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Posts posted by CaptainBeaky

  1. i potentially agree. but what happens if we click the wrong like?

    would we have an alternate ? a "dis-like?"

    If a "like" button is enabled, then it usually changes to "unlike" after you click it, allowing to reverse your decision.

  2. Clays and rabbits here.

    It might not be potentially as good as an o/u or a self-loader for clays, and I take your point about breaking the rhythm when you rack the slide, but it's such fun!

    The only comments 'Enry the 'iggins has attracted at the local clay shoot have been of the, "that's in good nick - how old is it?" variety.

    Plus clearing a stand that folks with all the right gear are struggling with has a similar grin-factor to doing it with the traditional 'Baikal held together with baler twine' :D

  3. ...By all accounts the current batch are the best ever with great tolerances and fit. Expensive but well worth it! ...

    You do know you're not helping here, don't you? ;)

    I'm still lusting after a BPS - the last thing I need is another expensive item on the wish list! :D

  4. One thing worth thinking about is if something was to happen to President Trump there would not be another election the vice president Mike Pence would take his place as happened when Kennedy was shot and who knows what he would be like. I think that the CIA are good at keeping there president safe so it would not be simple to shoot him as people think if it was why would so many bad people still be alive.

    I believe it is the Secret Service who keep the President alive - they work for the Treasury, not the CIA.

  5. I'm confused,


    What do you mean by verified?


    You are already posting and getting answers so I don't know what you mean?


    Didn't you receive the Gold Foil Wrapped Chocolate Hobnob?



    I never received mine either...



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