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Posts posted by Gunman

  1. Lets be honest at the guns value what does it really matter . I have seen several guns that have had the barrels scrapped using steel shot that were supposedly "steel shot" barrels . If you want to use steel then don't use a gun that's worth more than a couple of hundred .

  2. Assuming the forend is not loose then yes some regulation is required . Age of the gun and all that there will have been some wear on the trippers that needs to be compensated for . The job itself is comparatively easy but care must be taken as it is even easier to go to far and make them fire late , in that case it would need new trippers . It has nothing to do with any spring and is all about angles on the tripper rod ends .Best let an experienced man look at it .If you are in the North East see Graham at Fosters .

  3. In 100 years time some guns will still be in use others will have been consigned to the scrap bin long before this . It will of course depend on the gun ,maker and type , the use or abuse it gets and the amount of care and maintenance it receives .I see Victorian guns in regular use and guns of 10 years old that are only fit to prop the barn door open with . We will not mention the guns with built in obsolescence ,they know who they are .

  4. Do not buy a B26 . They are not like any other Browning and were only made for a short time before being dropped by Browning. There are NO spares and are a pig to work on .The B25 is a good gun that the later Miroku,s basically copied and was almost certainly the basis for the 101 [another nice but obsolete gun for which there very limited spares.]

  5. Strip down either boil off in a mild caustic solution or use an ultra sonic cleaner . Buff off with soft steel wire brush and chalk . Lacquer action and parts then re assemble making sure there is no lacquer on the face or baring surfaces .As the "engraving" on most Italian guns is either rolled , acid etched or lazer cut on better quality guns ,it is often very shallow so any polishing has to be done gently to avoid risk of removing it altogether .Many "gold inlays " are merely plating and this will disappear with any polishing so be careful .

  6. An RFD I know took some guns in from a deceased estate as a favour . 4 years later , he can not get permission to sell the guns as there is complications with the will and he can not claim storage charges for keeping them . Says he will never do any thing like this again .

  7. Because it's not actually a sidelock, but a boxlock dressed up to look like one.

    Yes we know what side plates are .They are side plates . It was the description of "fake " side plates that got me . They are sideplates plain and simple nothing fake about them at all .

    Call me picky but please lets get the terminology correct .

  8. Game or clays matters not its how you shoot with it try before you buy! Any decent dealer will let you try before buy!

    A "decent dealer " told me that if you need to try it ,then you cant shoot . If you can then you know if the gun fits .

  9. There's cheap and cheap and nasty ! I would not buy any unless it has a very good guarantee . Second hand you could well end up with some one else's trouble . A lot of "newish" autos are being scrapped for one reason or another ,so be careful .

  10. With Miroku's/ Brownings unless you can find a pair of barrel from another gun it will be cheaper to buy another gun .Last time I enquired it would have cost me around £1200 and taken six months . Was told on the quiet that they really don't want to sell spare barrels as they feel they are loosing a gun sale .

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