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Everything posted by yds

  1. well done sir that made a great stalk and a nice shot to finish.
  2. I thought it had been answered already. It was infront of a 90ft wall made of granite. LOL NO here is the answer it was asked and answered on another forum; As it happens we had just come from the other side of that hedge and saw the buck behind us, we crossed through it and turned back into him. We now knew nothing but a large arable field was behind the hedge as only a minute earlier we were stood in it. The shot wasn't even taken through the hedge but along it. Enough there to break any remaining bullet up before it even "grounded out" just behind the animal. the shot as most was taken off the sticks so a good downward angle is assured. How many threads have been started on here about me asking/making a client take an unsafe shot?? I'm sure the amount of people i deal with you would see 1 appear were it true.
  3. it is educational in the respect if the deer had not turned to show the exit hole and run into cover how many wouldn't have gone and checked to see if it was a hit? Yes we see it jump but not so many do when they are shooting because they close their eyes on recoil. Again if you sift through the vids you will often hear a client say "did i get it?" when they hve hit it well. and to say watch it over and over again? stop playing it.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RN_TIXfnXsk there are more but it is getting boring now.
  5. If you were to look down my videos sir you will see plenty of clients have taken neck shots, but the ranges are short. I am not anti neck shot but they are for experienced shots at short ranges and head shots should be a no no for any one as the "norm". The best practice was formulated not by 1 but by many better stalkers then we will ever be so don't poo poo it. It is as you say a guideline and i break it all the time, but do stick to it as often as i can aand don't flaunt it or use it as toilet paper. Like you then go on to say its a great document and we should promote it when we can. There are loads more novices on here then experienced stalkers and we should not promote head shots.
  6. Well a large part of the questioning i have to do as an AW is about a wounded deer and how to recover it. This is a government recognied qualification so the bodies which matter are quite aware of wounded animals are part of deer stalking. This beast as you will agree was not wounded only it didn't know it should be dead. So I don't think the antis have it as ammunition. Promoting head shots is not a good route and totally against all "best practice" guidelines for wild deer. So if deer run on a little we are at least following guidelines and to fool yourself deer dont get wounded with head/neck shots is very short sighted. when it happens there is little blood to follow and the deer can run miles. It will be starvation what kills it eventually. That is why its not "best practice".
  7. I too have shot deer in the head and neck, but yeer or two ago was on a contract cull in scotland for 3 days. I shot a red hind in an area I hadn't been in, on the last day. 3 days earlier one of us had shot a hind and missed another so he thought. When she trotted past me with her bottom jaw swinging my stomach churned to think she had been like it for 3 days. I took her cleanly while she was trotting at about 150m's with a good heart shot, the rem mag dropped her like a stone and ended her misery. When you see this you will think again about head shots. All the cullers were of great ability and experience. regards john
  8. well we all know keith can multitask, he can throw his dummy out and complain at the same time. He is a good stalker though he waits and watches for a long time before he sees his chance then pounces like a true hunter.
  9. not the artery its the osophagus (food pipe) so stops green leaking into the carcass.
  10. Due to a thread on another forum I filmed a gralloch last night while I left the client in the box to wait for another buck. The camera was mounted on my bag and i found it a little awkward to gralloch and keep my arms and hands as well as the deer feet out of the important bits. Anyway its not bad. A quick edit for captions and its done in under 5 minutes, which is slowed down for me. A complete removal of everything and ready to bag and PM the gralloch. As my "disclaimer" states please do not pull me up about the knife on the floor as i am well aware. I just found a spare few minutes in good light to film myself. I might do another under better conditions soon. Regards john YDS. hope some of you can learn something from this many of my clients are greatly impressed.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tkWBBL8Kb0
  12. nice one mate, did you mean to kill the foxes? what over fed??
  13. Nice gun, just needs a bolt knob
  14. you keep sending them up here mate and we will keep shooting them. save yourself the diesel mate and get yourself a nice wee cat.
  15. Did you see "NIBBLES" mate??? adopted any cubs this time they are running around now.
  16. Good man Lee and well done. Have you found the roe stalking to your liking, nothing to beat it IMO although it can be very frustrating when everythings "right" and the deer simply just won't play.
  17. Once fired ppu brass in 6.5x55 200 cases. sell in x2 lots if required. 1x100= £23 or £40 for 200 posted. once fired remington 22250 x 40 cases. £8.50 posted
  18. not sure it has anti wobble built in.
  19. Pm sent muggins. and kieth you don't seem to want to help on the other forums?
  20. I am sorry muggins i have re-read your post and i got the context wrong, except my appoligies i am up at 3am these days and they are long days. regards john
  21. ah monkey hanger raises his head hello kieth. :yp:
  22. wayne he had loads of experience but in the heat of battle forgot he had his blaser and was trying to lift the bolt. LOL
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