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Posts posted by aister

  1. i have shot 5 wigeon with rings and 3 greylags with rings. the first goose just had one leg ring, the second had a leg ring and a neck collar and i shot one on saturday morning with the usual metal leg ring and also a plastic leg ring. have to get the info sent off. there were quite a few geese rung on the loch below my house so the rspb and snh could find out if the geese that breed here stay here in the winter or if they go south. i am pretty sure they stay here all year round but i may be wrong, my mate shot 2 in september and i saw one in a park with the same orange neck collar at the weekend so my guess is they stay here all year.

  2. Just like woodcock, but you`ll need 3 per person. Pluck, roast, pull out guts carefully and remove the gizzard. Mash innards with the pan juices and use some port to get all the gummy bits on the roasting tin and cook until you have a thick sauce. serve on toast.




    :lol: :lol: :lol: need more than that i ate 12 once, with all the trimmings.

  3. i usually wait till i have a few snipe to make it worth while, i have seen cooking snipe, plover and woodcock together. what i do is put the birds breast down in a casserol dish, mix up a double strength chicken stock, enough to cover the birds and pour over them, add some coarse ground black pepper, and pour in a good splash of herb dipping oil (i get mine from the co-op, its just olive oil with herbs in).cover and put in the oven at maybe 180degC for 1 to 1 and a 1/2 half hours. its just something i made up (as you can probably tell) but it always comes good. it keeps everything nice and juicy. i cant remember exactly how long it takes but its just till the meat starts leaving the bone. teal works well done the same way too.

  4. I do quite a bit of snipe shooting, they are a fantastic bird. I have to say that walked up I think they are a lot easier bird than when driven, but it really is just practise as no other game bird is quite like them. I agree with what the others are saying it is more instinctive than other shooting, and quick reactions are a must.


    What are people finding numbers wise for snipe the last couple of seasons? I do most of my snipe shooting in Northern Ireland and I've been talking to a few people. We all agreed that last year was poor for snipe, no doubt because of the incredibly harsh weather. This year I have been finding good numbers on my permission, but others are reporting that numbers are way down, and this includes a guy from the hebrides (a stop-off for snipe coming to Ireland) who takes his snipe shooting very seriously, he reckons the numbers this year are less than half what he would expect compared to a couple of years ago.


    A lot of bogs are still being drained which is no doubt not helping matters... but I wonder if the harsh winter and the volcano in Iceland have really hit these magical little birds.



    here in shetland we have noticed a decline in snipe numbers, the harsh winters we have had have not helped but i think the biggest problem here is hooded crows, ravens and arctic skuas!

  5. it could just be that express max game are, IMO, s###e. me and a few of us have tried them on geese here in shetland where we can use lead, and we all think they are rubbish. geese 20-25 yards up you can hear the pellets hitting the birds but they dont drop and any geese that did drop had to have their necks wrung which is not what you want. my friend had a simmilar thing happen to him, he fired at geese directly above him with a max game BB, ther was a pop and the pellets just made it out the barrel and fell back and hit him in the face :blink: :blink: :blink:, he had to take his sx3 to bits to get the spent shell out of the chamber as the skirt on the wad was melted by the powder and glued itself to the crimped end of the shell. i can honestly say i wouldn't take express max game out to shoot at live quarry. i get on well with the express 2 3/4" shells but not the 3" stuff. this is just my opinion, please dont slate me for it, there are pw members that seem to get on well with them, i use gamebore mammoth 50gr 3's for decoyed geese or RC 50gr BB's for pass shooting and they are much harder hitting than the express.

  6. went to a piece of flood water tonight after the rain we had last night and earlier today, the wind was perfect for where a stone wall could provide cover. when i got there, there seemed to be ducks every where in the air so i sat in with high hopes. after sitting for half an hour with nothing moving i was begining to wonder if anything was coming back. the first to arrive was three mallard, missed them clean with both barrels :blush:. after that every thing seemed to go well. ducks seemed to be coming from every direction and i had a very hectic half hour, after having two mallard safely retrieved a pair of greylags came in, i only had time for one quick snap shot and one goose hit the deck, the other goose took a big circle and came back to look for his pal only to end up in the bag too. quite a few groups of geese came in but with so many ducks around i left them in peace. the bulk of what came in after the geese was wigeon which was unusual as its mostly mallard and teal that uses that piece of water. i had 5 wigeon in very quick succession with a right and left in the middle of it and a mallard to round of a very enjoyable night flight. deciding i had enough for one gun i left with birds still coming in and another twenty minutes of light left.




  7. i have a slot on my licence for a 17 hmr and if i was going to get one it would probably be a t-bolt, not that i have fired one, i just like the feel of it and the look. but i probably wont get one as i would prefer a 22 hornet. unless a loto win comes up of course. :lol: :lol:

  8. What a fascinatingly weird thread this has been!!


    The OP shows his unidentified item next to a garden gun shell which is clearly a 9mm rimfire and probably made by Fiocchi.


    He says he has done so to give a rough idea of its size and goes on to tell us the unidentified item is centre-fire.


    So we're looking at a bottle-necked centrefire cartridge about an inch long. ".22 short?" says magman...... WHAAAT????


    In comes Harnser suggesting it could be an old rook rifle cartridge. Spot on, if he hadn't suggested 9mm.


    Then Mike525steel tells me he saw a revolver "like the one you describe" at an auction house and thought it was a .410. Well, apart from the fact that I described my great-grandfather's simply as "a small revolver", which is hardly definitive, a .410 revolver would be anything but. For those of limited imagination, go and set out five or six .410 cartridges as they would appear in the cylinder....


    And then flazz comes along with the astoundingly random suggestion that it could be an 8mm Nambu. WOW! Where did that one come from? In any case, a thirty-second Google will show that the 8mm Nambu was a RIMLESS cartridge.


    Magus69 is absolutely correct and tells us that he actually shoots the long version of the cartridge in a Francotte Martini. Responses don't come any more authoritative than that, gentlemen. Nothing more to be said, other than that I'm deeply envious!


    Or is there??


    ChrisAsh joins us but clearly hasn't even grasped the original question and suggests the garden gun shell (the OP TOLD us it was a garden gun shell!!) may be a .410.


    And finally Bazooka Joe provides a very helpful picture that includes the .297/.230 Morris Short Centre-fire, and identifies the garden gun shell as a 9mm.




    After reading that lot I feel as though I've had a trip to the Dark Side. And we wonder why police FLO's treat us a bit tentatively! Well, on the basis of the foregoing, just try to imagine some of the daftness they must have to listen to!!!



    love it. had to be done :lol::good::lol::good:

  9. i get flashes out of my sx3 when i use remington nitro mags, i dont use them for night flights now because as you say, you lose your night vision for a moment. i dont think its a problem with the gun as it doesn't happen with other shells.

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