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darren m

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Posts posted by darren m

  1. kent - a few rabbit days would be good , currently though since moving i only have a few paddocks to shoot over and because of the horses , i use the air rifle.


    i,ve never ever seen rabbit days advertised but good idea , if i could find some it would keep us both occupied

  2. in away i,m glad i,ll get some weekdays and me weekends back , on the other hand i'll feel lost .

    so to keep the momentum going i was wondering if anyone knew of any simulated game days or trials taking place over the next several months .


    longshot i know as most are done pre-season as a warm up , but just thought i'd ask anyway



  3. my daughter is looking for a car and as narrowed it down to these 3


    she as got approx £2000 to spend and wants to get the best she can for her money , she'll use it for work and uni commute


    i have no experience of any of these , but if you can give us a good honest opinion i will pass the comments on


    thanks all

  4. filzee / carpentermark - if owt comes up keep me in mind , if its something like a small payment , like £20 a session i dont mind that .


    i love roost shooting , usually get some after the season but where i,m beating at the mo , they have stopped it ( new land owner )


    the lass on our market is selling pigeon breast at £1.60 each , thats just a bit steep for me , and anyway would rather have the fun of shooting them myself.


    cheers :)

  5. Utter waste of time. Just find your nearest welding supplies place and ask them who to take it to

    ok i suppose i am clutching at straws , a chap i know mentioned it might be strong enough , been going through my locals looking for welding etc but nothing as yet


    any ideas if one could be made from scratch , what type of machine would it need

  6. hi chaps hope you can help


    recentley about 6 weeks ago i brought a webley 810 semi auto off this site , it worked fine for approx 100/150 shots .

    then the dreaded action bar broke :sad1: , first noticed it with a bit of jamming , so stripped it and saw the break in the bar .

    its a lovely gun in lovely condition so as you can imagine i am gutted , especially as i,ve been told you cant get the parts for these any more.


    so i,m hoping if any one as owned one of these auto's and as any experience of this , what did you do , can it be fixed .


    as i understand chambers is the only place that might of had one but so far no luck.

    SO are there any other places i can ask either UK or overseas


    here is a pic of the part showing the break




  7. Couple of tins of as a blackberries in syrup, not apple juice. 2 time in a clean pan and two heaped tablespoons of sugar. Simmer most of the liquid off, allow to cool and then add to your whiskey. Leave for a couple of months.


    Filter with coffee filters and drink.


    that sound favourite so far


    Also i was wondering if i could put a jar of warmed up clear honey in one bottle , and leave it for a few months .

    would it go off and would it mix ok ,or do you need to add other things to bind it etc



  8. i,ve got 3 bottles of jack ( yuk ) here all presents and a famous grouse ( yum )

    also got a honey infused jack and its lovely ( nearly all gone )


    if i drink it all i,ll be dead


    so what can i mix with it and put into storage for a couple of months , to make it taste more palatable


    can i add honey to the other jack D , would it take


    any other recieps welcome

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