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Posts posted by bottletopbill

  1. We should all stand and show that all legal owners want tougher sentences and no excuses rich or poor kids. With dads or with out no more B S. Who wants to carry a gun and risk getting charged for hurting a scumbag as they will have more rights than the copper. Bring back hanging if there is a clear case of murder.

  2. When i applied for my FAC  from the met i had some problems with my daughter same issues as you had . I informed him that under no circumstances does she come to my home and we take my grand children to her home for contact. We have been foster carers for many years so we all get problems in life. But explain to FEO that they do not attend your home at any time and if he wants to check with social services  about contact arrangements .  Good   luck cant see why you would be refused one But BASC is the one to join for help  and yes I did join Gun plan  as well.

  3. Worked for all as a agent AA and RAC mess about a lot more on recovery . One journey taking a car home with members  was told to take them to certain services stations and wait for AA. This  should have taken eight hours there and back. Took 14 hours. Green flag are the best for all services look at the mechanic AA/RAC have nice clean hands ? GF  will take you all the way  home

  4. Good about time a lot of carers have cared for many children. Me and my wife have been f/c for over twenty years and cared for over 42 children and adopted a child  who we picked up from the hospital at birth. YES i did have my own children and lots of grand kids and great grand kids so please do not think are they cant have there own kids so they want my kids.  Some of the abuse  i have seen done to a child  from babies to teenagers will want most of you go and cry  and it is getting worse every day sexual and physical abuse to babies and toddlers by some mum and dads and family members.  Sorry but years of seeing and training makes you  to be on your guard at all times. Some social workers are u s and do not care a dame others work there socks of and really do care. I have left now as a carer but who knows what will happen.  

  5. Do not make my mistake  joined GP as why pay for more when GP will cover me .You only get what you pay for so paid my renewal to  BASC  just as well as they do help  when you needed them.  I called for  there help for my FAC licence so it cost me more in the long run  so save  money and stay with BASC. We all need them now to sort out   Mr C P  

  6. No not a member of a club but have over 1200 acres in kent to shoot over so will put up some targets. Plus the pest control on the farm  will put in for a variation in six months and for increase in ammo  as my perm is cleared for 243 FEO stated

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