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Posts posted by fortune82

  1. I have been reading the thread on shortening a rifle barrel and the complications involved if the barrel is choked. Why would a rifle barrel be choked?


    I used to have a .22 air rifle which apparently had a choked barrel but could never work out where it was choked or why it was choked.


    Can anyone help explain why and how this is done? Obviously it helps on a shotgun by why on a rifle?



  2. Lead is quite inert when it goes into the ground. There are scores of fields around the country where they hold clay shoots but still graze cattle and it doesn't contaminate the milk. Also they graze cattle and grow crops on the old WW1 battlefields like the Somme and Ypres with no apparant problems.


    Lead is not inert! Whilst at University I undertook a lengthy study into the impacts of lead shot on the environment. I used a small clay shooting club in Scotland that had been running for over 30 years. A quick calculation estimated that in the order of 2 million cartridges had been fired at the club in its history. If I remember correctly levels of lead in some soil samples was 23 times what is normal for that area. Lead contamination was also found in the vegetation growing on the site.


    It certainly does contaminate the land hence why the US Army is investigating using non lead ammunition on training ranges.


    I can only imagine what levels are at larger clubs. One near me had the lead taken out of one of the DTL backstops and apparently they got 96 tonnes out!

  3. Having been shooting for ten years now I am thinking about putting in for a deer rifle.

    I have been stalking on an estate in SW Scotland numerous times and am planning on doing DSC Level 1.

    Most of my stalking would be bought days along with the occasional Roe on our game syndicate.

    However I would obviously need somewhere for practice / zeroing.

    Are there any rifle ranges in the East Yorkshire area which are suitable for this?

    I know about the various rifle clubs and military ranges in the area but dont think you can just turn up as and when you want for 10 - 20 practice shots etc.



  4. I think you are getting a bit ahead of yourself...there is no link yet as far as I am aware :D :( :sly:


    Very few rifle shells get anywhere near uranium, they certainly do have some other nasty things in the propellent and the projectile, not to mention the ballistic effect.


    For all we know it is a local chemical leak :hmm::D:good::hmm::hmm: :o

    I know rifle bullets have no DU in them but a large number of tank rounds, and aircraft cannon rounds contain the stuff. A lot of armour nowadays also contains the stuff. I spent some time training with the army when I was younger and saw how effective a DU shell from a Chally 2 is! Its like a 2 foot long dart going at 3000 fps!


    The links between DU use and birth defects etc is very strong.

  5. Does anyone have any experience of the new Kia Sorento 2.2 diesel? What is it like off road? By that I mean is it good at general muddy fields and dirt tracks? What about MPG and on road handling?



  6. Good call on the DU! I already have all the data. According to the US Army they have fired 1.8 billion rounds of small arms ammo in Iraq! Thats a hell of an amount of lead! Apparently its 230,000 per iraqi killed! I did a study into lead pollution at uni so know a bit about it!


    MC - Cheers for the offer but I have a few 150 grain FMJ'S here so might just melt out the core and see what the jacket weighs!


    Thanks guys!

  7. When a student I worked in a gun shop. The markup they made on most items was pretty good. I remember BSA Meteors I think were bought in for around £50 and sold for about £150. This was 10 years ago however.

    The markup on clothing was massive - 100 - 200 %. Cartridges were the only area where there wasn't much to be made.


    I think they could afford £1.85 postage!

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