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Squash wavy

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  1. Just to follow up. Had great fun at Hereford and Worcester. Very professional set up.
  2. Yeah Doveridge is in reserve but slightly long drive (a pleasant one though) I haven't been to Hereford and Worcester and I'm pretty sure I've never heard of it either. I've checked the website. Looks like a good call Mr Prawn!
  3. Hi chaps. Bit of a head scratcher. Any clay ground around West Mids open on Saturday? Closer to Wolverhampton the better. Millride (Essington) is a given but anywhere else?
  4. Another good day out with pigeon guide Fenny on his permissions. We ended up in one of the small woods all day. 23 bag. Good morning with a few missed followed by a slow afternoon. The way it is this time of year!!! Cheers Fenny!
  5. It's brilliant. The high pheasant stands are great. The grouse butt is good too. Tons of choice.
  6. I have a Benelli Premier Plus. Really good budget good and similar to the Outlanser but I too would rather go for the SX3. If it fits
  7. Mighty tempting Fenny!!! Is Vlad attending? Doing any other days? Josh
  8. Hi Andy, Yes I would be up for that. It has to be weekends only for me I am afraid though.... I ended up going to Doveridge yesterday so Griffin Lloyd would be great. Josh
  9. I'd be well up for a meet up. My local ground is Cannon Clay which I am a member of. It's near Romsley as others have mentioned. I have also been to: Griffin Lloyd (brilliant place, awesome high pheasant stands) Doveridge (very professional layout) Forhill (toughest ground by far for me, but very cheap cartridges make it easier!) Millride (basic layout but open 7 days) Hilton Park north side (good layout, pretty tough, scenic despite being next to motorway) Minsterley Ranges (terrible set up but good for light practice if nearby) I am REALLY keen to try West Midlands Shooting Ground in Hodnet, in fact, I am going to take a look to see if they are open today....
  10. Hello all. Just to update. I ended up purchasing a DT10 from Premier Guns. Really smooth piece of kit. Well pleased. Got to try a load of different things including a Blaser F3 which was very special too.
  11. Fantastic. Thank you for letting me know.
  12. The Horton you have could be interesting. The grandson of the original maker has set up a shop in Birmingham. Might be worth contacting him to learn more. http://www.hortonguns.com
  13. Thank you sir. Duly noted. I am at the Game Fair on the Saturday with the rest of the yups. If you're around, would be good to see you on the row!
  14. Thanks Daf. I was thinking I should message you really. The high comb or an adjustable comb is definitely a must, would you agree? I have you to blame for planting the seed that the current one could do with a service. Thought it a good excuse to get something else!!!!
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