got their £45 supporters fee from me this morning, I was impressed by their submission to Defra and their regular updates when this current shambles kicked off. Small price to pay when you are relying on an organisation to stand up and be counted when the crunch comes.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Westward said:

    I'd bet 10:1 it's walnut simply because it's the best wood for the job, not because it can be pretty. 

    And I suspect you would win your bet.

    While beech and other woods can and have been used, walnut has all the features required for making stocks & forends. Invariably if you buy a grade 1 or other entry level guns, you get the plain as a fence post stuff. Go to the top end grades you get the better figured timber. Go to the bespoke guns whether British or foreign and you can end up paying several grand for the wood alone, and thats before the stocker picks up a rasp or chisel.

  15. 37 minutes ago, Blackbriar said:

    Rearing" of birds for shooting" has long been in the sights of 'he whose name we must not mention'.

    This is almost certainly in my humble view, the next vulnerable area.  The `dumping` of birds on the big 500 to 800 bird days is somewhat difficult to justify and has already been in the public eye and been roundly criticised. Guns who pay their money to shoot a 100 or more birds a day and then dont even take a brace home can only be doing it for one simple reason !

    Once the dust settles on the General Licence chaos the anti-shooting brigade will be looking for the next target. Make no mistake, those that `hate` us and what we do, are not going to sit back while they have a gullible public funding their cause.

  16. 12 hours ago, norfolk dumpling said:

    Ideas and why welcome.

    I am a game-shooter, vermin controller with the occasional, (once or twice a month) wildfowling session thrown in. As a result I have been a WAGBI /BASC member for more years than I care to remember. On the few occasions I have needed professional help or advice I have always found BASC officers helpful and totally on the ball when it came to sorting out a perceived problem. Sure, they have had their share of `bad-eggs` over the years, as someone pointed out earlier Mr Swift was quick to line his pockets with members cash and then went totally out of his way to ensure a total ban on lead was implemented. There are others who have also been involved in the senior management, who havent covered temselves in glory. Name me an organisation who hasn`t at some point regretted the appointment of a senior executive. However, it is up to the members to step up to the plate and do something about it when things are starting to go wrong. Voting with your feet or having a chunter on here wont change anything.

    Possibly like yourself, I dont see this current fiasco as being the last of our fights. Once the dust settles, the `Packhams` of this world will look for other causes to attack.

    I was impressed by the NGO`s submission and total grasp of the whole debacle. I wont drop out of BASC, but am on the point of joining NGO as a supporter. £45 seems a small investment when it comes to having someone else to stand up and fight our corner on future challenges.




  17. 33 minutes ago, Harry136 said:

    Is it glued in or something else?

    Its not glued in. If you have removed screws 33 & 87, there is an additional screw (86) that must be removed. With these screws removed the catch plate (85) should come out by carefully tapping out from within the forend. Care is needed, because the plate (85) can be a tight fit within its seating.


  18. Thanks Mudpattern, certainly an interestng discussion. Only watched half an hour, and will get back to it this evening while the wife is watching the soaps.

    23 minutes ago, B B said:

    all you can do is support BASC and the other organisations in their uphill struggle against the opponents of our sport .

    Can only agree with BB`s comments above.

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