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Posts posted by captainhastings

  1. That is true as a kid I could walk for miles in any direction with the dogs and ferrets and avoid if i wanted seeing any one. Now adays around here nearly every bit of rough ground gets bought up and some eco warrior puts solar panels and a shed up or tent or a caravan. Every one wants there own little bit land to escape too 

  2. I have an ff6 which is great but am I missing a trick by not having a rotatory. Think that is what they are called. You whack two dead birds on and it spins around in a circle. 
    If so any recommendation that won't break the bank or upset the mrs ?

  3. I just bought the ninja foodi. Cost arm and a leg. Pressure cooker, Air fryer, grill, oven, steamer all in one. Chips taste like real chips. Just amazing. Cook a chicken in 20 mins then switch to air fryer for anoher 20 to crisp up

  4. A lot of it is hind site I wish I had the outlook I have now when I was in my twenties. It is all too late now and a work until drop ending. I got off on the wrong foot when I was 18 and started work in the woods. Some one said oh your self employed don't worry about tax. Back in them days it was easy to coast along but after about ten years and met the mrs I thought i better get straight. Walked into the tax office and said I have been working for years and never paid tax what do I do. Once they stopped laughing they laid big bill on me and that set the pattern for the rest of it constantly chasing my tail. In hind site I should have woken up got a house and a pension on the go. But good luck to folks who have got it sorted though by and large its not luck but good planning and hard work 

  5. 5 hours ago, London Best said:

    Neville, I bought this last year,  W. Richards made in 1902. If you fancy trying it out next season I will take a day somewhere with you and you can use it all day if you like.6237B602-11F4-4873-9561-AB2A871C37C0.jpeg.2a7de61423b8041f850000ca3be19577.jpeg0BBFF12B-7E0B-453B-89CF-B2818FAF380B.jpeg.55afe941c669b85a2cb2152f1f889817.jpeg


    Beautiful that is 

  6. Some folks think the bigger the bar the better but it's the reverse as obviously the shorter the faster. When I was feller we all ways preferred a nice little 13 inch bar at least if you wanted to work fast. There was few trees you couldnt manage with 13 inch. It was slightly more dangerous as such a short bar hanging off a big old husky was quite lively and more prone to kick back. But like walker said the main thing is keep it sharp 

  7. Fields sports Britain are also now make making a move and trying to raise funds etc to promote our way of life. I have never taken much notice of them before but there videos are interesting. Good on them I say. I also joined basc in December as in fairness they are also battling away. You can't just sit back and do nothing any more as the erosion from all angles is happening at speed. 

  8. Very nice pictures and well done folks. My spot was flooded out Saturday so that was me done. Been a good season in between lockdowns with some great sport and scenery.
    But we lost a good half of it 😞
    Just looking forward to bass fishing and some crows and pigeons now 

  9. I think we have to just live with it and use our own common sense or not which is what most people do any way. Our wales fella reckon holiday attractions like parks, zoos etc may open by April again. But you don't have to be the brains of Britain to know that once you allow mixing it will spread again so all this lock down has been wasted. Though saying that it does give time for vaccinations. He also said we can now burst a bubble then create a new bubble but only after 10 days mind. Also now meet for exercise with one person from out side a bubble. I can't  be-leave how dense he must be to think people actually take notice of that rubbish. People make there own choices for better or worse 

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