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Posts posted by fortune82

  1. Beware of on-board computer type MPG things. Theoretically they should be dead accurate but my experience is that they are consistently over optimistic. I have a diesel Range Rover, last of the P38 type (2001), on a reasonable run at speeds only a little bit above the limits the computer says 26/27 mpg. In reality a top up to top up check gives an actual figure of 22/23. Even this figure is iffy as I suspect that odometers are as (in)accurate as speedometers in that they read up to 5% high.

    I have never done a realistic check around town/commuting but my best guess would be about 18/19 to the gallon.


    One thing for sure is that I am getting mightily p****d off in pouring fuel into the beast, I love the car to bits, that high up driving position alone is worth the money but £90+ fill ups are no laughing matter :good::good::good::good: I have been thinking about chopping it in for a nice sensible diesel estate (Passat, X type, Volvo V50) that I would expect a genuine 40+ from and then get an old, about £1k, shogun, pajero, maverick type thing for any local(ish) pigeon shooting etc but when you do the sums it ends up laying out a big capital sum that would take decades to recoup in running cost savings.


    So I'll do what I'm good at :-





    Nothing but continue to moan :sly::sly::lol:


    Mr Potter


    I had a 4x4 which was doing 27 - 28 mpg. I did what you are thinking of and now have a Skoda Octavia 2.0 PD TDI which is doing a tank to tank 55 mpg. The computer says 64!


    It is saving me over a grand a year on fuel alone and over 400 a year on tax and insurance!

  2. Yep. Those people who want to drive like idiots have to take a driving test (exceptions prove the rule) in order to qualify to do so. Passing that test is no more than a means to an end.

    Our system of voluntary education is far superior in that those who do partake do so because they want to and as a result learn and take on board the lessons learnt. It will only fall apart if those oportunities are not taken advantage of and our safety record takes a plunge: Then we're in trouble of our own making.



    As I mentioned on a thread weeks ago I too feel there should be some form of compulsory training. Over the past few years I have come into contact with several people who were completely unsafe due to a lack of basic training.


    Yes people still drive like idiots and have accidents but Im sure there would be far more accidents if there was no driving test.

  3. I had the lesson with the trainer yesterday and it has made world of difference already. As I suspected it was down to my inexperience as well as he dog being headstrong.


    A bit of tough loving is all that is required as I was not being firm enough!


    I can see an improvement already.

  4. I currently feed my gsp and springer on wet "Feedwell" nuts, however I'm wondering is there any other foods I could be giving them at certain times during the year to improve there performances out in the field?




    Raw meat and bones. Mine is currently on a combination of any of the following. Chicken thighs, chicken wings, tripe, lambs heart, beef trim, poultry neck, rabbits - skinned and gutted, lamb breast.


    Not that he is a brilliant gun dog though!!!!

  5. can i ask where you are walking your dog?



    if there's to much scent/distraction's around maybe try walking him somewhere different.


    I think this could actually be one of the problems. I live in a rural area and I cannot find anywhere to train him without rabbits or cats popping up. I have literally tried everywhere, industrial estates, parks, fields, forests, country roads, car parks etc etc! The only place without either is my back garden which isnt massive!

  6. Ive always thought the idea of going on holiday was you went somewhere you hadnt seen before or liked and lived in more luxurious conditions than your house.


    A caravan or motorhome is certainly not better than my house! I stayed in one years ago which was boiling during the day and freezing at night. It also bounced like an inflatable toy whenever you walked in it!


    A collegue bought a motor home for 35K 5 years ago, second hand. It did sub 20 mpg on diesel. When they sold it 4 years later it had lost 7K. When they worked out costs and depreciation it worked out at over £3000 a year. £3000 a year to sleep in a field and **** in a bucket for 4 weeks a year!!


    Sounds brilliant to me!!!

  7. I know how controversial electric collars are and want a bit of advice.


    I have a 14 month Cocker dog who has developed a habit of running off for 10 - 15 minutes.


    He is 100% on the stop whistle whilst on a long line or in an enclosed area.


    He is 99% on the whistle when in the open but 1% of the time he will sit momentarily on the whistle then he just bolts.


    There is nothing I seem to be able to do to curb this.


    Question is would a shock collar stop this? He is going to a professional trainer on Tuesday for a 1 to 1 so we will see what he says.


    What are peoples experience of these collars and which models are good?



  8. Where did you get the prediction from, this is the first i've heard of it. With the volotile nature of oil prices at the moment i'd find it difficult to guess either way. Fuel costs already a huge burden on business and the motorist I'd like to believe that it would be unworkable to let them spiral out of control being the 17.5 % vat and roughly 80p fuel duty on it already


    It comes from a friend who works for a large energy firm. They have a department that predicts future prices of coal, gas and petrolium products. Theyve been spot on so far. The problem with petrol is more to with speculation than with oil prices.


    Lets say someone puts a 1 million pound spread bet on petrol prices rising over the next few months. The spread betting firm then hedge their bets by buying 1 million pounds of petrol which has the effect of driving the price up. Historically there is usually a summer high anyway as more is used in air travel etc.


    Its the way fuel is going anyway. A relative who works for Nissan tells me that they are phasing out all the proper 4x4's they produce and replacing them with more fuel efficient soft roaders because of predicted fuel prices over the next few years.

  9. Skoda is second hand so already taken most of the depreciation. Also I got more for my 4x4 than I paid! Worked out I only needed a 4x4 about 15 - 20 times a year and in the snow I got stuck anyway simply because there were miles of cars infront and behind who were unable to move!!

  10. What you mean apart from the only fact there is that they are cheaper?


    The CA are not interested in shooting, they are only interested in raising money from shooters to fund their campaign to repeal the hunting with dogs ban. They only look as far as the fox hunts and I assume the BASC's "Game to eat" campaign and all the " A taste of game " evenings don't exist.


    Maybe you could explain to the masses what the CA are doing about the lead shot restrictions and how they helped out the wildfowlers with their lead shot ban?


    As already said, you can't lose if you don't take part.


    What exactly are BASC doing about the lead shot ban? They REALLY helped wildfowlers out as well! I think you will find the CA are part of the same working group on lead that BASC are.


    I think you will also find the Game To Eat campaign is run by the CA not BASC. It is credited with introducing game to up to 23 million people. If people are buying game in large numbers that can suerly only be a good thing for our sport.


    Looks like MC has got his fact wrong AGAIN!!! :good: :good: :good:

  11. yep you've now got something I assume means you have to walk round your shoot and leave the dogs at home :good:


    No need, shoot has a trailer that everyone jumps in. Even if it didnt I could afford a half decent quad with the savings!


    Its a Skoda Octavia 2.0 PD tdi 140 bhp! So plenty of room for dog and kit in the boot!

  12. After debating for a while whether I needed a 4x4 or not I have finally decided not. I picked up my new car yesterday and dont know why I didnt change sooner.


    I will save £300 a year on insurance!

    £100 a year on road tax!

    £1000 a year on fuel!


    It is so nice to drive a car that does 0-60 in 9 seconds and 55 MPG.


    I can also go round corners without tipping over and cruise quite comfortably on the motorway at 1700 RPM!

  13. BASC just appears to be a job for the boys. Not really stood up for much in the shooting world from what I can see. Countrysude alliance is cheaper, looks at the countryside as a whole and has been promoting the eating of game very succesfully which can only be good.


    CA for me!

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