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killer rabbit (r1000)

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Posts posted by killer rabbit (r1000)

  1. A penny? Or is that too boring. :D :blink: :D


    :D depends, at what range?


    try suspending small steel washers or similar (no ricochet as the target will move & not allow it), or breaking a piece of suspended wire... :D

  2. i hear if you get the old stlye swan matches if you shoot them just so that the bullet brushes the top of the match head it will light them!!


    dunno if this is true, :lol: worth a try tho!!


    :lol: works with the right pellet, try multi-ringed pellets (it's fun) :lol:

  3. :) ok, we all know how stupid law can get, don't we? you'd be very surprised.....


    Police ruled out joyrider chase


    Max Foster believes bike thieves are 'laughing' at police

    A teenager was shocked when police refused to chase joyriders who had just stolen his moped - because the thieves were not wearing helmets.

    Max Foster, 18, called 999 when he saw three youths take his machine in Bath in the early hours of Tuesday.


    An officer told him they could not give chase in case the unprotected thieves fell off the bike and sued the police.


    Avon and Somerset Police said the safety of both the offenders and the public had to be considered.


    'Laughing at police'


    But Mr Foster said he was appalled by what he was told by the officers.


    "They said: 'If they haven't got a helmet on, we can't pursue them. We can't risk a law suit. We'd get sued if they fell off and hurt themselves,'" said Mr Foster.


    "I can't believe it, to tell the truth, because all the bike thieves know that, so that's what they do and they're laughing at the police. They've found a loophole in the law that means they can do exactly what they want."


    We must first consider the safety of the public at large, the time of day, number of people around, are there any pedestrians or young children playing nearby?


    Inspector Tim House, Avon and Somerset Police


    But Insp Tim House of Avon and Somerset Police defended the decision.


    "We must first consider the safety of the public at large, the time of day, number of people around, are there any pedestrians or young children playing nearby?" he said.


    "The pursuit police make us consider all those options in sequence and then an officer in the force control room will decide on appropriate action."


    Heating engineer Mr Foster, from Coleford in Somerset, was staying with a friend in Bath where he worked, at the time of the theft.


    He was woken in the early hours by the sound of its engine and peered out to see the youths riding up and down the street on his £1,200 Gilera moped.


    After alerting police, officers arrived just minutes after the trio sped off.



    :beer::beer::lol::lol: What is going on......?



    An officer told him they could not give chase in case the unprotected thieves fell off the bike and sued the police.


    but if you are in possession of a chair leg you get drilled.


    thank you Mr T Bliar.


    :) this isn't the craziest law i've heard of, but it does come close. here are some other examples:-


    if a burglar cuts themself on a window they've just broken to enter your property, YOU can be sued!

    likewise, if an intruder is cut on your glass-topped wall / nail-topped fence..... the question "what were you doing there at the time" to the criminal then becomes void in court!!! :lol:


    if you catch a burglar in your property trying to lift a large object, say a widescreen tv set, you should (by law) help them in case they injure themselves ??? (is it then still burglary, or have you just given them the item? :lol: )


    laws in other countries include:-


    making it illegal to carry an ice-cream cornet in your pocket ???


    making it illegal for BEES to fly over the country :lol:


    making it illegal to call your dog Adolf (i think this still applies in Germany)


    if anyone knows of any other crazy laws, please feel free to post them here (i could do with a laugh! :lol::lol: :o :D:D )

  4. :lol: i want to hear of what you shoot at for practice, 5-pence piece at 20 yards? tic-tacs at 35 yards? shoot the flame off a candle without damaging the rest at 35 yards? matches (end-on) at 25 yards? (we do these all the time at our club. don't worry, we're all perfectly nuts :lol: ). any other interesting targets welcome... :lol:
  5. :lol: i'm a little confuddled with the press these days, was 22 the boys age or was he using a .22? (has someone misunderstood somewhere along the line?) HOW THE **** DID THIS HAPPEN & BE CALLED AN ACCIDENT? :lol::lol::lol:




    i would still like to be able to use my tools, is this too much to ask?

  6. Ive been looking at a few rifles and i need some help to decide which is best.


    Logun Solo

    Air Arms S200

    BSA Ultra

    BSA Hornet


    :lol: i've used the logun solo (very nice i might add :lol: ), own an aas200 & can't fault it. a few mods later & it's MY gun :lol: (s200 also comes with easy power adjustment to keep it legal!), shop around for the best deals & gun for you... :lol:

  7. :lol: hushpower silencer, made for the ratcatcher (grub screw fitting) & cost around £20, still very effective & can be improved (got one on mine, put 2 layers of bicycle inner-tube over it - the tighter the better) :lol::lol::lol:
  8. I know this topic has been done to death probably :D but I was thinking about a new sliencer for my hw100t, I know that some of you would say why? (my s200 sounds three times as loudin comparison) but still Im sure it can be improved, as all it contains is 2 and a bit hair curlers a bit of what looks like aquarium filter wadding wrapped around each seperated by three discs, come on now surely thats a bit simple :o , What if I changed the wadding depth by reducing the diameter of the curlers?

    If not any advice on proper silencers, or even home made silencers?

    I know I cant do much about the hammer strike, or can I?


    :lol: you have a weirauch silencer don't you???..... :lol: can't fault them, well worth the money. but try a couple of tight layers of rubber sleeve (bicycle inner-tube works well), or add another chamber onto the end :) .


    as for the hammer, there is a way of damping the sound :) , but i won't share at the moment as it's very complicated & may result in an improperly re-assembled gun if you don't fully know what you're doing :lol::lol::D (in other words... "don't try this at home :lol: ")

  9. :good: my aas200 is .22, i've set it up well enough to get 85 good flat shots at 35-40 yards at around 10fp (still well-grouped), next 15 shots drop rapidly & the gun then stops firing, leaving the cylinder at around 40bar pressure, all this from a 200bar fill (i wouldn't normally fill it that far, 180-190bar is fine for me. i did this as an experiment after a few adjustments & still have room for improvement :sly: ). don't attempt this yourself, get a qualified gunsmith to do it for you, as they will have the neccessary tools to keep it legal :rolleyes::yes:


    ps. i'm using bsa interceptors, lighter pellets would give the impression of a lower fp. (still waiting for them to become available in .177, any ideas?)

  10. "as an aside i got in at half five this morning,anyone had experience of how long the wife will make my life hell for "


    If she reads this Forum and finds out about the 22 year old girls..................it could be quite some time. :yes:


    I am actually surprised she let the bouncer keep her driving licence, I doubt they have any authority to do that.


    :good: as a security officer, i am reliably informed that we do have the authority to confiscate such items in such a circumstance :sly: (but it must have been handed over voluntarily) :rolleyes:

  11. Welcome to the forum Slider,

    Tricky situation, one way to try and bring her on side is to ask her exactly what her objections are.....then point by point go through her list of objections and counter them with practical solutions (a bit like doing risk assessments really). You'll probably find that if you can get her to sit down and think about her objections there really won't be that many.

    Best of luck



    :yp: pretty much what i did, but it still took some convincing :rolleyes: (she's coming round.....slowly) :sly:


    a mate of mine is in a similar situation, but his is because of house space (he's been limited to 6 weapons :yes::good::sly: )

  12. :good: my missus didn't like the idea of guns at all, let alone having them in the house :sly: (this is because of wars & people shooting at each other in the streets. i pointed out the fact that guns don't kill people, people kill people). i eventually convinced her that, if operated by a responsible person & treated with respect, guns are as safe as you keep them, she now (on occasion) comes with me to our shooting club :rolleyes:


    she also believes (as i do) that shooting animals should not be just for fun, it should be either for food, or for a cull (she still has some difficulty understanding that part! she also forgets that if it's a quick clean kill, then it's as humane as you can get! - she has a little problem with live targets :sly: )


    it's hard work, but keep at it...........................they will fold (eventually...) :yes:

  13. I have the prefect Addition to this post. My new poem :yp:



    The Squirrel.


    There once was a big grey squirrel,

    Known by the locals as Cirril,

    Who enjoyed munching the bark of a tree.

    Be it spring, summer or winter,

    He would turn wood to splinter,

    Not a care for the world yet to be.


    Due Diligent and witty,

    He hath not any pity,

    For the Red he supressed long ago.

    A disorder uncontrolled,

    A difficulty unpatrolled,

    Who will stop this unwieldy foe?


    The morning glint of a scope,

    The sign of a new hope,

    Signals the end of a low.

    A gentle squeeze of the trigger,

    With a Silhouette-gun figure,

    Finalises the much needed blow...



    Hope its not too cliche to the magpie :yp:





  14. Hi,


    2 words... AIR ARMS! :good: I was getting 1 inch groupings with mine in .22 today at 55 paces. :sly:


    FM :sly:

    aas400 with silencer, cant be beat. Funny how many times you have been told that. the 410 is a lot of fun, but you can live without the 10 shots. Though the qick fire is a hell of a lot of fun, and sometimes two shots are better than one.


    :yes: i have a solution - i'm making a 2-shot block for my aas200 :rolleyes:

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