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Posts posted by Gunman

  1. According to a mate of mine he was told by several members of the Northumberland Constabulary , that lock knives are illegal . News to me and others . Seems the boys in blue don't actualy have a clue as to the law in this area . Wonder how much else they make up as they go along .

  2. Its what we get for allowing traitors like Heath Blair and Brown to roam free . What's worse is that we have sitting Peers in the house of Lords effectively in the pay of a foreign power ,Kinnock Mandelson Briton and Paton all receiving very large EU pensions for selling us out

  3. Armsans are a much simpler design , They also seem to stick to being 2&3/4"[ the ones I have seen any way ] no of this it will handle any load rubbish , Like all Turkish budget guns there will be good ones and bad ones . Yildiz doubles were not bad and I have not seen ant autos by them but as there seems to be tie ups between some Turkish makers it could be being made by someone else .

  4. All smaller Birmingham makers used trade out workers in one form or another .That's the way they worked .Some made and sold barrelled actions in the white .Other bought the barrelled actions stocked and finished them . Some just used trade workers for all the building but as the commissioning "Gun Master " that is they were the owner of the company who's name the finished gun bore . Many gun shops before the days of mass imported guns had guns built by Birmingham workers that they sold as their own

  5. No parts needed £50 parts needed £50. + parts (fitting can add some labour if ejectors need retiming etc) reproof possible is it multi choked?

    Why would it need a reproof ?


    Service can mean simply clean and oil . It can mean a full component strip down check clean and lubricate . Full service should include full strip clean , reassemble and lubricate , lap barrels to remove any leading build up and check on safe function ,ejector timing and report any possible problems such as wear on bites etc . That will cost more than £50 as it all takes time so I would guess at about £90 . Could also be plus the bit for the government [VAT}.

  6. B25's keep their value quite well but as with all else it will depend on the grade and its condition .Have look at a couple of selling sights for some idea of the range £2500 should put you in the B2 bracket but I have seen some mint B1s and American Lightening's at that price. Basically all the same gun but the its the finish and engraving that puts the price up .

  7. Political correctness by its very nature is politically incorrect . History has show this as it is now common in school play grounds to hear the insult that some one is "special" , referring to pupils who have special needs due to physical mental or emotional needs , in stead of the now out dated terms such as " moron" . Which itself was a word invented by American Doctors in the early 20thC as a non derogatory term for people with emotional , physical mental or educational needs . A little like the people who insist on political correctness .

  8. There has been an on going problem with Betinsolli's that is usualy cured by replacing sears and hammers. It should be done under a warrantee agreement . Problem is if the gun was supplied by Rug Rats they will only supply parts for guns they distributed . Others were wholesaled by McLoys so parts have to come from them . Takes about 30 minutes to do the job so you may get charged labour but parts should be free .You need to talk to the original selling dealer about this but if the gun has changed hands several time any decent gunsmith can do the job but expect to pay .

  9. Various methods ,all can work but best if gun is fully stripped and lacquered when done . If the guard is blacked then reblacking is the only really successful way of permanently treating it . Personally I always strip the gun degrease all parts then lightly brush with appropriate polishing compounds . If the rust is eaten in then it may have to be treated with an acid pickle to get it all out . Be warned if it has "gold inlay" this is usually just a plating and will disappear if not careful.

  10. Got dragged off to a North East UKIP conference yesterday . Wanted to ask about there views on field sports as leader Nigel Farrage shoots and fishes . Unfortunately he was not there due to having to have an emergency operation on his spine as the result of a plane crash a few years back . Heard one comment that made me laugh , " at least he's got a spine ulike Cameron ,Clegg and Milliband "

  11. The multi packs of "gunsmiths screwdrivers " sold by American suppliers are for Americans to take apart rifles ,hand guns and pumps .They are also sold to amateur DIY men who think they are getting "professional" tools that will suit all purposes . You can probably by the same at Machine Mart or similar in the UK . I was given a set some years ago that I never used ,although of good quality material they were of more use in my toolbox with my socket set and spanners than on the bench.

  12. 77% near hull, which is funnily enough to dam close.


    Can any IT people work out if it's using your I.p. location rather than basing the results on the questions. It wouldn't be that hard to do to look convincing. I think it's quite likely.

    Doubt it I'm in Durham , not that. close to Wolverhampton

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