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Posts posted by station

  1. Where we live the ground is clay so the guy that did ours did all the groundwork as normal, sorted the 2 manholes trays then he laid the blocks on a dry mix of grit sand and cement.

    In essence the blocks are now on 2" of concrete - right or wrong the drive is as flat and level as the day it was laid.

    The guy said its the best way to do it round our way.


    Maybe an option?

  2. A new pair a binos , a duck call , and Jessica Alba :)


    Actually , if I got Jessica I would not need the other two as I would be spending my time doing something other than shooting :whistling:

    Sorry pal - she's been on my list for quite some time !


    Now back to this reality plane then a new .308 is hopefully on its way. :)



  3. I'm still Camp with little Chicory. ;-) LOL


    Fond memories of my nan with her bottle of coffee - nice stuff - in its own way !


    I'd try the coffee bags though, when I see them.

    What make are they ?

  4. My advice is try and stick with .22LR as ammo starts at £3 for 50 with decent stuff around the £6 mark (Eley Team).

    I shoot mainly sporting and my main club fees are £136 per annum with no range fees - so I can shoot up to 6 times a week all year round.

    An average session costs me about £6 which is 50 rounds and targets.

    Although if I go semi auto then that is about £1 more as the ammo I shoot in that is £7 per 100 (cci mini mags)



  5. :lol:


    Had it not been for the fact that I live in Exmouth and you've definitely never needed a licence for sea angling, it may well have been judging by the oopsie involving the river Bain, the Lincolnshire Constabulary force helicopter and King Hussein of Jordon but we won't go there.

    Now that sounds worthy of its own thread !


  6. Are you absolutely sure about that? Because if you're correct then following another little incident whereby I and a couple of mates 'handled' and fired one belonging to another mate we were all made to pay for the licence we didn't have and also purchase one in case we did it again (this was in 1958), I'm going to sue the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary for £1 - two lots of 10/-.


    Are you sure you weren't fishing and it was your mates rod :lol:

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