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Posts posted by aister

  1. i have always used a belt when out wild fowling because it can be worn under your jacket thus saving the carts from getting wet and muddy another reason is i some times have 2 defferent types of carts one for duck and hevier ones for geese. i always have the hevier ones on my right hand side and the light ones on the left so in the half light i know exactly whats where. it also keeps your pockets free for other stuff, torches, calls etc

  2. very enthusiastic and not put off with anything. i wouldn't say he was soft natured but i wouldn't he was hard either. he doesn't like being told off and is very biddable but he doesn't tuck tail and run if you raise your voice if you know what i mean. he does get very exited say for example if two of us is shooting geese together and we drop 4 or 5 i usually pick them all up bar 1 and let him fetch it otherwise he tends to run in circles not sure which one to pick up first, i am hopeing that will steady with age as he is still young for his age.

  3. he is pretty hard on the canvas dummies, occasionaly puncturing them with his teeth. the two things i can think of that has made him hard mouthed is he was a year old when i got him and i think the last owners let him play with plastic bottles and the other thing was the dummies i initialy trained him with was the hard rubber dummies from the launcher, i think they were so slippy he had to bite down on them hard to keep hold.

  4. i have a lab that is hard mouthed, not serious, but hard enough that most of the birds he retrieves has 2 holes where his eye teeth has punctured the skin and brused the meat. i havn't ever lost a bird because of him. does anyone have any tips i could try or any suggestions. he is 3 years old and has two seasons under his belt.

  5. i put timny triggers in my .22 brno, .17 cz american and my 700 bdl delux and i would say it helped with accuracy. not so noticable just shooting rabbits with the 2 rimfires but certainly noticable with all three shooting targets. well worth the pennys!!

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