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Posts posted by station

  1. Well after all the talk on here I tried the B&Q stuff on to 3 stocks Miroku and Beretta lacquered not a thing, E Rizzini softened it to be scrapped off.

    I've still not found anything to match the old Nitromors found this to be as good as the new gay diet low fat health Ntromors rubbish.

    Go into a car paint distributor and get some synstrip - works on 2k paint a real treat.

  2. Didn't get a visit on renewal in Cheshire, cert came in the post with a letter saying the FLO will be in touch to arrange a visit or uniformed officers will drop in a some point.... Never got a visit!

    Is that uniformed or uninformed officers (:

  3. If it is broken beyond repair [and the more bits you take out, the more likely that will be]. we were at Curry's today to buy a new fridge/freezer for a house we are letting out and saw there were one or two deals out there




    However that one only does a 6 kg load




    The one above does a 9 kg load


    We have a separate washing machine and tumble dryer at home. I was quite shocked at how expensive they have become.


    Hopefully you can fix yours.....

    I see the 9kg machine has anti stain technology - that might come in handy ;-)
  4. I think the issue has been clouded by the erection of your second fence, be very careful how you describe that fence and mark your boundary before the old fence line disappears and your left with f all to prove where it was

    I too would be contacting the police, my hope would be someone takes a caution and with that admission lies a much easier small claims route, with the guilt proven!

    I agree with what you are saying and yes we have plenty of photos from recent to dating back 16 years or more.

    The boundary line is as straight as a die and some 200 yards in length (not all our land obviously) we just left the original fence in situ and put a decent one up parallel. This is as near as dammit touching the original, but we had to step it around our tree with a slight curve leaving about 2' between it and the original.


    Update is -

    No one called around and only 2 guys using a shredder on site today.

    Got contact number - no reply yet.

    Local council - wife followed up email with phone call and same story.


    Update more when more to update !


    Thanks again to all.

    There is ...


    Injury Lawyers for yew...They have must have a local branch

    Very good lol

    The wife was a little stumped when I read it to her.

  5. First thing to do is get in touch with the council planning enforcement officer not the police.I would be tempted to accept a sizeable cash settlement as compensation and then replant with a quick growing specimen.The trees not on your land are not of your concern but they would be to the enforcement officer.Not all developers are so unscrupulous and mistakes do happen.

    Wife has emailed local authority this evening and will follow up tomorrow with phone call.


    It's just a really **** start to what's going to be 6 months of building work.

    If we get no joy then every single reason to complain will be done during their build - their time is their money so it will cost.

    Plus the local papers are always after stories.



  6. I'd be proper slashed off if that happened to me, especially if i'd been cool with the application.

    Did they leave you any logs? Lol

    Strangely enough the father in law asked the same !

    Unfortunately for him our BT line does not have a swear filter !!!



  7. 6 months membership and regular attendance at a club? before the committee will sponsor an application normally. Target shooting is not an easy way into an FAC . "Want to shoot" is not part of it its "good reason to shoot" even as regards target shooting and yes for 6 guns you need six good reasons

    What he says plus, if you let your club membership lapse then they will notify the Police that you no longer have good reason to possess - This is what we do.

  8. Check the deeds to your house detailing the boundary line. Defining a big red line drawn around the area of your house could cause difficulties as the width of a red marker pen to the scale of a map may be several meters wide.


    You mentioned the 'original boundary' if a fence is no longer in place then defining who owns what land may require you to prove that it originally was yours in the first place.


    If you can prove the tree was cut down on your property then you will be able to pursue a civil claim for tresspass for the act of entering your land without permission. Secondly you may be able to make a case for a criminal prosecution if yu can prove they have committed criminal damage.


    Prove ownership of your boundary and only expect to be returned to the position you were in prior to the trees being cut down i.e. a replacement tree line

    The original boundary fence is still in place (although in very poor condition) it is a wooden rail picket fence with 4' concrete posts at 12' centres. Our tree is definitely our side of this fence, we erected a taller fence some years ago to tidy things up as the EPH would not allow (or pay) us to alter the original fence. In essence we lost 18" of land and left our tree between the 2 fences.


    The other annoying thing is that a guy came around before Christmas and sprayed bright blue crosses on all the trees to be felled.

    None of the ones (obviously including ours) bordering our property were marked.



  9. Many thanks to all for the replies and advice.


    We will photograph and pursue legally - wife is now asking her father who is a fountain of knowledge as he used to sit on a planning committee many years ago.


    The trees were a mixture of cherry and hawthorn and were all 25 years plus old.

    Even if we only sort something for the 1 that was ours we will now pursue for compensation in one form or another.


    Thanks again.


  10. After a bit of advice whilst sat here fuming over a cup of tea.

    Our house borders the grounds of a former elderly persons home which has been vacant for 2 years.

    Developer bought it and now we are to have 22 houses built on it - 3 of which will back onto the length of our garden which is 105 feet long.


    You can guess where this post is going -


    When they seeked planning permission we said Ok so long as none of the borderline trees come down.

    This was agreed and the plans reflected this once they were produced - we have electronic copies.

    Now 1 is (was) definitely within our border and the other 4 just over - if you go off the original fence line.

    1 of these 4 was in direct line from our bedrooms side window thus providing some degree of privacy as the nearest new build house will be some 50 feet away with its side elevation facing our side.


    Returned home today at 4.30pm and the contractors on site have cut the ******* lot down to stumps.

    Went over and had a rant and the guy in charge was apologetic and said they had been instructed to cut all the tress down. I pointed out the fact that 1 was on our land and he said he will get the site manager to call round tomorrow morning at 8am.


    Anyone any experience of this?

    Where do we stand and any pointers where to go from here.


    Many thanks for any advice.

  11. I've painted a landrover and a Astra van with tea-mac paint...a little thinners and a small gloss roller...good results considering..here's the van sporting some john Deere green

    Looks very modern as even OE manufacturers now offer satin and Matt finishes - how trendy are you !

    I saw a 3 series BMW today that was vinyl wrapped in matt purple that look rough, but your green paint job looks good.

  12. The newer style extended chokes have the thread at the bottom of the choke. The old style have it at the top.

    The old type is compatible with one of the beretta types (optima maybe?), but just to confuse, you can get internal versions of the "new" type too.

    Old and new Hatsan chokes won't fit due to the thread position differences.

    As above but the early ones are Beretta Mobil fitment which are also Betinsolli fitment as well.

  13. All tyres are not equal, the best tyres always go to the manufacturers, then there will be two or three other grades of the same tyre. That's why the original tyres always seem best. Front wheel drive and power steering eat tyres, if you want good grip in the wet you need soft tyres that don't last as long. IMO Yokohama and Pirelli are good tyres but they don't last.

    Heard this off other people - very strange way to produce a product IMO.

    My Insignia runs Continentals, but another car of mine runs Bridgestones and they seem better with plenty of tread left after nearly 20k.

    The wife's car will be interesting as people report she will be lucky to get 10k

    She had the same car previously (earlier model) and that did 7k per pair on the fronts.

  14. That's how long the tyres lased on the front of our Vauxhall Insignia, we need to have the second front tyre replaced tomorrow.

    I posted about this on a car forum, and found that 13,000 miles is normal from this car in the estate version.

    Glad I'm not paying for them.

    It's a motability car.

    Got a 2 year old Insignia with nearly 70,000 mile on it.

    First set of front tyres did 26,000 and every set since have done between 12 - 15000 !

    The rears are obviously better - only just on third set.


    The interesting thing is that the tyre make has not changed.

  15. On the subject of shot strings


    If we assume that at 40 yds the shot is travelling at approx 750ft/sec

    The shot will travel 1ft in 0.00133 sec

    Therefore the difference between the front and back of a 4ft shot string will be 0.00533 sec

    The difference between the front and back of a 17ft shot string will be 0.02261 sec


    A 40mph bird travels 58.66 ft in 1 sec

    Between the front and back of a 4ft string the bird travels 0.3126ft, or about 4 inches

    Between the front and back of a 17ft string the bird travels 1.3263ft, or about 16 inches


    Hence a 17ft shot string allows you about an additional 1ft of aiming error over a 4ft shot string if your error is ahead of the bird. If you're behind, you'll still miss!


    I'm not a mathematician so happy to be corrected on this.


    So does this mean if I still miss then I am even a worse shot than I thought ????

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