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Posts posted by station

  1. It has the worst rfd shop around the north west. Unless you pull up in a merc or bmw and spend £££££ they dont even give you a hello. It is well known around here. They customer service is terrible.

    Took the words right out of my mouth :whistling:

    Are you still talking about NWSS here ?


    Only ever had good experiences there - and breakfasts !

    Never bought a gun from them just clothing, cartridges and shooting tokens.



  2. Hi Iain


    what did you use to get it to size ? I have a nice ventilated one that needs re sizing



    Best to use either a static belt or disc sander, but you can get away using portable machines - if you are careful !

    The pad has to be a grind to fit pad by the way - if not then they normally don't sand well at all.



  3. wouldnt be without ours....chips take about 25-30 mins.....(tip:- dry them thouroughly, put em in for 5 mins or so , sprinkle with the oil then sprinkle with a little salt....) Cook chips and Sausage at the same time yummmy

    get meat balls, cook em in the actifry for 15-20 mins then add a jar of pasta sauce AND 1/ of the jar of water and cook for another 10 mins or so till the sauce re thickens...serve with pasta

    chicken drumsticks ...25 mins

    roast spuds...25 mins if not over large... use pork dripping for that extra flavour but not too much, about 1 large tablespoon full....

    I could go on and on and but its a teefal NOT an ariston :lol:

    I'm with you on this -

    Best chips outside of a chippy !

    Get the right potatoes (cheap big bag) cut into quarters and cook for 40 mins - they just begin to break up and are stunning.

    We use rapeseed oil in ours as it takes greater heat than olive oil.

    Try carrots / parsnips for 20 mins and they taste like they've been roasted.

    Never tried anything else really, but friends do pasta and stuff and say its good.


    Not everything suits everybody, but we get on well with ours and had it for 18 months with no issues.



  4. Ok, just to prove the obvious for you i went into app store and types 'muzzle energy' into the search bar and it came up with an app called 'airgun calculator'.

    It just beggars belief how you couldnt just do that yourself?

    Or you could just save yourself 69p and calculate it FREE on a calculator, many free apps available for that one too!

    Mv x Mv (fps) x pellet weight (grains) divided by 450240 (this constant is often discussed but is the one i use and just the one i remember)

    Well I think you're right, it beggars belief that I worded my search obviously incorrectly - many thanks for pointing this out.

    I will check air gun calculator out.

    I am more than aware by the way of how to work it out with a calculator, but hey my phone is smarter than me so why not make use of it !


    Chairgun done by hawk optics it's free.

    Bullet drop really more for full bore

    Winchester does an app for there ammo

    All free just be thoughtfull with your hit words in the search bar.

    Thanks for the reply - much appreciated.

    I will check them out.


  5. Hi All,


    Anyone know of an app for iphone - I have Pyramyd Air, but since last iphone OS update it does not work and I cannot find it now in the app store.


    Just need something simple to help when home load testing and the Pyramyd Air one did the job.


    Many thanks.

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