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Posts posted by fortune82

  1. fortune i really do hope the chicken and pheasant is de boned? raw meat is fine but i would never ever give any bones from chickens, pheasants, wood cock etc etc.

    if it a pup it is a bit to rich for him aswell.

    i just feed mine on dry dog buscuits and tinned meat tinned boneless oily fish aswell. ask your nearest vet aswell about a good food to feed the dog and from 8 weeks-6 months feed it 3 times a day as a baby feed little and often. the buscuits i buy are from asda and are called harringtons and they are brilliant and not to expensive aswell.


    By the way chris read the ingredients on the back of the dog food. It is cheap for a reason! Is a dog really meant to eat all that stuff? Do wolves go looking for a nice tasty bit of wheat or rice?

  2. It's perfectly safe to feed a dog RAW bones from birds, fish or mammals.


    My dogs live on raw food only, the only cooked stuff they get is kitchen scraps. They get no meal based products, biscuits etc. at all.

    Main stuff they eat is:-

    Chicken wing

    Chicken carcass


    lamb breast

    ox heart


    Fish heads, still to find a good regular supply of this

    Blended raw veg & fruit with egg (incl shells) & oil

    Oily tinned fish + tinned tomatoes + baked beans as a treat.


    I have spoken to 2 professional gun dog trainers and 2 vets and all have said raw bones are fine. Cooked bones are bad news as they splinter. Dog is 11 months old and has been on this diet since 8 months with no problems what so ever!

  3. Im no expert as Im only on my first dog myself, a Cocker. My dog lives in a kennel and run in the back garden but gets in the house when I get home from work. To be honest he is treated more like a pet than a pure working dog and so far his training is coming on fine. There will no doubt be people who will say that pet and working dont mix well but I am not looking for a FTCH.


    As for food I feed mine on a BARF diet which involves lots of raw meat and some bones as well. Chiken wings, Tripe, Pheasant legs and thighs (skinned) skinned and gutted rabbits, minced beef heart, dog mince etc. It has certainly calmed him down compared with when he was eating BETA food. Apparently the wheat or something can make them a bit hyper?


    Hope this helps

  4. Whilst shooting yesterday I decided to give the sxs .410 a go on a drive that only holds woodcock, snipe and the odd partridge. I fired a few cartridges and accounted for a couple of birds then a snipe appeared which I killed with my first barrel. When I opened the gun the cartridge would not eject. The head of the cartridge was slightly deformed and there was a lot of soot on the breech face. The cartridge took some shifting with a cleaning rod down the barrel. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced it?


    The gun is a sxs 65mm chamber in good condition. The cartridge was a gamebore 65mm 11 gram no.6. I have measured it to make sure it isnt 76mm which it is not.


    Thanks for any help!

  5. I had been thinking along those lines. The birds are fed by hopper as none of us have time for hand feeding. The cover we have is mainly "game mix" which looks like it has a lot of mustard in it. There are shoots in the surrounding area but they all appear to have much poorer levels of habitat compared with our patch. Basically the farm is a dump with overgrown hedges and fields as well as a lot of un harvested crops from last year. First few shoots produced lots of birds but since then it has been pretty poor.



  6. I am currently a member of a small syndicate with around 650 acres of land. This year we have released just short of 500 birds in total but are having trouble finding them. The cover crops we have are not holding them.


    What cover crops do you use? Do they hold birds? Are they next to woodland / hedges or out on their own in blocks? What area of crops do you use?


    Thanks for any help


  7. I would be surprised if any game farms have any left to sell at this stage in the season. They will have laying stock but I doubt will sell it. In my experience shoots that top up do so from stock already on the shoot that has not been released yet. We got our partridge in september to start shooting in November and they were the last lot of birds our game farmer had.



  8. Thanks fortune82. I'm thinking I could visit for a couple of weeks around Christmas/New Year. Can you do quality (must be quality) bed and breakfast with evening meals? Would that be included in the 'free' bit please? If you have any good looking (must be good looking) sisters or even a youngish mother I might even come for a month! :/


    Isn't it amazing what you can get on PW just for asking the right questions! :good:


    No sisters or young mother but I do have a pretty Cocker Spaniel (dog) if that floats your boat! B&B is included in the free price as well as 500 cartridges per day. Come on hurry up theyre bloody everywhere.

  9. My neighbour is a mechanic and tells me it is cheaper to fit a reconditioned engine to a vectra than replace the fuel pump. Apparently the pump is on the engine so a new engine changes the pump as well and takes less time!

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