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Posts posted by CaptainBeaky

  1. Try York Guns - they may still have some. Not sure who (if anyone) is the current importer.

    Or you could try an adjustable peg spanner - https://www.machinemart.co.uk/p/laser-5281-adjustable-pin-wrench/?da=1&TC=GS-040815281&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1sG6qcG91gIVXouyCh0bkQLzEAQYBCABEgJwLvD_BwE


    Or make one - they are just a piece of approx 2mm sheet steel, folded 90 degrees to make the pegs. I can do you a sketch with dimensions if you want to try that.

  2. Mahalo are quite good for the price - there are forums dedicated to the ukulele, so you may find a more informed opinion on there.

    That said, you generally get what you pay for. The proper uke tuning pegs are a PITA - modern geared tuners are much easier to use and keep in tune.

    Expect to have to tune it every day!

  3. Well, I finished mending 'Enry last night, and went off to do some clays today.


    After about 80 cartridges, the action bar broke again, at the repair. Looks like I didn't get sufficient weld penetration :( The fillet I had added on the inside hadn't dug into the tube properly either.


    Back to the drawing board!


    I'll have to try again, and put a reinforcing plate over the outside, which I will have to then let into the fore end.


    Need to get this done before the 11th of November!


    So who is up for it, I think the consensus was to wait until after the summer probably around October or November..



    "So who's up for it?"


    That would be... me!


    November, weekends works best for me...

  5. Have a look on the Shotgunworld forum, specifically the I Love My Baikal sub-forum - this question gets asked frequently, and there is a local on there who goes by the handle of Humpty Dumpty, who is something of an authority on Russian shotguns.

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