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Everything posted by grasshopper
Yeah Leupy VX111 4.5 X 14 X 50 30MM TUBE.....works really well with the Archer. 1st outing for the PBIR LD last night,love the way I could turn the brightness down for closer shots.
OOPS...never mind it happens😉 In the Highseat last night watching over a bait station. Nothing happening so tried a few calls. Vixen in heat had 1 appear almost instantly but from right beside me and proceeded to sit down 15yds away...trying quietly to turn the mag down on the scope and get the lens caps off it turned it's head and stood up sharpish....yup another fox 15yds from it and a stand off ensued. 2nd fox was bigger and with hackles up and tail raised it started forward where they both ran right behind the highseat and away into the wood....well all you can do is smile, but I was hopeful the winner would return, and this it did some 10mins later, slowly making it's way closer looking for it's prize. Top of a Whinn bush meant I had to wait but eventually it cleared it and politely sat down at some 50yds...to my surprise it was a huge Vixen.
How many Foxes are killed in 2019
grasshopper replied to steve_b_wales's topic in Other Pest Control
Vixen last night Total = 301 TOTAL 601 -
How many Foxes are killed in 2019
grasshopper replied to steve_b_wales's topic in Other Pest Control
Vixen last night. Total = 585 -
They sound spot on and a very tidy return from them...Foxbox/Bait station is definitely a productive combination. Out last night in the freezing cold and all was quiet until I spotted a Fox slowly mooching down a field. Got ahead of it and got set up to wait.Yong Rabbit Distress on the FoxPro produced an immediate response...too good in fact,as it jumped onto a wall and raced in with the branches of a tree preventing a clear shot. It dropped into a gully just in front of the caller and all was quiet for a minute....which seemed a lifetime. Played call again to see it making it's way back up the field through some rushes,so again no shot. Finally it stopped in a gap side on (very nice of it)where that familiar thud resounded back. Lovely looking Vixen...
There you go bumpy,made from pallets with latts to fill the gaps..then mounted onto an old caravan chassis so it can be re-positioned if and when required.
Been a busy time recently on the Fox. Had 6 on one trip including 5 called on 1 stand,dropping 4 of them and going back few hours later and accounting for possibly the other in same field..Used my mate's Thermion XP50...Some piece of kit. Picked up a new permission, small pheasant shoot where it's overrun with Hares so I try to reduce it each visit as lampers are active. Had to remove 1 from around my Foxbox as it was targeting a Partridge pen the farmer has...took an hours calling but it showed eventually. Big Pheasant shoot's been quiet this year but colder weather has had a few move in. Few wary ones that with help from some of the lads on the shoot setting bait stations up for me I've managed to account for.1 in particular took 4 trips. Finally,been helping a mate on the shoot he's controlling the Fox on,1 last week and another last night before the fog stopped us.
How many Foxes are killed in 2019
grasshopper replied to steve_b_wales's topic in Other Pest Control
14 to add since I last posted...Last night's Vixen before fog stopped play. Total = 584 -
How many Foxes are killed in 2019
grasshopper replied to steve_b_wales's topic in Other Pest Control
Brace of Dog Foxes last night.. Total = 473 -
How many Foxes are killed in 2019
grasshopper replied to steve_b_wales's topic in Other Pest Control
2 last night..young Dog and young Vixen Total = 466 -
How many Foxes are killed in 2019
grasshopper replied to steve_b_wales's topic in Other Pest Control
Mate just took over the Fox control on a Pheasant shoot... Quick look after a 12hr shift. 2 stands 3 Fox...Dog and 2 Vixens. Total = 459 -
How many Foxes are killed in 2019
grasshopper replied to steve_b_wales's topic in Other Pest Control
Brace last night on a mate's permission. Total = 455 -
How many Foxes are killed in 2019
grasshopper replied to steve_b_wales's topic in Other Pest Control
Call out for Chicken Killer,1 young Dog Fox. Total = 443 -
How many Foxes are killed in 2019
grasshopper replied to steve_b_wales's topic in Other Pest Control
Another Dog Fox Total = 429 -
How many Foxes are killed in 2019
grasshopper replied to steve_b_wales's topic in Other Pest Control
1 Dog Fox last night Total = 425 -
How many Foxes are killed in 2019
grasshopper replied to steve_b_wales's topic in Other Pest Control
Vixen last night on a new permission.. Total = 402 -
How many Foxes are killed in 2019
grasshopper replied to steve_b_wales's topic in Other Pest Control
1 last night,a Dog Cub makes 42 so far this year. Total = 396 -
Always happy to help a Damsel in distress
I wish,back on 4 on 4 off...always buy new toys when my pay goes up got a new FoxPro too,a Fusion but not too keen on it just yet as volume is lower than mine and it's a pain to program.Hence all my presets are too quiet as I set them at same levels as the FX5 and haven't got around to re-doing them.
Good result,shot a few with the .22 last week,you forget just how quiet and efficient they are. Wanted to see a Fox through it as even though I shot 1 last week,Hodgy was using it and wouldn't give it back so I had to use the old 1lol.Went to same place last night and saw 2, 1 was sitting looking at me around 180yds.These are the ones over the border right in front of the farm and won't call. Bought a Pulsar Helion XP38...really impressed with it,watching a Badger at near 500yds last week and could easily see what it was and not just a white lump.
Well done shorty..better result than I had last night - got to where I was going,took my new thermal out of the case and had only forgotten to put the battery in.Other Thermal charges with the battery in...DOH! Once home I put my feet up with a beer and watched TV.
Spent 3 hrs last week watching between 3-6 foxes feeding on a dead Ewe...over the border had 3 of them in 4mins a few days earlier when 1 of our fields finally got cut but still work to be done. Spen tonight so hopefull as took 3cubs and the Dog few weeks back,Vixen called the last 1 in but we stopped it on the edge of the wood and it got no further 42 so far so only 8 more for my target....you'll have to get your finger out for yours though
What no shotgun this year good outing
been watching 8 for 3 weeks in 2 fields i can't shoot and they wont cross the boundary maybe when the grass is cut they will
The not so pleasant side of Fox control.Lamb taken about month ago and called her out but she stayed on the edge of the wood and no shot.Farmer saw her next morning and confirmed heavy with milk.Although he's hunted Fox himself and had terriers in the past,he didn't like the thought of Cubs being orphaned same as myself (every year i give them April and May off..so long as they behave) He has been dropping all dead lambs in same place and had no more trouble.Luckily she moved them out from wood onto a hill into 6 hole sett 4 days ago.He's been watching and saw 5 cubs.Met him tonight and he told me Vixen turns up about 7 40pm to feed them.Set up on the hill opposite about 120yds away at 6 30pm.After 15mins they started to appear and sure enough i counted 5.Vixen appeared at 7 42pm.Duly despatched and then the 5 cubs too..not nice after watching them for 45mins but has to be done as every field around them is full of lambs.Low and behold after 10mins a 6th appeared.All done and dusted by 8pm.Sure i shot the Dog end of February as he never showed and farmer hasn't seen him. Spoke to shoot Captain who said get down here as Vixen and Cubs are chasing Pheasants at the laying pens.Called 1 but wary(vixen i would presume)So guess i'll be there tonight as they seem to be after the birds before they roost.