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About farmer7

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  1. Thank you very much. Missed out on both by a slim margin!
  2. No that's the regular auction on the 2nd/3rd December. Thanks though.
  3. I noticed they were both listed as having ventilated ribs which obviously they weren't. Do you have a link to that chart? I can't see anything showing for the sealed bid prices yet??
  4. Oh well, next time perhaps! What time of day did you hear?
  5. A gun? I think from a past post you are partial to one of the guns I bid on! A 20 bore Macnab??!!
  6. For those who've won on the sealed bid auction before do you hear the same day usually? I understand you hear nothing if you've not won. I had a few bids in, both a bit over the top estimate and was hopeful but heard nothing yet!
  7. Yildiz Pro 30" M/C for sale, this is the one with the Boss/Perazzi style action. It's very well balanced with a good solid steel action putting the weight between your hands. Cased with chokes x5, gun socks etc. Ideal roughshooting/game gun, superior steel proof, 3" chambers. Any trial welcome. £745 I can also RFD it no problem.
  8. Thanks for that, obviously didn't put enough on any of my bids then!
  9. How long until you hear if you won an item in the sealed bid? Or do you just not hear anything if you haven't won?
  10. That's just the address of the Browning Arms Company not the country of manufacture. As others said, made by Miroku in Japan.
  11. I'm up near Inverness. What have you got to trade?
  12. Yildiz Pro Grade 4 30" M/C for sale, this is the one with the Boss/Perazzi style action. It's very well balanced with a good solid steel action putting the weight between your hands. Cased with chokes x5, gun socks etc. Ideal roughshooting/game gun, superior steel proof, 3" chambers. Any trial welcome. £795 I can also RFD it no problem.
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