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Everything posted by yds

  1. I shot x3 out of a group in bulgaria a while ago, (photo is my avatar) with my 7mm rem mag bolt gun. I have now gone to a double and managed x6 shots off into a group this year so not much in it speed wise. As long as the double is an ejector and you have your bullets handy. That is great consistant shooting though. My trouble is i can't get over there enough now, I have already got 4 possibly 5 trips planned now. My double Bulgaria last year with the double The 9.3x74R with the 7mm rem mag and 22250 The Tikka rem mag Bavaria.
  2. March is the time roe does are still in season but all clients are told on booking they are no longer all available. I try not to shoot any mature does now as I have to be sustainable and they are getting heavy in young. So the last few days have been interesting getting into a few groups of does but havig to take time to locate the follower Not as easy as you think in woodland and gamecrops. We had a miss on saturday. This morning was good with some good film you can clearly see the old girl then the youngster. How many would have rushed in and shot the first doe which stood broadside? Enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YAKA45gfPU
  3. just heard from the taxidermist think the jackal will be ready next month, that wasn't shot in norfolk though LOL ps hope your well buddy.
  4. they told me I was ambushing big norfolk reds so i took my 7mm rem mag and factory RWS162 gr conepoints. At 45ms it was a little harsh on muntjac but theres nothing on the front end any how.
  5. thanks lads the video link. http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/199475-french-connection-the-video/
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSDs-Kg_kl0&list=UUSW7TWPvQDa8mDosB2eczHw&index=2&feature=plcp
  7. Before i left for france i had an evening with mark at bunwell. He told me how i would be trying to help with the hind cull so i went tooled up with the rem mag. As it happened though there was red trade everywhere none showed up, i then got a text to say they had been seen off the ground so I could now shoot munjac bucks and roe does. It wsn't long before roe buck appeared. he hung around a while then went back into the wood. More movement was spotted soon and a big munty uck chased out a smaller 1. I set the camera going and managed to capture what happened next. it wasn't long before the roe buck reappeared with a young doe. She was to my left so coudn't film bang she was down. Later i also saw a munty doe and 3 more roe. so much for the loud rem mag. when i dropped down the seat to gralloch the bests i had x2 muntys barking at me from just behind the seat. three heart shots. my bigger buck has gone to the taxidermist as he is the best i've shot and the only one i have on film. thanks to mark and rob at bunwell shoot and of course sue for feeding me.
  8. right paris ring road, One of the shoots, the diner inside 5 star then the driven roe hunt at the chateaux meet the guns this guy shot this roe(with a brenneke slug) which i would have if i wasn't just beating. It dropped clean at 15 ft. the next shoot we were show around while a hunt was on the last place we looked at. video to follow.
  9. There is a stone wall just within the tree line. I am a pro and would not allow a dangerous shot to be taken. My clients on the whole would not take one if i asked them to either. look at the last vid i put up I say they can't shoot beacause "no backstop"
  10. this often happens when the deer is unaware your there they don't always jump forward. If rear end shot the deer would colapse but its head would rise and flail around as it would try and stand back up, its not a quick death and a follow up shot is required asap. you can as i said see the entry on the deers shoulder the dog was just pulling the hair off the deers ****.
  11. absolutely perfect heart shot taken through the front shoulder. if you look at the vid again you can see the dog sniff the bullet hole on the shoulder and see the colour of the blood on the floor. A gut shot deer won't drop and usually hunches up and even walks backwards. regards john
  12. after a long stalk we were scuppered by the deer moving to an unsafe area. Then the fifth one which had been laid down away from the group, stood and offered a shot, which wasn't taken and it to soon became unsafe. After a long wait a doe fed down the bank and became safer to shoot. the client who was now stood on sticks could see alot more ground then me who was still in the ditch. If you look close on the shot you can see the bullet strike the ground just behind the deer.
  13. He will make a good rep, his coranets are big, but dont think its medal meterial.
  14. I have never lost a beast with her yet, other then 1 which was shot low in the front leg and was a very strong runner and made it over my boundry and into forrestry. I keep thinking when i'm up there I may shoot a 3 legged doe. We take 150+ deer a year so she gets plenty of work including tracking. have you seen this matey. http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/198087-you-have-to-see-this/page__pid__1694648#entry1694648
  15. well if you want my honest answer she has never been trained as such. I have never taught her to sit and stay or lay down. From one year on she was allowed to be with me on a 1ft lead for 3 weeks then allowed her head. ever since she has been hunting with me twice a day and is just naturally "steady" and has a natural flair for stalking.
  16. she will be with us on your next visit. p.s. rooms booked.
  17. surrounded by squirrels rabbits pheasants and un-shootable deer Breeze took it in her stride. or
  18. Another lucky chap scored a heart shot off sticks at near darkness at 85m's. It ran 50m's into forrestry and breeze made a good follow up wearing her flashing collar. His first deer on his first outing thats x3 novice first outing kills this month. this is one of the better parts of my job. he'll remember tonight forever.
  19. it depends around here there are many bird scarers going off all day as well as game/pigeon shooters so 1 bang often doesn't bother them
  20. yds

    swedish hunt

    a few more photos appearing now in emails.
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