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Posts posted by station

  1. It's an extraordinary place for extraordinary people.

    My wife and I spent a day there and plan to go back.

    We have fallen relatives who's names are mentioned in different conflicts.

    Great respect to anyone that visits and remembers those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

  2. I've just bought a Diamond multi choke and all I can gather is that the later ones are steel proofed and will take Beretta Mobil Chokes.

    This is backed up on Teagues website as they state the earlier ones take Betinsoli specific chokes and the later ones share their Beretta fitment ones.


    Not much info and not necessarily specific to the model you mention, but hope it helps.


  3. Thank you.


    Giving is all very well but I've always felt it my duty to receive if in doing so one relieves someone of a problem.


    You know the sort of thing - accepting a holiday which is too late to cancel and they can't go because the wife has broken her leg or a meal which was a birthday present but they can't go as the daughter has chicken pox. Not to mention the bloke down the road that has two very nice little rifles that need some permanent safe custody.


    Onerous but duty nevertheless so one must show willing. :yes::innocent:

    Never minded giving or receiving so I know where you're coming (no pun intended) from. ;)

    (just got a dirty look from the wife !)

  4. Gentlemen,


    I would be grateful if you'd all keep your opinions to your good selves. The boy currently lives just down the road from me and I'm rather hoping that he has to give them to me before departing for pastures new.


    Thank you,





    Spoken like a true friend - always thinking of helping out if needs must :yes:

  5. About £40 at a good gunsmith's will sort you out with a good gun fit


    It took my local one 48 hours to give me the gun back and my shooting advanced about 200 %, best £40 ever spent and if not happy a free further adjustment

    So what did you get done to it for £40 ?

    Seems very cheap.

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