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About mungolee

  • Birthday 19/02/1971

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  1. mungolee

    Dead Bats

    Thanks for the advice guys , I have spoken to one of my neighbours and they have said that they have always found the odd bat laying dead in there back gardens. The 4 cottages back on to some old stables and we have a church at the side of us and just recently they have had some restoration work done on the church. thanks ml
  2. mungolee

    Dead Bats

    I have already disposed of them into the wooded area in front of my house, if i find anymore i shall do as instructed above. Thanks ml
  3. mungolee

    Dead Bats

    I've now found 7 small bats dead in my garden now, any ideas on what i should do or is there anyone i can report this too. There are no visual signs of damage to them , they are appearing more frequently and i think they are pipistrelle bats. thanks ml
  4. i will have it colin..... I will collect on Wednesday evening . ml
  5. Totally agree there Colin , I think baz should go and stand in the naughty corner for a while . Ml
  6. Fantastic laugh , great company, food superb and loads of drink . Thanks to all . Ml
  7. Cany beat a bit of cod ghosts now and again ml
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