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Posts posted by oowee

  1. The case is sound. The evidence is clear. 

    'I have no idea who this woman is' even if i signed the cheque and you saw us together. Even his constant breaches of the 'gag order' have been put aside to keep him out of jail. What will happen next, will justice be done?

  2. 1 hour ago, Rewulf said:

    All Ill say is this ,Sadiq has presided over increased polarisation within London communities, soaring crime rates, increased travel costs, poorer quality of travel, weird experimentation with 15 minute cities ect, a totally biased approach to demonstrations, soaring homelessness, I could go on...
    But London has become a much worse place to be in his tenure, and will continue this downward trend.

    And you want to congratulate him on this ?

    During Khan's tenure, the Metropolitan Police has deteriorated so badly that it's been forced into special measures. It was then judged to be wholly dysfunctional by Baroness Casey, whose report tore strips off the mayor for failing to hold the police to account.27 Apr 2024




    How about some articles on what Sadiq has done RIGHT, because Im struggling to find any.

    I Could say the same about Borris. The people love him. 

  3. 1 hour ago, dainty duck said:

    the people who are told to vote for him by their religious leaders ,they do as they told or risk being ostracized by the community they live in and their families !

    🤣🤣🤣 and your evidence is? 

  4. 9 hours ago, nobbyathome said:

    Ooowie I know you are very political and support labour

    we need a good strong government and none of them Tory labour or liberal are good enough politics eh what a shower of **** 

    That's exactly why I don't support any party. Labour can only balance the system we have back to the middle. We need strong not extreme government. We cannot have that with FPP. The political pendulum will swing more and more. Fortunately the likes of SNP, Greens and now Reform all help to dampen that swing and ensure that Cons and Labour fight for the middle. 

    US is a good example of extreme govt where the MAGA's have tried to take over the GOP. The agenda 25 (funded by Putin) manifesto is designed simply to undermine democracy. Fortunately it's looking increasingly likely that Trump has shot his bolt.

    We are starting to hear much of the same rhetoric here namely, stop the immigrants, get rid of the law, clear out the checks and balances, get rid of the civil servants. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, Mice! said:


    I'd say the parties can't sort things because they are constantly trying to undermine each other.

    Why do you think they do that? 

    In my view with our FPP voting system there is simply no merit it trying to work together. Each side has to undermine the other to get the votes. The public will not vote for reality. 

    More people paying tax and less services being provided. 

    1 minute ago, enfieldspares said:

    It was the Tories took my self-loading rifles, the Tories that required production of your SGC to purchase shotgun cartridges, the Tories that took my pistols, the Tories that required an applicant produce two referees, the Tories that imposed compulsory medical certification, the Tories that raised s58 revolvers in .44 Russian, .442 Webley and similar vintage centefire calibres to s5 category.

    So yes I can see why you think that Labour are anti-gun ownership and the Tories aren't. A very easy mistake to make. Unless you've been asleep the last thirty-five years.


  6. 52 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

    Euro and dollar values are the same now as before brexit, so I'm not sure how that works, maybe you should have had a little faith in the pound and not sold at the wrong time ?

    Since the United Kingdom (UK) held a referendum on its European Union membership in June 2016, the British pound (GBP) weakened against the euro. From a high of 1.43 at the end of Nov 2015, the GBP to EUR exchange rate has remained below 1.2 since July 2016, sitting at 1.11 as of October 2020. By May 3, 2024, values had reached 1.17 euros per pound.

    4 minutes ago, Mice! said:

    Me either, despite working for a living,  there are things that need to change but neither party has the balls to tackle it, but I'm sure Labour would just make things worse.

    Every service is under funded (police, army, education, NHS, legal services, social care, tax offices, transport the list is endless). We are all paying record taxes. We are spending vastly more than we are earning. 

    It's the electorate that wont vote for something that makes them worse off. Either party could sort the problem but neither of them can do it alone. 

  7. 1 minute ago, old'un said:

    I am sure you do it to wind people up. :)

    I can see why you would think that. 😁 It's hard when the values that you hold true are upended. 

    Seriously it cannot be right to sign up for a green agenda at a National level and at the same time not stand up for the values your own party has developed. All in the name of trying to win votes. It demonstrates i guess exactly why the FPP process is not fit for purpose. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Yellow Bear said:

    However bad this lot may  or may not  be they have not robbed me as badly as labour governments during my life.



    Really? Wow it must have been bad. This lot have taken at least 17% of my net worth with the currency devaluation let alone the tax and the tax and the tax. The impact of Truss will be felt for years to come. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Rewulf said:

    I think we need to define what the 'abyss' actually is ?
    Then we can possibly say how a labour government can save us from it.

    Indeed, many like myself included, dont quite see the abyss , UNLESS a labour government put us into one.
    What are these great policies that labour are saying are going to 'save' us , no one seems to be saying what they are , where is the manifesto ?
    There just seems to be the usual platitudes of 'tax the rich' and we are going to nationalise this or that, with money they freely admit we dont have.

    If there is no plan , how can you have such faith that things will be better and not worse ?
    Its fairly clear you have a deep hatred of the tories, but what have they done thats really so bad ?
    Not that Im saying theyre great BTW , their policy of trying to keep everyone happy, hasnt benefitted everybody, or the majority even, but labours plan doesnt seem much different, and in fact aims to hurt the largest taxpayers in society , the ones who prop this country up !

    If all we want is something 'different' in our government, why would we assume it will be better, I often hear 'Nothing could be worse than the tories'
    Well thats an assumption that might come back to bite , HARD !

    So lets define the 'abyss' we are facing now, so at least we can compare it to the one we might be facing later.

    Crikey how much of the abyss we are in can you not see???? As for Labours plan the work that they have been doing with focus groups and Civil Servants (😉) convince me not only that they have a plan but also that it is soundly based. Execution may be a different matter as they (like all parties) will struggle with the hard choices that a bankrupt country will inevitably have to make. 

    It will take any government years to dig us back out of the hole we are currently in. I accept that it's not all of the fault of the Tories the Brexit voting electorate share at least part of the blame. 

    1 hour ago, Yellow Bear said:

    I am still waiting for someone to define RICH because as it stands it seems to be anyone above minimum wage that is not on benefits.

    Whatever the definition there are not so many left after this regime has taken it's toll. 

  10. 3 hours ago, vmaxphil said:

    I'd be interested in your take on how labour is going to solve this mess 👍

    They can't. All as they can do is stop the slide into the abyss. We simply don't have sufficient productivity or people to support our expectations. The required radical agenda is inedible to the electorate and our FPP system does not allow for consensus politics. 

  11. 6 hours ago, shaun4860 said:

    I believe you are a civil servant (apologies if Im wrong)

    So your job is safe regardless of who gets in.

    Maybe you have heard somewhere in the corridors of power that Labour are going to increase the numbers of them?

    Its easy to promise everything when your in opposition as you don’t have to prove anything.

    Dont forget when the last Labour govt were kicked out, a note was left in the treasury 

    “Good luck, there’s no money left”

    Now retired. 

    Labour will not have funds to do anything much. The country is mortgaged to the hilt, debt levels are the highest since the 60's. Tax is currently the highest on record. The pound has deteriorated significantly since Brexit (17%). The Truss budget has increased the UK borrowing costs. What ever way you look at it the outlook is pretty gloomy. 

    This Tory regime will not even have the courtesy to leave a note.

  12. 27 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    i cant understand your glee...........its just going to be more of the useless money grabbing degernerate govt we have been so used to...........we dont want a election we want a bloody revolution.....as Trump says "drain the swamp"


    It's the only way we get back to the middle. 

    Rapist, adulterous Donald Von ****zinpantz has no idea what he is saying. 

  13. 18 minutes ago, welsh1 said:

    Starmer has said that Wales is how labour should be, 

    I think that's going back a bit? This from 2023 Speaking ahead of the Labour Party conference, he admitted that he "can't pretend" there are not challenges in his relationship with the Welsh Labour government.

    Refreshingly honest. 

    Many thought Truss was how the Tories should be. 

  14. 21 minutes ago, sandspider said:

    This. We also have very high council tax and little to show for it.

    Yep it's part of the process of moving responsibility to local govt without proper funding. Underfunding of everything and the ultra high tax burden will be a hallmark of this regime. 

    2 minutes ago, Westward said:

    The tories aren't very impressive right now but Starmer's band of overgrown student activists are guaranteed to make everything worse including the economy. It's always the same with Labour governments; they can't make objective decisions because they have to kowtow to the self interested unions who fund the party and many of the politicians.

    Same is often said of both sides of the political divide. Labour bowing to the Unions and the Tories bowing to Russia and big business. That said at least Starmers team have a plan. 

    1 hour ago, rbrowning2 said:

    you do know labour are very anti gun ownership.

    Unlike the current regime ?

  15. Great to see the Tories getting a good beating in the local election. I can't understand why they are even polling the numbers they are. Still it's good news lets hope the trend continues and the Tories get fully trounced in the forthcoming general. 

  16. 7 hours ago, andrew dermody said:

    We are currently controlling squirrels, rabbits, crows, pigeons and other pests in the Whitchurch and north Shropshire area, on golf courses and farm estates, However we require more this service is completely free of charge, so if anyone has any problems please feel free to get in touch no job too small.

                                                                                           kind regards Andrew

    Best talking to the places you already have.

  17. 1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:

    The way to keep peace is to be prepared for war.  It's called a 'deterrent'.


    This. Nice to see Sunak commit foward spending for Labour. I hope spending decisions are not left to the MOD the last thing we need is more of the same  Shame nether party can agree to the EU reciprocal uni education program. Best to build barriers and mistrust between countries. It all helps the war budget. 

    3 minutes ago, dainty duck said:

    There was talk yesterday about Spain wanting to claim back Gibraltar and the Argentinians are after the Falklands again ! 

    Not going to help them join NATO is it. 

  18. 9 hours ago, Dougy said:


    Hold on with the lighter for that Ceeeeegar

    Deer act 1991

    (2)A person shall not be guilty of an offence under section 2 or section 3 above by reason of any act done for the purpose of preventing the suffering of an injured or diseased deer.


    6 hours ago, Dougy said:

    I think he'd rather do time for shooting deer illegally than have his name changed to RIMMER 😃😆


    Hello Christian Sutton :good:


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