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  1. How much lead comes with experience and that can be gained by smashing a few thousand clays, its all about timing, how long will it take for the shot to reach the bird, how far will the bird have flown in that time. You will build up a mental image of where and when but it takes a good amount of practice.
  2. I will keep an open mind. Man shoots girlfriend in toilet? Rumours aside it does seem a little odd.
  3. BerettaEELL


    You obviously know that Starlings are now a protected species due to massive decline in numbers. BTw they do indeed stink when they are dead, not that I have smelled them when alive.
  4. Welcome, hope you enjoy the banter. Beretta
  5. You never know, might have been a number 2 after a dodgy springbok curry or whatever they use instead of horse. My door would be securely bolted with iPad in hand ready for the long haul.
  6. Still find it all a bitt odd. Wake up in the night having gone to bed with girlfriend. Hear noise in bathroom. Pick up gun before checking girlfriend not in bed. Go into toilet shouting that you have a gun. Think that someone has broken in and is pinching your toilet or needed a quick one before getting onto the family silver. Supposedly blows 4 holes in the toilet door shooting intruder (girlfriend). Would you check to see whether your wife/girlfriend was missing before reaching for the Glock? I've heard some fishing tales in my time, this one is up there with the best of em.
  7. Yep, I think a lesson would be your best bet. Let us know on this thread how you got on?
  8. Come on Rob, give us the first letter * , Im sure they would love to be your friends and give you some discount for the free advertising
  9. I have ducked a couple of missed birds from other stands once or twice, just adds to the fun of the day. My brother got hit by a whole mini clay last year and went down like a sack of spuds, I was stood there like an idiot shouting PULL to no avail, I thought he had been shot when I looked round and saw blood all over his face . I have to say that it took me the rest of the day to stop laughing about it .
  10. Tracer shells, are we going to war Captain Mainwaring
  11. I read the threads with enthusiasm, thinking there was a new club at Bury. It was only when I noticed Rob Cook posting that he was local to Bury that the penny dropped. Ah well I guess no new venue in the north then. The Friday feeling has put the smile back on my face Cheers
  12. No **** Sherlock, If you look at my answer it says that it would not take a scientist to work out that Obama would not get in, because he had already served 2 term in office. I was being facetious.
  13. I concur, however drip by drip the laws have come in to stop us having any say whatsoever. I think if there had always been a British equivalent of the NRA things would be different, unfortunately It is illegal in the UK for ministers to take payments in the way they do in the US. The issue here is that the population are ignored, especially when firearms are concerned. Remember the fuel crisis in 2000, Tony Blair said "Our policies will not be dictated by blockades.", and that protest brought the Country to a standstill.
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