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Posts posted by aister

  1. The ONLY thing going for them is that they didn't let rip at everything that went over. I don't blame the dog for taking off, if I made noises like that with my caller my hound would bite me :oops:

  2. I could not get on with reloading PPU brass in either my .223 or my hornet, so far winchester has been very good to me. Some people get on fine with PPU brass, just have to try it and see what works best for you. I wouldn't expect an accurate load to be accurate in different types of brass if you know what I mean but you never know till you try it.

  3. Try firing 4 or 5 shots through it but leaving plenty of time between to allow everything to cool down and see what happens. It sounds like my friends 22-250, with some ammo the first shot was bang on but if the next shots were fast the POI crept up and right. Not sure what can be done about it, he just got used to it and allowed for it, it would pee me off though.

  4. Also most of my loads are 140 gn heads except the barnes one im developing. may i ask why you are using 123gn heads?



    Just to try something different and also having difficulty getting bullets as cliff in america has virtually nothing left and it cost a lot to have to get either of the two gun dealers here to get stuff in. The other two bullets I have tried were the 140gr partitions and the 140gr gamekings both very accurate.


    140gr partitions (5 shots @100)



    140gr gamekings (5 shots @100)


  5. Thanks fellow swede shooters. I went out tonight with the fine night and loaded up some 123grainers with varget. I went for 5 @ 35gr, 5 @ 35.5gr and 5 @ 36gr, here is the results.

    35gr 7/8"


    35.5gr 5/8"


    36gr 3/4"



    So far the rifle has shot everything I have loaded well, granted its only 9 different loads but all under an inch, Wish the .223 loading had started off as well as the 6.5 :lol:


    Thanks vipa I will ask what IMR powders my dealer has the next time I see him, although varget seems to be working really well for me and I know he still has a couple of tubs left.

  6. My first ducks, I was 13.



    My first two hares.



    A good morning flight not long after getting my first 12 bore.



    A decent ling, I must have been about 12 in this photo.



    Ha ha, a lot has changed since those photos, Less hair and a bigger belly lol.


  7. Sad night the other night, Had to put my first gun dog down. I got Teal as a pet when I was 14, she was a sheep dog but had absolutely no interest in sheep. She came out with me as company when I was shooting rabbits with the air rifle as soon as she was old enough and before long she was pointing rabbits in the long grass without any input from me, just instinct. One night during the fowling season, she would have been 2, I took her for a night flight and two firsts were accomplished that night, my first right and left of geese and her first retrieve. Both geese fell in the sea but before I could say anything she was off and fetched in the first one dropping it as soon as her feet hit the shore, I asked her where the other one was, she had a quick look round and was off and retrieved the other one. After that she came on just about every outing with the gun that i went on. She wouldn't have won any field trials but she did all I needed her to do. When fowling she would retrieve anything that went on the water but as soon as her feet touched the shore she would let go, it seemed she knew I could get it myself. Any thing that fell on land, she would find it and sit with it till I arrived. She would have been 16 this coming august but her back end started to go a couple of weeks ago and I always said I wouldn't keep her if she was suffering so poor Teal is buried where she pointed her first rabbits.


    I was looking through some old photos the other night to see if there was any of her but sadly I cant find many. I know there is more somewhere I just cant find them.


    Teal with the first two hares I shot.



    Teal with my oldest son, six years ago.



    Teal with one of her pups we kept for working with sheep.



    Teal and my middle son two years ago.



    Edit. Topic title is not what it should be.

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