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Posts posted by sodit

  1. It's not like he's going to be around to care! All of this is ridiculous. These people had YEARS to complain about it, but have only come forward now he's dead. Rather too late to be complaining, don't you think?!



    I’m with Welsh lamb.


    Further thoughts. With so many people coming forward I think this should be properly investigated to prove things one way or the other. Yes he is dead but who else was involved either with the actual alleged acts and, or in suppressing the information afterwards! Not a witch hunt but making people pay for their actions or inaction. And if proven he was a pervert it may help his victims recover. I never liked him that much but did and do admire his efforts for various charitys but now!?

  2. With a lot of fixed choke .410's they are over choked as in super full to try and gain a little more distance. I have a little Falco .410 and that is full+ and full+ choked and I have broken clays out to about 25, 26 meters. Please note I have also hit them and knocked them off course but not broken them


    Read "Because its there! Climbing the North Face of the .410" by Tim Woodhouse :good:


    Great book tells you all you ever wanted to know (and stuff you didnt) about the .410 and loads of reloading information. :good:



    Sodit (missed again)

  3. First off read first line of signature.


    As for the question it all depends on the circumstances of the shot. I mean even firing straight up could be dangerous if you had a low flying microlite etc passing over head :blink:


    I personally would be very dubious about firing my 22lr up into a tree but people do shooting squirrels and as far as they are concerned it's safe. Well I hope they think its safe otherwise they are stupid. If in doubt dont!


    As for the low flying microlite "If it can happen it will happen"


    Neil :rolleyes:

  4. Although I mentioned the Napier Pro 9's, I also have, and use, Howard Leight electronic ear defenders. These are light in weight, and will amplify sounds like leaves rustling or speech, but cut out all harmful noise. Priced at around £56, they are excellent value for money. There is also an option to plug an mp3 player into them.


    Howard Leight head set very good very good price

  5. Tour of duty



    Noggin the Nog - "In the lands of the North where the black rocks stand guard............" pure genius








    Both great for different reasons


    The Sandbaggers, (high waist band trousers and S Cowell was probably still in shorts.)



  6. Hey folks dont make it hard (oooeer matron :rolleyes: )


    In the physics (and real world) world gun horizontal to ground pellet falls due to gravity as soon as it leaves the barrel it cannot do anything else there is no (significant or useful) acceleration after leaving the barrel to enable it to overcome gravity. (Is gravity real or does the world just suck!) <_<


    In the real shooting world by sighting the weapon we allow for this by changing the angle of the barrel to enable us to hit our target as required. :o


    HW682 had it right in his first description I just added the links cos I usually find a picture helps you understand the written word because as stated I am thick :o.


    If you look at the replies most people have it right one way or the other. :good:


    To answer the original question as asked. No, but due to sighting the weapon the ballistic curve gives that impression. :yes:


    When you read the gentleman who answers these kind of questions in Shooting gun regarding bullet flight he generally mentions the angle of the weapon. (another oooeer matron moment :rolleyes: )


    Just thought I would stir the pot a little more :P


    To all those offended by my thoughts READ THE FIRST LINE OF MY SIGNATURE and if I have it totally wrong then politely let me know :oops:


    Sodit :yp:

  7. Rookie question: does a pellet rise before falling? Just seen a diagram in a book that suggests that they do but my understanding was that this was an illusion because scopes are set to point down slightly and that the pellet comes out straight and just falls away gradually. What's the truth? :hmm:



    Have a look at


    1 http://www.chuckhawks.com/bullet_trajectory.htm This is for bullets but same thing for pellets but slower.


    2 http://viriato.net/airgunning/bfta_setup_manual.pdf Look at chapter 6.1 for explanation.


    Just be happy you didnt have to cover this in mechanics theory for some reason it did my head in :lol: probably co I'm thick :o



    Neil :D

  8. If copied from your Avatar on PW I would have thought it would be simple good manners to ask (cos to be brutally honest he or she could still just copy it if they wanted) but unfortunately good manners,politeness and concern for other people seems to be hard to find these days.

    And before anybody starts to rant (also read first line of signature) I know there are good people out there, just seems to be less of them than there was!



  9. If you want a low maint vehicle do not buy a Disco 200 or 300 cannot comment about later models. I had a 200tdi from 11,000 miles I sold it for parts at 241,500 miles as the rust bug had done it in and that was after rustproofing at 15,000. Was it brilliant? YES it was loads of fun on and off road but it wasnt cheap to run, two gearboxes one at 90,000 the next at 99,000(replaced by LR under warranty).

    As usual with the 200tdi head gasket went at 150,000. A new load area floor as the old one got moth eaten services every 6 and 12 thousand but beyond that it was what I call consumables,brake discs tyres two exhausts (I should have bought the stainless one)suspension bushes stuff like that cam belts. If you can find a good one and are handy at servicing then do it but it wont be cheap but theres loads of juicy bits for them out there. I didnt own a 300tdi but my mate did and had much the same costs he ran his for 150 odd thousand.

    Did I buy another? no to complicated in 2006 and no longer went off road enough to warrant the cost.


    I now have a Honda CRV which does all I want as I NO LONGER OFF ROAD (caps to make it clear) and is suprisingly good in the snow and gives a bit of height for better vision when driving. But its not fun like the 200tdi


    Good Luck



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