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killer rabbit (r1000)

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Posts posted by killer rabbit (r1000)

  1. Wash and dry them carefully and spray with a bit of furniture polish. It costs SFA and gives better results than the shop brought lube. Obviously it's not needed on pre-lubed pellets.


    If you notice the difference then you should be shooting for the olympic team :good:








    :huh: mmmmm... that's a new one on me, makes sense though :huh:

  2. will you find rats/ lure them into your back garden at night or will u only find them on farms ect

    It is said that in the UK you are never more than 10 feet from a rat. How true that statement is I shudder to think but you surely don't want to lure them into your garden :o .


    The best way I have found to bait rats is with CRUNCHY peanut butter (they can't pick it up and run away :huh: ....and they love it). Just spread it on the ground or a brick regularly for about a week to get them used to it and then shoot over it. If you're shooting at night then put a red light on every night during your baiting period and they soon get used to that as well.


    My best night so far is 11 rats in three hours over one brick covered in peanut butter.


    Good hunting :huh: :yp:



    :o **** that! :o i'm not giving the rats MY food, i'll be eating that while i'm waiting. try small pieces of stale bread in milk, leave that in a dish & wait for the flocks! (but beware of hedgehogs & cats) :good:

  3. Most of you will remember the recent (and not so recent) posts about shooting seagulls.


    This chap installed a tape playing seagull distress noises , he consulted a Wildlife Officer at his local Police Station, he got a copy of the general licence from Defra, he shot the bird with an air rifle in his own half acre garden.


    He was found guilty of illegally killing a seagull contrary to the Wildlife and Countryside Act.


    "The Court was told that under the terms of the Defra licence, he was only entitled to shoot the bird if it was a threat to public health and there was no other way of dealing with it". (Daily Mail)


    The prosecution was brought by the RSPCA.



    Although he was given a conditional discharge, I would suggest that this case shows that there are almost no circumstances where it is "safe" to shoot a seagull, even though it is on the general licence.


    I hope the RSPCA (why not the RSPB ?) don't use this case to start attacking the shooting of other birds on the general licence.


    :o if he shot the bird on his own "private" land, how could it be a threat to public health? all due respect, he did try everything else, but if he'd shot it on public land (where it would be a "threat to public health"), wouldn't he be in a lot more trouble? (& where does this leave for people like us to shoot?) :o on the other hand, hanging the dead bird in a tree??? :huh: ok, i see his logic, but wouldn't it attract a lot of carrion-eaters? (some of which can also cause a lot of damage as well as being a health risk!) :o ok, i don't agree with the charges made, but he did ask for it by showcasing a dead bird & having a large set of brass balls to do so... :good:


    i also hope the RSPCA, RSPB or anyone else use this as a lever to impose more restrictions upon us, don't we have enough already? :yp:


    edited to remove an illegal entry, sorry guys! :huh:

  4. That is soo stupid in my opinion, he suffers mental and physical problems because of these vermin and it goes to court and HE gets prosecuted? Makes me die...you can hijack a plane and fly it into the country and get off free, but shoot a seagull and get prosecuted. I think he would have been ok if he had used some common sense and not hung the gull in the tree....


    :crazy: i totally agree... :good:

  5. :crazy: a bit of lead poisoning never killed anyone!!


    All joking aside, lead pellets have been extremely accurate for me!

    For instance, I thought I had seen the mother of all pigeons, I kept shooting at it then wondered why it didnt go down, then realized it was a kite!


    :mad: should you really be shooting??? :crazy::good::sick:

  6. You are lucky that you dont need a licence for all these air pistols.

    Over here, we have to get a permit for any pistol, which have, over the last year, starting to get licenced.

    But the buty over here is, we can also get higher caliber hand guns licenced too. ;)

    Anything from .22 air pistol to 44 magnum. ;):good:


    :good: mmmmmmmmmmmm.....44 magnum. yup, that would do for ratting :good::good:

  7. Hello all.

    Im trying to find a new stock for my webley FX,somthing to do abit of DIY with,camo etc.Can anyone give me a price/link or any info plz.

    Also ill be placing my Thoeben Fenman(not the new model)in the sale section soon,if anyone's interested.




    :good: if a bsa spitfire stock will do you can have mine for a tenner plus postage (break-barrell pcp with short groove for cocking lever underneath, rubber butt-plate, a few scratches plus brass d-rings fitted for sling. nothing fancy but it does the job) :good:

  8. :good: i'm thinking of having my bsa spitfire used for parts to a completely new rifle :good: - it will supply the barrell & trigger / hammer mech. forget the rest, other parts will be built from scratch. will include a 1l american-made air cylinder (air-arms type), which could give me around 700 shots at 11fp off one charge! :good: (i know of a man who can :good: ). i haven't decided what to call it yet, any ideas?
  9. robbo please listen to the guys, people call the police all the time, even when you done nowt wrong.


    i was out last summer on land i DO have permission to shoot, i was on my way home after a few hours hunting with an aa prosport.22 when i saw a couple of young lads about 16 years old,who live in my street, the were sitting on a fence about 40 yards inside the boundry of the farm i shoot on, the were asking what i'd shot etc when suddenly i heard a helicopter coming in low and fast, how suprised i was when it banked hard and started circling me, door open with a copper hanging out, next thing i know half of durhams police force has surrounded me, you ever looked down the barrel of a loaded h&k mp5? i have and its not nice, there were four armed officers coming from the front and a further four from behind, i was made to put my hands on my head and slowly approach the police, i was then very roughly searched and man handled and still held at gunpoint,, the coppers were on pure adrenalin and saying things like "dont you ******* move boy", i was bundled into a squad car. they asked what i was doing there and i explained that i had permission and told them to contact the farmer and gave his address, they didnt seem to beleive me and said a report had been made that there was a man in a feild with a shotgun holding kids hostage, i was arrested on suspision of possesing a firearm with intent to cause fear or harm, i was in the cells for 8 hours then released on bail, they had checked with the farmer but needed more evidence they said, thats why i was bailed, it took a month for the charges to be dropped and a further 6 months to get the gun back,


    it turned out that a lady in a house 300 yards away had seen me in the fields with a gun, she got out some binoculars and noted i had a mask on and was wearing combats, she then saw me "creeping along the hedge towards the young boys" thats what she told the cops, as it happens when i was stalking and wearing my mask i was unaware the lads were even there but from where she was she could see the lads further along the hedgerow and me heading towards them,


    im sorry for the length of this post but i couldnt get the point across anyother way.


    all this happened 1 week after the police shot that lad in the tube station in london so that was fresh in my mind and to say i **** myself would be an understatement,

    now just imagine if i hadnt of had permission


    :good: it could have been much worse - as the kids were tresspassing themselves, they could have been shot & you may not have known... meanwhile, an observant witnesss 300 yards away....... :good:

  10. so for killing long range round head is the best bet ? which will cause the most damage and has more chance of a kill at 30 yards out of the .22 available pellets im going buying some tommorrow and it would be nice to know what i was looking for


    i would use round heads for all round shooting (targets, all hunting) pointed are for low powered air rifles and tend not to be as accurate as round head. Go for round head and if you are going to be hunting get good quality pellets! no smk or other ****!


    :good: found some great new pellets in .22, 'bsa interceptor' hollowpoint. around £5 for a tin of 500, quality control is excellent & consistent, go through most barrels with no problem & they stay on target every time. worth looking at & i would personally highly reccommend them to anyone, i'm just waiting for my local to get some .177 in... :good:

  11. I've bullpupped a Crosman 1077. Added cutdown skeleton stock, cut the barrel to 14", enlarged the chamber, transferred the trigger mech with two bike spokes and a Crosman Repeatair pistol trigger. One open reddot sight later, I've got a very compact 12-shot repeater. 18.25" from muzzle to rear of stock.


    :yp: i know, i've seen it :o cheers for that jim! :good:


    depends whether you consider them mods, myself I reckon more of a neccesity? ie my two air rifles

    both mk1 rapids change barrels,change stock have the "gubbins" worked / tweaked polished, re ported, quietened, turn them to full fac spec of 30lbs and 40lbs respective, whilst at the same time retaining a VERY useable shot count and a 400cc cylinder, then sticking awt silencers on both, and have it all done at less than the cost of an off the shelf fac rapid, to me = perfection

    cheers KW


    :yp: you have sense, the best thing you can do to a rapid is have the whole thing remade, particularly the port system (i've heard of so many problems with them, ie. seals blowing through the entire system :o :o :o :o :o ). other rapid parts (especially the barrel & the air cylinder if it's the american one, the brittish ones tend to leak) are very useful for creating an entirely new weapon if you know someone who can do this :P


    Do you consider paintball markers air weapons?


    If you do, there's not much I haven't done: Replaced regulators for higher flow models, bored out valve chambers, replaced triggers and shortened/lightened pulls, replaced bolts with PTFE ones with higher flows, different barrels, differenty air systems, the list goes on.


    As for normal air rifles, I made a sling from a Dell Laptop case for my current rifle. Very comfy!




    :yp: anything that uses a compressed air source (or other gas) to eject a projectile is legally classed as an air weapon, this includes spring-loaded plastic bb guns. you have the right idea & i'd love to hear more :good:


    :yp: love the signature dr nick :good::good:;);):):):lol::lol::lol::lol:

  12. :rolleyes: QUOTE(Steve'o @ Apr 23 2006, 04:02 PM)


    Trying out tin Crosman Accupells .22 in my AA TX200 HC


    Very tight fit and not that accurate at 30yrds using about 50 pellets


    Got and and decided to sort them and found out of the 450 left that


    120 had an seam running from the top to bottom all around pellet.


    None were squashed,,


    This seems a lot of waste.


    Anybody else had this problem?


    Will stick to AA or JSB in future. :o



    ??? i see what you mean, not good! :yes:






  13. Maybe they don't quite count towards "Mods"...but these make it look great....the first thing I did to my Engima Deluxe was Wierauch Silencer, Simmons AETEC Scope (with BKL mounts) and Sunshade, Harris Bipod and Leather sling...looks Great now! lol and shoots just as well!




    :drinks: any kind of improvement (cosmetic or otherwise) is a mod in my book, including the ugly ones. don't be embarrassed, i would like to hear about them all... :blush:

  14. Hi,


    What groupings do you get from the b2 now. :drinks:


    FM :blush:


    :beer: around 1 1/2" at 35 yards. ok, it could be better, but considering it kicks like a mule on heat it could also be a lot worse! :yahoo: (this is boresighted as i have previously ground what was left of the rear sight from the weapon).

  15. :drinks::yahoo: i have a friend who recently flooded his brand new £400 logun solo with oil! (not sure what kind). if he's lucky it may be rescued, if not then it could cost him a lot more to have every seal replaced... :blush: (i've done nothing so drastic, but i do currently have my bsa spitfire in pieces to clean it out!) :beer:
  16. Buy a B2 :P




    :beer: ever tried putting an 'ox' mainspring into a b2? i did it with mine (had to cut some off just to fit it in!) :yahoo: it now puts out around 11fp instead of the previous 5-6fp from the old spring & has a hell of a recoil :drinks::blush:

  17. :drinks: if you're looking for the 12g bulbs then try the walther ones, that's what i use. (i find the crossman ones always have a thicker seal to be punched, unneccessary & will wear out the bottle punch much quicker!) :yahoo::blush:
  18. I have a gasram Brocock .177 as my main gun. I would like a .22 full power springer as a spare/an addition.

    are you sure its a gas ram rifle?:yahoo:


    just think about where it gets its energy from



    gas ram


    or Co2


    just becasue your rifle is a Co2 does not mean its a gas ram, a gas ram riffle uses something very silimalr to the struts that keep the boot of the car open.


    ROB :beer:


    :drinks: something like the webley nemesis? (i have 2, .177 & .22, both are very good for plinking & short-range work). :blush:

  19. just lent me mates red dot scope which i gave him a few months back (ncstar1x45)

    am looking to use this on rats and then pass it back to me mate so he can use it and pair up with me on a rathunt.


    i have a simmons 1.5-5x20 whitetail in mint condition sitting there collecting dust, a lovely piece of kit it is, but i aint got mounts to put it on my king, am on the bones you see, untill i get me bees n honey, so i may put that up for sale...


    just wondering what is a good red dot scope?? i know they are capable because i have had good results in the past with this one i have on loan until i get meself one..

    your tips would be helpful fellas


    :blush: if you're happy with the ncstar then why not get the same one? otherwise, be aware, you get what you pay for! (a lot of the cheaper ones have very blurred dots & are not so easy to focus. you should expect to pay at least £35 for a decent one). :drinks:


    ps. i may be interested in the whitetail scope when you're ready.....


    I wouldn't use them in my gun anyway but I did not know it was illegal to use them on quarry. Thanks for the info, you learn something new everyday!


    :blush: i think this law is tied with it being illegal to bowhunt anywhere in britain, but don't quote me on that.

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