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Posts posted by fortune82

  1. Ha Ha!! The dog is steady as a rock with everything else. Just cats seem to make him forget everything else!!!! Anyone know of anyone with a cat pen?? Failing that anyone have a cat in yorkshire they dont mind lending for a bit of training!!! Might come back in a black bag mind!!!

  2. I have a 14 month old cocker who is doing really well training wise until he sees a cat. At this point he goes into a trance like state and forgets all else in the world. Does anyone else have this problem? How have you solved it if you have? Problem is no matter where I try to train one always seems to pop up!!

  3. A few years back me and a mate were lamping rabbits with the .22lr. We entered a field and shot 2 rabbits, both solid whacks. We went and picked the first and then started looking for the second, which was crawling towards a hedge line around 50 metres from where it was hit. I put another shot into it and it kept going so I fired another which stopped it. Getting to within 10 yards of it, it got up at speed and headed to the hedge. I then fired 2 more shots into its head from the semi auto .22 which stopped it, however on picking I had to do its neck.


    We couldnt believe it. When I skinned it the first three shots had all gone through the chest and the last 2 through the head. The last one had taken half the skull off. I couldnt believe how solid this bunny was. We were using 40grain hollow point sub sonics.

  4. I wouldnt disregard the shortage problem. Since 2003 the US army has fired 1.8 billion rounds of all calibers in Iraq! Thats going to cause some level of shortages. A mate in the marines told me a couple of years back that he was told the British forces had fired as many round in Afghan in 3 months as they would expect to use in 1 year.

  5. Seeing as the price of fuel is going one way only I am toying with the idea of either getting rid of my 55 reg Grand Vitara in favour of a diesel car or getting the vitara put on LPG. Has anyone any experience of this? I have been told it will need flash lube fitting to stop valve seat recession. What sort of MPG would I expect in the real world, ie is 80% of petrol accurate?


    Thanks for any ideas!

  6. Its a state of mind thing. Think of the ciggies as your enemy not your friend. When I stopped I chain smoked around 30 - 40 a day for the week before I stopped until I was sick of them then just went cold turkey. Have been stopped 5 years now but can still smoke when shooting with no cravings after.

  7. thats got scam written all over it :big_boss::good:

    No chance this is obviously a legitimate offer of hard cash. Ive had loads of these brilliant offers from MR bank of Nigeria and various other African Crown Princes. They are so kind and generous!!


    I think you should also treat everyone on this thread to a nice no limits high pheasant day and maybe some driven grouse.

  8. There is a lot of confusion over steel. I have been told by an experienced gunsmith that you can shoot 2 3/4 inch steel loads of any pellet size through any choke no probs. I have also been told by another gunsmith this is a big no no and only 1/2 choke or less. I stick to 1/2 or less. I have also been told steel would ruin my gun which was a load of **** also.

  9. just to get an idea how much dose it roughly cost 2 rent ground for a shooting syndicate.?

    How long is a piece of string? I used to be in a syndicate that had 650 acres for £1250 a year. All depends on how much woodland there is, if its flat or hilly, if there are ponds etc etc.


    Then you need birds at about £3 a poult and feed and medication and a few release pens to build and all the hoppers to buy or make and then to work out a rota for feeding and work days to make everything.

  10. I know exactly what you mean. I was rear ended (ooh err!) a few weeks ago. The car is valued at around £5000. A mechanic mate had a look and reckoned around £2000 worth if damage to my car. The garage who is doing the work have had it authorised and have estimated it at £4800!!! Suerly on a cost basis the car is a write off?

  11. I have a friend who used to work for one of the more "top end scientific" dog foods. He told me the **** that went into it which included waste from a chocolate factory as well as industrial vegetable waste. Just what a dog is meant to eat!!!!

  12. Last season I did a bit of a comparison. Whilst duck shooting inland in Scotland I mixed steel and lead cartridges together in my bag and shot whatever came to hand. I couldnt tell the difference at all. I pricked a couple of ducks - with both steel and lead, but the vast majority were killed cleanly. One extremely high duck came down stone dead and when I opened the gun I was expecting lead instead it was 32 gram no3 steel.


    At the end of the day if and when it is banned the cost of non toxic alternatives will come down. There is no way any cartridge manufacturer is going to stay in business if all they sell are £1 a bang cartridges. A days decoying would cost several hundred pounds! At the end of the day cartridge manufactureres are a business and will want to stay in business.

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