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Posts posted by Tedly47

  1. Tedleys in North Wales mate, looks like your stuck wi me lol. Browning123 yeah was good fun mate.

    Definitely do it again if I get chance.

    Well if the invite is there I'm sure I could drive browning123 up to Doncaster.....


    You know me too well Mr B (browning123) however you should also know I don't do pets... Well not yet anyway...!

  2. I have a new Audi A6 as a family car and a jimny shooting bus.... We also have a bmw 130 msport that my wife mainly drives...


    Jimmy is rough but I don't care as it cost me 400 quid, I ripped the back seats out and boarded it out. I sometimes think about getting a newish 4x4 but it wouldn't be the same as the Jimny as I'd worry about damaging it....!



  3. Oh I can think of a few...


    Christen my .222 with a fox (bought it brand new over six months ago, only managed to get out lamping with it twice and although I could of shot plenty of rabbits I wanted a fox to be the first!)


    Go on a driven shot... Going to achieve this on Jan 2nd due to browning123, a good friend who I met on this site.


    Do some more clay bashing and maybe a comp....



  4. If Carlsberg did posts on PW,they probably couldn't beat this.

    Truly superb


    Hi fielddweller, thank you for your kind words....


    One of the best bits of PW is the pic's and stories that other people post, I'm glad you enjoyed mine..



  5. Great write-up and pictures Tedley.

    Pleased your hand stood up the the gun recoil - but don't over do it to soon, as you need to be on form for your driven day with my syndicate after Xmas

    Brilliant report mate, glad your out and about again. Good shots and photos. Hello Charlotte.


    Brilliant result and story and great photos for the family album of the shooting princess. Glad that your repaired hand stood up to the test , no stopping you now.

    As already said. Great write up and pics Tedly.

    Really glad your hand wasn't affected whilst shooting and that you've got such a keen little shooting buddy.

    Cheers guys it's good to be back........

  6. Well guys on Monday I had to pop to work in the morning to see the boss, I was only expecting to be there for a couple of hours so I sneaked my gun out of the house while Mrs Tedly was sorting the children out as I had planned to be sneaky and not tell her I was going shooting!


    I knew I had a nearly full box of carts in my jacket so I grabbed it and my wellies on the way out and the good lady was none the wiser.......


    The weather in the morning up here in North Wales was horrendous it was blowing a gale and peeing down however by midday it had nearly stopped raining, I was itching to get out but sorting some things out with the boss took longer than expected so I didn't leave until 13:45hrs, by this time it was still blowing a gale but the sun was shining.


    Got to the perm and decided to go back to the same place I was the other day, it's a little wooded area that looks out onto a large field which has kale growing in it, as I walked over the field I must of put up 50 to 80 pigeons so I thought this might be a good sign...


    Here's a pic of the wood



    I was standing right in the middle with the sun behind my and the wind also blowing from behind, perfect I thought...


    Well for the next hour I had some fantastic shooting with very testing shots due to the wind, I can honestly say that this was the best I've shot for a long time, in just over an hour I had 11 pigeons and a squirrel for 16 shots, that might not sound that good however with the wind gusting like it was I was more than happy with the cart/bird count...


    I finished with just one cart left which I thought I would save for the walk back to the car...post-66769-0-47966200-1450886385_thumb.jpegpost-66769-0-47966200-1450886385_thumb.jpeg


    Only 9 in the pic as I picked the other two up on the way back to the car......


    Got home and Mrs Tedly didn't have a clue what I'd been up to.... Happy days




    Ps, just to make you all laugh at me, I had my works Christmas do last night in Chester in which I get a train from Chester to Rhyl and then a taxi home.... Well not last night as I fell asleep on the train and woke up in Holyhead at 0230hrs! It's also 60 miles past my house.... Now I'm not going to lie to you all I had partaken in a few alcoholic beverages however I was knackered as my son was up most of the night before.... Anyway I had a very cold wait in Holyhead train station until 0515 this morning when I could get a train back, even the train guard took pity on me and didn't charge me the return fare.. Mrs Tedly opened the back door to me at 7am and just stood there laughing.... Thank god I've got an understanding wife.........


    Merry Christmas to you all..........


  7. Well gents after a three week shooting ban due to a injured hand I'm happy to say I'm back!


    Today started as usual with the children getting up stupidly early and Mrs Tedly refusing to budge (gods knows how many times I elbowed her!) so I sorted the children out and then had a look on PW to see what you lot had been up too........ Along with the knowledge of my best shooting mate was out on a driven day today and seeing some of your pictures it was the last straw.....


    So at lunch time I set off to a perm just two minutes down the road, to be honest I was worried how my hand would react to the recoil as I had three screws put in my little finger due to smashing it up at work... This pic was the other day when they took the bandage off....



    As you can see it's quite a long incision for such a small finger!


    Anyway when I got to the perm it was nice and windy with the odd shower, I could see plenty of pigeon dancing above the trees so I decided to got a stand under a large oak about half a mile away... While walking to the spot I managed to spook about six cock pheasants however they were a bit far away (well I'm not Dave Carrie) however ten more yards and I spooked another.... First kill of the day and my hand felt fine, dropped stone dead at a paced out 55 yards... To say I was happy was an understatement as I was moving fast in the wind and crossing from right to left ?


    Next was the squirrel which just happened to be in the oak that I wanted to stand under, within seconds of the squirrel I spooked another hen pheasant, not a hard shot this time but still paced out at 40 yards... So that's three for three and my hand was spot on.. Then a pigeon flew over the tree (known flight line) four for four...!post-66769-0-04670100-1450558319_thumb.jpeg


    By this time it had started to pee it down so I decided to call it a day, doesn't end there though! on the walk back to the car another pigeon came a little to close, nailed him with the second barrel.


    So I ended the day with a brace of pheasant, two pigeons and a squirrel for six shots and as I sit here with a beer typing this my had has suffered no I'll affects......... Happy days..........


    Last photo was just because it was peeing it down outside and have you ever tried to take a picture with a touch screen phone when it's raining!



    Oh and this is my six year old Charlotte, to say she's ace is an understatement, "daddy can I put my shooting clothes on and have a picture too?" How could I say no...




    Cheers guys...



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