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darren m

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Posts posted by darren m

  1. thats a strange one , why would a gearbox refit alter anything on the fuel tank and filler neck .


    my daughter had a similar issue with the petrol filler neck when she first got her polo , it just turned out that certain petrol station pumps were slightly different


    fuel gauge could just be a fuse


    guessing its a front wheel drive and manual box .

    find out from the garage if they had to remove your tank at all to gain access


    have look on the seat and vw forums , something similar might crop up

  2. anyone go


    i went for a walk round , daughter got me some vouchers


    it was pretty busy , but alas not much there to see at all , it is now incorperated with "all about dogs " so if your into dogs then thats half the stalls but there was a few good shooting related stalls ( accessories and clothing ) , a large stall had few gun racks etc .

    there was also air rifles , etc , clay set up and scurries .

    muntjac trading and a guy from sporting saint was there i got a few dummies including the new scented one they are doing.


    NOBS were there doing the scurries etc and the gun dog demo was,nt bad either the guy was called les dixon ( i think ).


    i spent 3 hours there , i dont live far away , i needed to get out the house anyway and it did,nt cost me to get in so enjoyed it

  3. It's not contageous and can't be passed on.it is a dormant viral infection which could recur even in 30 years time. Hope you are feeling better soon..from Auntie.


    Are you sure , i thought it was , thats why i,m trying to stay away from people , not even been to work and i need to because i,m self employed

  4. yea cod liver oil is used and is cheap , we use it on the horses , defo worth a try

    i know a vet who uses that and joint aid just as a procaution in her dogs during the shooting season and they are not old


    joint aid for the smallest pack was i think about £13.

    look on amazon they had a good deal a few months ago

  5. my god sounds like some of you chaps have had it really bad , i,m not too bad but have felt unwell for about 3 weeks like a cold / flu .

    i was thinking about beating this weekend , but i guess i should stay away


    the pain is along my right side , it aches like mad with sharp intermitant tingles and is hard to get comfortable.

    i,ve got a rash red skin and what look like chicken pox pimples with in .


    i,ve phoned the doctor , and he said at this stage antibi or anti viral would,nt be much use , greaat , although i have got some naproxin to try as a anti imflam.


    mother in law had it a few months back , so may have come via her , although i stayed away my wife went to see her several times

  6. Shingles is a viral infection which lays dorment in your system once you have had chicken pox. If you had gone to your doctor the same day the rash came out they can give you tablets that clear it up within a couple of weeks but it still can come back years later. The tablets or not effective unless you catch it as soon as the rash appears, so thats more than likely why you havn't been prescribed anything. It can last for months and normally surfaces when you are run down. from Auntie.


    interesting - had chicken pox , twice if i remember correctly , second time i was much older and it wasnt nice , yea this is a bit similar

  7. Shingles is incredibly painful, take pain relief, paracetamol and ibuprofen (if you can), fluids, rest and see how it goes.


    Don't ask for a diagnosis on here! Your dr already has done that.


    I'm surprised you haven't been prescribed any anti viral drugs, but that is pct dependent.


    It wouldn't surprise me if you have lymph nodes inflamed, bit odd if its nowhere near to the rash, but nothing to fret about.


    See how you are in 48 hours and see yor gp if you feel no better, or if the rash infiltrates the other half of your body midline.


    Good luck


    Just noticed a q in your post, shingles is a viral infection, unless you get a secondary bacterial infection, anti bioethics have no use here.


    he said its viral , but antibiotics would,nt help .

    is there a difference between anti viral and antibiotic


    it is painful , i,m taking cocodamol , also got paracetamol and ibupro in the house , also calomine


    that lump , well actually i have a few lumps just under the skin , seem to follow my rib cage and theres a bit of pain around them , could that be lmyph nodes



  8. i, ve used both


    i used a tub of yumove first with no change , then went straight onto joint aid and saw an improvement within a week

    i,m guessing it was the joint aid that helped , but i didnt give it a gap between the two supplements , so still no 100% sure.


    if i use it again i,ll go joint aid first

  9. any one had them

    i,ve being feeling unwell , just a bad cold , but its lasted for months , then started itching a bit on right hip area along the side.

    Anyway thought nothing of it until a rash appeared .

    went to the docs and after having a look he said i think you have shingles


    was told to stay home rest etc and take pain killers if needed nothing serious .


    what i want to know is how long do they last for and is there not an antibiotic to help clear it up


    any advice welcome.


    ps. i,ve also got this little lump under my jaw appeared over this last week , its painful to touch , maybe a gland , does that sound like a shingle symptom





  10. hi guys - this might be a long shot i know but :-


    i was wondering , hoping for ideas and tips how to get into wildfowling .

    i live in Notts ,Radcliffe on trent , so as far as i know theres not much around these parts - or is there , i really have no idea to be honest .


    Are there any local-ish clubs to contact or join .






  11. Hi mate

    Can recommend Paul at Merovigian Kennels http://www.merovigiangundogs.co.uk/


    Yes I know hes a biased spaniel chap, but hes training and outlook on gundogs is superb. He works his dog's too


    Reasonable rates , be it his group sessions, or individual. Great bloke.

    Patient, very knowledgeable, , Understanding with Pups ...'does what it says on the tin,' kinda guy . Straight Forward


    whats the location of the training ground please.

    the website does,nt say



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