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About burky

  • Birthday 09/01/1962

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  • From
    wigan lancashire
  • Interests
    looking after my lovely wife and 3 kid,s we have two horse,s two springer spaniels roony and zack,jack russel called jess two snakes and two lizzards six ferrets.
  1. Alright rob just up road I'm from Wigan welcome to the forum enjoy
  2. Alright john ( hawkfanz) it's John who's got zack the springer off top field me mam as that crazy jack patch I shoot with malk
  3. hello biffster I shoot in daresbury warrington it,s a syndicate £200 a year for a lot of land, pigeon ,rabbit, crow and the odd game in season we have a couple of places left I think if your interested .
  4. great vid that,s a lot of rats well done great shooting too.
  5. burky

    New 452.

    excellent gun don't think you will ever buy a better .22lr for accuracy I have had mine over 4 yr,s now and still love to take it out good luck with it
  6. well done to you both your lad look,s well chuffed great pictures too
  7. a good morning then well done I,ll be out tonight hope to be doing the same, nice gun by the way.
  8. burky


    the way he is now who knows how long it will take, iv,e sat down with him tonight and had a man to man talk about thing,s that happen on the outside hope he took it in, hope he come,s out of it soon even his teacher as been intouch to see what is wrong as he,s been quiet at school see how he is tomorrow the house is not the same very quiet at this time thank,s for your comments will keep you posted.
  9. burky


    he is zapp gone to school but could tell it,s still worrying him
  10. burky


    my lad was out on his new diamond back bmx in the local skate park ,got a phone call about 6.30 pm Ryan as had his bike took off him and been pushed over and kicked can,t say enough about what I feel like doing to the 5 teens that done this police say it,s a regular thing and don,t think he is like,ly to ever see it again, it,s not the bike it,s what they have done to my 12 year old he say,s now he does,nt want to go out playing now because he is scared of these thug,s hitting him again if they see him .
  11. what problem do you get with the trigger
  12. mine had the same problem after three round,s through it ,took it to our local shop see if they had any incline ,it could be faulty mount,s and true enough it was, great now, might be worth checking it out worked for me did,nt even know you could get faulty mount,s but eh you learn sumut every day hope this help.s.
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