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Posts posted by station

  1. With that, I hastened my pace, "can't stop now, see you later" I said. Off down to the pub for a quick vessel I thought, best keep my distance from Mrs Lynton for a while. Now the landlords daughter, she was eye candy if ever there was. Her father however, was a tower of a man, and if he was to know about our exploits I dread to think what he'd do. "Pint please Jenny" I said with a cheeky grin, she gave me a quick wink as she was pulling the pump..

    It's a good girl that gives you a wink whilst pulling your pump !

  2. However, it was only too well established in the nursery that

    Clarence's veracity was on a par with his courage. When taxed with any misdemeanour, he used to look round scared and bewildered, and utter a flat demur. One scene in particular comes before me. There were strict laws against going into shops or buying dainties without express permission from mamma or nurse; but one day when Clarence had by some chance been sent out alone with the good natured housemaid, his fingers were found sticky.

    Heard of house maids knee, but fingers - now that a whole new story !

  3. ive just seen people having alot of problems with bettinsoli on here, double discharge etc

    Early ones - yes, some issues.

    Later CNC machined ones are all good as far as I am aware.


    I bought one new about a month back as a lightweight game gun.

    I have put 1000 cartridges through it (not all game shots unfortunately) and love it - never missed a beat !


    Do you know how old it is?

    What warranty comes with it ?


    I paid £795 new with 3 yr warranty and also got a cheap deal on some cartridges.



  4. So a small bump could have messed it up? I may have bashed it an inch or two.

    The signal tests showed nothing for signal 1 & 2! I have already bought the new LNB but that's ok as it's a multi room one so I will be using that!

    If when I put that in it still doesn't work is it just a matter of pointing the thing till its ok or do I need some magical electronics?


    An inch or two in digital alignment terms is like pointing at a different planet !

    Get yourself an alignment tool and dial it back in to where it should be pointing.

    Details available on line - just search or post something on here.

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