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Everything posted by yds

  1. Well thats rutting deer for you. We haven't much sign of it here yet, but every day brings it nearer. good vid.
  2. Right then prices now calculated and in £'s capercallie hunt, lapland in sept over dogs, (9th-12 sold out) and 14th-17th sept. Truely wild hunting in miles of wilderness, and accomadation in plush hunting lodges on the grounds. other quarry to be encountered are black game, ptarmigan and blue hare. £750+ flights.(booked last lot at £280) renting guns out there. beers and tips also not included on any above trip. Trip 1 sold out. trip 2 is available. next year these trips could include a moose hunt also, would this be of intrest?.
  3. yds

    Danish fox

    Not absolutly sure I am a guest when out there. We stay near aarhus if thats any help.
  4. Spud people will think i'm just saying this, i'm not. in the price range there is nothing out there touches the duralyts, I have sold quite alot to go on everything from rimfires to pig guns. They realy are good value.
  5. 25th-26th Aug £300 for full couse and tuition £165 for assessment only 4 places left
  6. I bought mine in denmark but believe bushwear sell them. They are pre tuned.
  7. maybe for foxing or pigeon shooting mate. xx
  8. the trousers are a light weight pant yes and they are camo, yes but worn for comfort not for camo. They don't make me SWEAT like a river unlike alot of camo clothes on the market right now. top half which is all you can see for the long grass is plain green.
  9. Thanks lads but because of the weather i'm actually down this year. Hit 100 on the 16th june last year. :blink: Anyway there should be plenty for the rut. Hope so i'm booked solid from july 24th- aug 18th. It co-insides with my poults arriving so long days, lots of red bull and kips when I can squeese em in. Happy days (I think)
  10. called a doe in this morning see video section
  11. no mate 15yd from a high seat but a doe had walked out earlier and he came later sniffing the floor.
  12. as titled. 100th deer this year.
  13. I said no to the freebies. I had just bought a harkila pro hunter and its the dogs danglies where ever i may stalk, even the hill or even a game shoot. And i'm not sponsored by them. Its the best thing out there, IMO But if they like i am open to offers. Some new shirts and trousers would be nice. GREEN of course. Another SAKO wouldn't go amiss either.
  14. might be a good idea, they were the mild ones mate.
  15. Who ate all the pies little man?
  16. agreed mate, see ya soon..... if i can find you.
  17. That was in the days before sponsorship mate. remember the other photo i have of you in green and S+B
  18. Your right its whatevers comfy for the conditions. I buy mine through my company and set them all against tax so its not so bad. Can walk into a bank with my pro hunter on and not see the tellers diving behind the counters. :yp: I do have camo, loads of it in all honesty, just dont think it make any difference to stalking.
  19. like i said above mate not often for guiding. That kit was worn on a driven hunt and is insuated, Great for sat still and i was wearing a high viz hat and waistcoat over it when on the drive so was next to useless for hiding, couldn't buy it in green. However my new rusky is in plain green.
  20. No mate dont use camo for stalking. Infact you dont see me in camo very often, not for deer stalking anyway. Only if all my plain green stuffs wet. LOL what i usually look like when guiding/stalking.
  21. funny that photo all i could see were a silver barrel x2 white faces and a blue zeiss badge nothing else but trees.
  22. Are the white ones artic wallabies?
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