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Posts posted by pin

  1. Pigeon shooting "club" I know of a little ways up the A1 from me have lists similar to the NPPC, there are a few public parks on the lists and next to them it tells you how to go about arranging shooting there. The council and police get informed and the council put up signs in advance etc.


    It can be done, but it isn't easy to negotiate.

  2. I've got a fair sized roll of both somewhere, if you want a small amount for testing drop me a pm with your address and the size you want.


    What I found was in single layers there is still a fair amount of visible light coming through, double up and it gets less and less with only moderate reduction of IR.


    Despite all the faffing I went through I tend to just use my Deben max pro with the deben IR filter clipped to it - it's just more convenient having something that easily clips on, on a dedicated lamp which comes with a nice bracket to fix it to a scope. The handheld trigger mount for this lamp means you can switch over simply.


    I still have the IR "cannon" but to be honest the NV I have doesn't need that kind of range, 100-150 is all it needs and the deben does this perfectly.

  3. Best bit of advice I can give is this, DON'T TALK YOURSELF OUT OF IT!


    They do a lot of these, they have a routine so just let him/her get on with it!


    It's not an interview as such, it's more to check the cabinet as has been said, or to advise on location / security if it's not already there.


    Be polite, offer a cuppa, but don't get all nervous and gushy :o

  4. I'll be back, no doubt about it Cat :o


    With clays my aim was to be the best I could be, to me they represent a challenge and I don't enjoy shooting them when I don't perform to the standard I know I can. This means leaving it until I know I can put in the required effort and time to make a go of it.


    No disrespect to anyone intended but showing up to a "straw bale" shoot week after week shooting good scores doesn't interest me. I'll still go but it's for the crack and the people, not for the enjoyment of shooting the clays :lol:

  5. I got mine at 17, 2 days after my 17th as it happens (pop was a driving instructor).


    I had a nasty crash 3 months after passing my test, wasn't enough to deter me from driving too fast and several years later I wrote off 30k's worth of Evo. Solo, no passengers, no other people involved. Finally learned my lesson.


    My point is based on bitter personal experience. I am sure if I looked hard enough I could find thousands of totally safe 17 year old drivers, I bet I could find far more unsafe ones though :o

  6. Also, I stuartp pm'd me and I never did get round to replying to him which is very rude :lol: In my defence I did mention the fact to SS who I think got in touch Stu?


    Wasn't ignoring you fella, just had other things on my mind :o


    Now I can't make it I am gutted, I have to sit and prepare a bid for something I know we won't win full in the knowledge that I should be in the car with SS and Garyb on my way down there :lol:

  7. Ok chap, I was just stating my opinion.


    I should probably have been more specific, I'm more talking about the "chav" masses.


    I did caveat with "notable exceptions". Someone with 12 years of private education that keeps his nose clean isn't likely to go and behave like this.


    My comment is more a social observation, at one time kids were frightened of authority and it kept them in line, now every hoody wearing ****-jewelry clad chav knows the criminal justice act inside out and is acutely aware of just how far he can push it.


    I stand by my comment, I think 17 is too young to be trusted with a car. I am sure when I was 17 I'd have screamed blue murder at someone like me suggesting I couldn't have a car, at least I recognise that 1990 me would kick 2008 me in the nuts for saying that :o

  8. With the complete change of dynamic, kids these days compared to my generation, I personally feel they should raise the driving age to 21.


    With some notable exceptions the vast majority of 17 year olds are far too immature and irresponsible to be trusted with driving a car.


    Combine that with "smack on the wrist" punishments, where's the incentive to behave?

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